I onda netko kaze turizam ove godine evo englezi i kad izadju iz karantene nakon mjesec, dva sljede i dalje mjere radi kontrole sirenja virusa da se opet ne bi prosirila zaraza nakon cega ce ovisno o situaciji popustat s mjerama racunaju od 3 do 6 mjeseci, to sigurno ne ukljucuje putovanje preko granice kako se kome prohtije tek tako, znace best case scenario 3 mjeseca po njima ali realnost je da ce bit i duze od toga sta se tice kontrole, a to je vec onda 1.7 base line, ovo je jednako kladjenju ulagat u turizam ove godine.
Dr Harries said the government would review the lockdown measures for the first time in three weeks.
But she warned the public: "We must not then suddenly revert to our normal way of living. That would be quite dangerous."
She continued: "If we stop then all of our efforts will be wasted and we could potentially see a second peak.
"So over time, probably over the next six months, we will have a three-week review. We will see where we are going.
"We need to keep that lid on - and then gradually we will be able to hopefully adjust some of the social distancing measures and gradually get us all back to normal.
"Three weeks for review, two or three months to see whether we have really squashed it but about three to six months ideally, and lots of uncertainty in that, but then to see at which point we can actually get back to normal."
But Dr Harries also said it was "plausible" that it could further than that.