- A.P. Moller-Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd consider sending ships around Africa
- 238 vessels were queued up Thursday, up from 186 Wednesday, according to Bloomberg data
- Ever Given has not moved and operations to re-float were still ongoing earlier in the afternoon, according to Inchcape Shipping Services
još sad na ovu cijelu situaciju samo fali da se aktiviraju Gvinejski pirati 😅
još sad na ovu cijelu situaciju samo fali da se aktiviraju Gvinejski pirati 😅
Thu Mar 18 11:01:31 CET 2021
Denmark has deployed the 'Ivar Huitfeldt' to the Gulf of Guinea, where it will contribute to the fight against pirates. The waters can currently be described as the most dangerous in the world with pirate attacks and kidnappings. The frigate can help to deter the pirates from attacking or, if an attack happens and the crew managed to escape to the citadel, can subsequently come to their rescue. It also has the political effect sending the signal that Denmark takes piracy seriously. In addition, it sends a signal to the other countries that have naval efforts in the Gulf of Guinea that Denmark also supports them. The Minister of Defense, Trine Bramsen, has long worked to get more countries to participate in the work of fighting pirates in the area, so that all ships can feel safer, but so far without success. Three Danish merchant ships have been attacked by pirates in the area in recent months. The number of pirate attacks in the area was on a record high in 2020 with a total of 195 incidents in which up to 150 sailors were kidnapped.
Panamax 4 Time Charter Average
Spot 24167
MTD 20799
YTD. 16742
Supramax 10 Time Charter Average
Spot 22227
MTD 22210
YTD. 16321
Handysize 7 Time Charter Average
Spot 23183
MTD 22306
YTD. 16246
United States President Joe Biden said on Thursday that China is investing three times more than the US in infrastructure as he made the case for his next major initiative.
Speaking at his first formal press conference as president, Biden told reporters he will unveil the details of his ambitious infrastructure bill on Friday in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "It’s the place where we’ll be able to significantly increase American productivity," he remarked.
Biden's infrastructure bill could come with a price tag as high as $4 trillion according to reports. Earlier this week, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the Biden administration's infrastructure package will require tax hikes.
To je ono sto trubim cijelo vrijeme.
Kad Amerika krene idu ne kejpovi na 100k nego panamaxi.
The high container freight rates have already meant that many cargoes of American agricultural commodities have been rejected by container shippers and had to be shipped as dry bulk. An even tighter container supply situation could contribute to even more cargoes being directed towards the dry bulk sector with beneficial effects for the tonnage demand. https://www.breakwaveadvisors.com/insights/2021/…l-supply-chains
Shipyard berths vanish for 2023 newbuilding deliveries
Big bulker and second wave of containership newbuildings mop up Chinese and South Korean slots https://www.tradewindsnews.com/shipyards/ship…ries/2-1-985975
Shipyard berths vanish for 2023 newbuilding deliveries
Big bulker and second wave of containership newbuildings mop up Chinese and South Korean slots https://www.tradewindsnews.com/shipyards/ship…ries/2-1-985975
sjajna vijest,jedna od onih koja će učiniti razliku u budućnosti,a moguće i jako veliku razliku.
ovo sa explozijom vozarina za kontejneraše je as na desetku jer će ugrabiti najveći dio slotova,ukrasti ih dry bulkerima pred nosom.
što će produžiti odgodu rasta orderbooka.
sada kada su brodogradilišta popunjenja otvara se prostor i za rast cijena novogradnji i to znači da će se otvariti i dodatni prostor za rast SH,a i posljedice neće izostati
u skladu sa slobodom izbora
To je ono sto trubim cijelo vrijeme.
Kad Amerika krene idu ne kejpovi na 100k nego panamaxi.
neka budu pmaxi ništa posebno 50k i ja potpisujem.
iako ni ova tvoja prognoza nije nemoguća,zašto?
ako su kinezi sa 500 mlrd $ u 2020 iz pepela uzdigli u nebo dry bulk što možemo očekivati sa
sinergijom amera za početak barem duplo više u infrastrukturu + po najnovijoj najavi dodatno i bitno više,indija je već najavila isto 500 milrd$ u sljedećih nekoliko godina,europa 1,1 trilion,japan 700 mlrd$ + svi ostali....
super stvar od svega svi u isto vrijeme,ovo nije viđeno od 2. sv rata
još bolja od uzper stvari je orderbook na povijesnom min.
a šlag na tortu će biti EEXI regulativa koja će ili izrezati brodove ili ih usporiti i to sve prije nego teoretski počne stizati pojačana isporuka.
za to vrijeme demand će ludovati.
majka svih oluja na horizontu?
setup je tu još da vidimo performance
time will tell
Opet... Sto se dogadja u singularnoj tocci gdje je utilizacija 100%? Ili 110%?? Gdje 10% tonaze naprosto NEMA. Ima li netko odgovor na to?
Opet... Sto se dogadja u singularnoj tocci gdje je utilizacija 100%? Ili 110%?? Gdje 10% tonaze naprosto NEMA. Ima li netko odgovor na to?
Szif, Zaba i Otp nemaju dionice jel su one na sigurnom?
Opet... Sto se dogadja u singularnoj tocci gdje je utilizacija 100%? Ili 110%?? Gdje 10% tonaze naprosto NEMA. Ima li netko odgovor na to?
ako i nema odgovora zar je potrebno dočekati da bi znali?
nije li i ovih 90tak% kojima svjedočimo dokaz na dokaze iz kojeg je lako izvući koji je najizgledniji scenarij.
kako je nekolicina nas upozoravala dominantno generale prošlosti prije koji mjesec kada su se silili biti sljepi pored zdravih očiju preko svake mjere,kada su ispaljivali svoja očekivanja,najavljivali "ništa posebno",da je vrlo tanka linija balansa između demanda i supplya,da i najmanji prelazak preko te linije izaziva tektonske poremečaje,baš onakve kakvima svjedočimo zar ne?
a bilo je već tada nemalo dokaza na dokaze,prezentiranih,argumentiranih,sve je dokumentirano....
zanimljivo da ti isti danas si daju za pravo i da im se tolerira javno držanje prodika,moraliziranje drugih,dociranje drugima usprkos dugo neviđenom promašaju kada je dry bulk u pitanju....
dovoljno je da avg kinez poželi kupiti kilu mesa više i nastaje raspašoj na grainu,soy...
dovoljno je da kinezi odluče malo podići ekonomiju kroz infrastrukturu i čuda se dešavaju....
dovojno da zapuše jedna pješčana oluja i nasukani brod izazove histeriju....
bilo bi mudro za avg invetitora koji želi biti general budućnosti staviti na papir što je to što nas u kratkom vremenskom okviru
očekuje ili vrlo izgledno očekuje.
da se pokuša na temelju ovih "mali" poremečaja i njihovih posljedica pokuša izvući posljedice onog što sljedi na strani demanda i supplya pri istovremenoj neizbježnoj primjeni novih regulativa pa će biti bitno više zadovoljstva sa investiranjem....
možda i griješim,nebi bilo.....
kina je i dalje najvažniji faktor iz kojeg dolazi demand,ne pokazuje znakove usporavanja a samo je pitanje "dana" kada će se ostatak svijeta pridružiti sa stimulusima koji će i u praksi značajnije podići demand
#China's most actively traded #steel rebar futures contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange, for May delivery, gained up to 3% to hit 4,943 yuan per tonne, the highest level since Aug 2011.
Chinese Factor Boosting Container Shipping and Dry Bulk
The high demand for dry bulk ships at the start of this year is also reflected in fast rising asset values. For example, a 15-year-old panamax ship is now worth 47.4% more than it was on January 1 2021, an increase of almost $4m. https://splash247.com/secondhand-bul…e-hands-so-far/ https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/second-hand-bu…e-hands-so-far/
China iron ore futures up for third day on strong demand, supply worries https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/china-iron-ore…supply-worries/
China plans to be transport powerhouse, fueling GDP growth
The ministry will implement major engineering projects and key transportation missions listed in the country’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), which emphasized that China should upgrade high-speed railway and rail equipment manufacturing.
“The growth of infrastructure input might slow down a bit this year as a result of inflation and rapid GDP growth, but it will likely accelerate again next year to support the economy. In total, incremental infrastructure input from 2021 to 2025 should reach a record high,” Tian Yun, vice director of the Beijing Economic Operation Association, told the Global Times on Wednesday. https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/china-plans-to…ing-gdp-growth/
Panamax and supramax freight rates may get Suez boost
Freight rates for the panamax and supramax segment is likely to boost due to the Suez Canal closure as prolonged delay could lengthen voyages and further tightened vessel supply for the segments https://lloydslist.maritimeintelligence.informa.com/LL1136258/Pana…-get-Suez-boost
Opet up. Nema majci...
The trade sees U.S.corn plantings at 93.2 million acres, up 2.6% from 2020 and up 1.3% from USDA's Ag Outlook. Soybeans are seen at 90 million, up 8.3% from 2020 but identical to the outlook number. Wheat would be up 1.4% from 2020.
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Haha, malo zezancije shorteri u panici pribjegavaju ekstremnim mjerama
Bill Ackman’s Yacht Still Blocking Major Trade Route Until He Can Close Out Short Position