Kolega alias kada atpl nema brodove možete li nam navesti koliko ih ima golden ocean koji toliko hvalite koji ima Enterprise value skoro 2 milijarde dolara i koji je također napravio niz transakcija sa leasing kućama vjerojatno identičnim kućama sa identičnim ugovorima kao i atpl
Naravno da su po istim uvjetima te dvije kompanije ugovorile leasing brodova :). I GOGL je napravio sell and lease back 2015. godine, kad je prosjek BDI-a bio najnizi uopce. Bar mislim. Dakle, kad je bilo gusto gusto. A pogledaj uvjete po kojima su dobili lovu i onda mi reci dal smatras da su dobro prošli:
"The vessels are named Golden Beijing, Golden Zhoushan, Golden Magnum, Battersea, Belgravia, Golden Zheijang, Golden Future and KSL China and were built in Korea and China between 2009 and 2013. The total acquisition price will be $272 million, or $34 million average per vessel. The vessels are expected to be delivered to Ship Finance within July 2015, subject to customary closing conditions.
The vessels will be chartered on time-charter basis to a subsidiary of Golden Ocean for a period of 10 years. The daily base charter rate will be $17,600 during the first seven years, and $14,900 thereafter. In addition, there will be a 33% profit share for revenues above the base rate, calculated and paid on a quarterly basis. Golden Ocean will have a purchase option after year 10 of $112 million enbloc, and if such option is not exercised, Ship Finance will have the option to extend the charters by 3 years at $14,900 per day.
Golden Ocean has also reached agreements with several of its yards to delay the construction of the newbuilding contracts with about 75 months on aggregate basis. This will postpone capital expenditure and possible cash burn on sailing vessels as the market is currently below cash break even."
Dakle, uvjeti su katastrofa. Banka ce im naplacivati po 17.600$ po danu sljedecih 7 godina. Tebi je to malo? Pa prosjek je ovih 6 godina bio puno puno niži. Znaci, totalno gube lovu na ovim brodovima. Jel vi mislite da banke rade sell and lease back da izgube novac?