Display MoreChina saw electricity consumption exceed 8.3 trillion kilowatt-hours in 2021, up 10.3 percent from 2020, the National Energy Administration said on Monday.
- China Dec coal imports at 30.95 mln T, down 11.7% m/m
- China 2021 coal imports at 323.22 mln T, highest since 2013
- China inventories at utilities falling
China, the world's biggest coal miner and consumer, produced 384.67 million tonnes of the fossil fuel last month, up 7.2 per cent year-on-year, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Monday.
For the full year of 2021, output touched 4.07 billion tonnes, up 4.7 per cent on the previous year.Znači imali smo
-rast potrošnje energije 10.3% za razdoblje 21/20
-rast uvoza ugljena 6.6% na 323 mt za isto razdoblje
-rast kineske proizvodnje ugljena 4.7% na 4070 mt
E ovo me zanimalo. Znaci buduci da ocekujem znacajni dodatni rast potrosnje struje u Kini u svakoj narednoj godini zbog elektrifikacije prometa ocito je da im to dizanje domace proizvodnje ugljena nece biti dovoljno..