Na žalost, ili na sreću, liječimo se po načelu solidarnosti, tako da sretniji dobiju manje nego su platili, a nesretniji više. Paradoksalno
Tako da - Ja hoću.... mački o rep
Za to postoje privatni osiguravatelji čija će premija biti znatno viša. Pa čak i tamo ne ide - Ja hoću, nego meni je potrebno
Niste Lud, sve je moguće i dešava se.
-COVID-19’s incubation period lasts up to 14 days. If you have the virus, it takes time to build up in your system. Early testing can result in samples that don’t contain enough of the virus’ genetic material to show a positive result. A COVID-19 test is limited in that it represents only a snapshot in time. A negative PCR test for COVID-19 does not mean that an individual is free of infection, but rather that, at that particular moment, the sample did not contain viral levels at a high enough concentration to be measured as a positive.