bdi +1% 1727
cape down
pnmx down
supre +9.1% ( bravo za supre)
handy +3.6%
Freight futures am update Capesize down ~2%
Panamax up ~2% -
Weekly Vessel Valuations Report, February 23 2020
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YTD- 14514
YTD- 12965
u nedostatku nećeg imalo smislenog što bi podržalo wishfull thinking iz kategorije "ništa posebno"
dobro dođe i oluja u čaši vode u vidu:
dali ti isti znaju koliko je i ova najava ispred zakonskog roka ili mogu li usporediti taj najavljeni datum ATPL za objavu revidiranog god izvješća sa prošlogodišnje objavljenim datumom od adrs,ernt,adpl......
a možda ih muči ta odgoda jer će tih mjesec dana značiti još 4x weekly rast SH pa
i zadnje drvce od kojeg bi mi trebali ne vidjeti šumu pada u vodu?
do sada je to bilo 1-2% weekly..
a kad smo već kod SH pogledajmo što to toliko žulja ništa posebno NEinvestitore u atpl
pa i posljedično odgoda revidiranog izvješća.
brojevi govore više od riječi pa zaključite sami.
usporedba na današnji dan 2011-2020 sa 2021.
"ništa posebno",vrlo posebno ili iznimno posebno prosudite sami.
Still reflecting strong #steelprices, #ironoreprices in the Chinese spot market have maintained their current uptrend, reaching an all-time high of $200/mt for the Brazilian sinter feed fines of 65 percent iron contents, CFR China.
https://t.co/IYPvFV7M3G?amp=1 -
Snažan rast Belships ASA - Report 4th quarter 2020 https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2…arter-2020.html https://ml-eu.globenewswire.com/Resource/Downl…b9-da1d94d4b781 https://ml-eu.globenewswire.com/Resource/Downl…d5-5d6c511d28eb
Jedan tekst o perspektivi dry bulka u blizoj buducnosti.
Handysizes may see second-best market 'since Vikings' https://www.tradewindsnews.com/bulkers/handys…ings/2-1-968786
Danas opet silovit rast svih osim kejpova.
A i to ce uskoro.
Danas opet silovit rast svih osim kejpova.
A i to ce uskoro.
Strpljen spasen
Danas opet silovit rast svih osim kejpova.
A i to ce uskoro.
Strpljen spasen
supramax opet dobro potegnuo https://en.sse.net.cn/indices/fdinew2.jsp
The coming supercycle? https://splash247.com/splash-extra-the-coming-supercycle/ Plenty of indicators are flashing green. Are we at the start of a commodities bull-run, and by extension a boom for shipping? https://splash247.com/supercycle-clickbait-or-reality/
Handysize bulk carriers have traded up for 30 days straight, something not seen in any bulk segment since the supercycle days of 2003 to 2008. “It’s not just handies, as panamaxes are flying as well in recent weeks” https://splash247.com/handies-up-for-30-consecutive-days/
Handysize bulk carriers have traded up for 30 days straight, something not seen in any bulk segment since the supercycle days of 2003 to 2008. “It’s not just handies, as panamaxes are flying as well in recent weeks” https://splash247.com/handies-up-for-30-consecutive-days/
Lorentzen & Stemoco Research last week upgraded its projected average earnings for handies in 2021 from $9,500 a day to a very profitable $14,000 a day.👍👍👍
BMTI Handy Bulk Market Update (24 Feb 2021) https://www.bmti-report.com/bmti-handy-bul…te-24-feb-2021/
Dodje mi da kupim u sebe nakon ovih najava 😉 brutalno sto nas ocekuje. Napokon, heureka ...
BDI 1709
cape down
pnmx down
supre up 4.5%
handy up 4.1%