Na Optimi se govorilo o otporu i podršci, support i resistance
To su u konačnici dvije linije koje se povuku, iznad i ispod barova... a u pozadini to izgleda ovako
A. Elder
When the market stays flat for a while, traders get used to buying near the lower edge of its range, and selling or even shorting near the upper edge. When an uptrend begins, bears who sold short feel a great deal of pain. At the same time bulls feel an intense regret they didn't buy more. Both are determined to buy if the market declines to the breakout point and gives them a second chance to cover shorts or to get long. The pain of bears and regret of bulls makes them eager to buy, creating support during reactions in an uptrend
Iza svake linije koju povučemo krije se ljudsko ponašanje , vođeno emocijama