Evo današnje izvješće Cleavesa.
Bulk Four Coal 2014 76.822 DWT 76.822 SPP Sacheon SY 2021-tra-28 USD 21,00 Four Handy Ltd. Greek interests
Bulk Peak Proteus 2013 82.158 DWT 82.158 Tsuneishi Zosen 2021-tra-28 USD 21,00 Defender Holding Greek interests
Bulk Ranhil 2015 81.048 DWT 81.048 CSC Jinling Shipyard 2021-tra-19 USD 23,50 Delta Shipping Clients of Castor Maritime
Evo sta jedan CEO kaze za godinu
but the “world” decided that Q1 was going to be terrible for dry bulk shipping, right. And what I mean by that is, you get all the big grain companies, all the big mining people, they not only kept themselves short of tonnage, they doubled down and took third party business often at a discount to the market. And you have also a lot of these, the operators, that took positions in the same way and so now they struggle to reverse their position. And a lot of it was historic, that the people looked at it and said this is what it was last year, the year before, etc.
I mean, people get comfortable with the status quo and a lot of companies have kept themselves short, right, because they think they could always find a ship. And, but you get an environment that's going on right now and it's not that easy. And if you have an old, let's say, if you're a commodity trader, whatever the commodity is and you are short on the freight, then you're in a world of hurt, right. I can give you one example of this big aluminum company that they run things in one of their trades, and they've always managed in recent years to get what they wanted. So they kept themselves that way. And now it's going to cost them $25 million or $30 million extra for ocean freight. That's what's going to happen this year.
And so you can multiply that because that's what's going on and if you have, again, a go back to people like the grain companies who are basically their traders in the end, in the trading paper positions, and their makeup is set, they're short by nature of tonnage, and they try to work around it. But then you double down and not only you have your own short position, then you have additional cargo you've taken on at terrible rates. So, it's like turning around a supertanker when you're really on the wrong side of it, you can't, it's hard to be nimble. We -- our structure allows us to be to be pretty nimble, and take advantage of these things. But yeah, there are a whole lot of people that were short, that have to change their position. And it's good for the general shipping industry, it's good for the commodities that have all risen if we look at the price of iron ore, China, it's double what it was, and so on and so forth around the world. You also come to a situation now where are you going to have inflation, that's always a good thing for shipping. And that could take place I mean, I think they would like to have that happen, because you can pay back your debt in cheaper dollars. But, all the things are lining up together. For a better market for the foreseeable future.
And just one final point is if you wanted to build a new bulk carrier, talk about 2024 because the container ship guys have a lot -- have ordered so many ships to be built and I'm not an expert in that market but that's what they've done. It's better for the shipyards to do more complicated ships, they make more margin. So if you want to actually build a ship, a bulk carrier, it's going to be a long time before you get one. So that is also going to help the balance of supply and demand.
ajmo promatrat
Evo sta jedan CEO kaze za godinu
but the “world” decided that Q1 was going to be terrible for dry bulk shipping, right. And what I mean by that is, you get all the big grain companies, all the big mining people, they not only kept themselves short of tonnage, they doubled down and took third party business often at a discount to the market. And you have also a lot of these, the operators, that took positions in the same way and so now they struggle to reverse their position. And a lot of it was historic, that the people looked at it and said this is what it was last year, the year before, etc.
I mean, people get comfortable with the status quo and a lot of companies have kept themselves short, right, because they think they could always find a ship. And, but you get an environment that's going on right now and it's not that easy. And if you have an old, let's say, if you're a commodity trader, whatever the commodity is and you are short on the freight, then you're in a world of hurt, right. I can give you one example of this big aluminum company that they run things in one of their trades, and they've always managed in recent years to get what they wanted. So they kept themselves that way. And now it's going to cost them $25 million or $30 million extra for ocean freight. That's what's going to happen this year.
And so you can multiply that because that's what's going on and if you have, again, a go back to people like the grain companies who are basically their traders in the end, in the trading paper positions, and their makeup is set, they're short by nature of tonnage, and they try to work around it. But then you double down and not only you have your own short position, then you have additional cargo you've taken on at terrible rates. So, it's like turning around a supertanker when you're really on the wrong side of it, you can't, it's hard to be nimble. We -- our structure allows us to be to be pretty nimble, and take advantage of these things. But yeah, there are a whole lot of people that were short, that have to change their position. And it's good for the general shipping industry, it's good for the commodities that have all risen if we look at the price of iron ore, China, it's double what it was, and so on and so forth around the world. You also come to a situation now where are you going to have inflation, that's always a good thing for shipping. And that could take place I mean, I think they would like to have that happen, because you can pay back your debt in cheaper dollars. But, all the things are lining up together. For a better market for the foreseeable future.
And just one final point is if you wanted to build a new bulk carrier, talk about 2024 because the container ship guys have a lot -- have ordered so many ships to be built and I'm not an expert in that market but that's what they've done. It's better for the shipyards to do more complicated ships, they make more margin. So if you want to actually build a ship, a bulk carrier, it's going to be a long time before you get one. So that is also going to help the balance of supply and demand.
it's going to be a long time before you get one. So that is also going to help the balance of supply and demand.
Da tu je poanta
ajmo promatrat
Izvrstan clanak. Nadam se da su ga procitali i nasi "fond menadzeri". :))
"Tržište također privlači i podršku fond menadžera koji traže imovinu koja će profitirati od ubrzanja oporavka globalnog gospodarstva, a može ujedno poslužiti i kao štit od inflacije."
ajmo promatrat
Izvrstan clanak. Nadam se da su ga procitali i nasi "fond menadzeri". :))
"Tržište također privlači i podršku fond menadžera koji traže imovinu koja će profitirati od ubrzanja oporavka globalnog gospodarstva, a može ujedno poslužiti i kao štit od inflacije."
Bas ga pogadjaju rasprodali Atpl na dnu, a shipping je dobra zastita od inflacije
Izvrstan clanak. Nadam se da su ga procitali i nasi "fond menadzeri". :))
"Tržište također privlači i podršku fond menadžera koji traže imovinu koja će profitirati od ubrzanja oporavka globalnog gospodarstva, a može ujedno poslužiti i kao štit od inflacije."
Bas ga pogadjaju rasprodali Atpl na dnu, a shipping je dobra zastita od inflacije
Ipak smo mi u Lijepoj našoj...tu stvari funkcioniraju malo drugačije....privatni interes iznad javnog.....čim se namiriše da bi moglo biti rasta odmah papirići pređu u privatne ručice.....mnogi to još nisu shvatili pa ne znaju iskoristiti situaciju kad se pojavi.
Ljudi su se već toliko u zadnjih 12-13 godina naučili na pad cijena dionica ko magarac na batine, da više i ne vjeruju da dionice mogu i rasti. Ako doista dođe do brutalnog rasta brodara, mnogi iz straha neće niti ući, a još više će bit onih koji će puno prerano izaći i neće ostvariti sav potencijal rasta koji je moguć u takvoj situaciji euforije. Već viđeno, doduše davne 2007., ali pametniji ljudi kažu da se povijest ponavlja. Rijetki su tada dočekali cijene iznad 3500 kn, a upravo su ti najviše zaradili.
Sve je moguće, samo nek brodari krenu gomilatu dobit od ovakvih vozarina, ULPL je dobrano krenula, ATPL se zagrijava a JDPL za sad kaska. Ali ako ovakve vozarine potraju otpustit će se kočnice, moraju.
Bas ga pogadjaju rasprodali Atpl na dnu, a shipping je dobra zastita od inflacije
očito analitičari još uvijek nisu uskladili tablice, jer im na buy/strong buy očito još uvijek stoje neki sektori koji su dobro "kurili" prije promijenjenih okolnosti.
bitno da ide naknada za "upravljanje" portfelja, prinosi su ionako tu nebitna stavka.
već viđeno x puta, pogotovo na našoj burzi 🤷
Bas ga pogadjaju rasprodali Atpl na dnu, a shipping je dobra zastita od inflacije
očito analitičari još uvijek nisu uskladili tablice, jer im na buy/strong buy očito još uvijek stoje neki sektori koji su dobro "kurili" prije promijenjenih okolnosti.
bitno da ide naknada za "upravljanje" portfelja, prinosi su ionako tu nebitna stavka.
već viđeno x puta, pogotovo na našoj burzi 🤷
Uskladit će oni kad dođe na 2 ili 3 puta višu cijenu od ove.....
ajmo promatrat
Izvrstan clanak. Nadam se da su ga procitali i nasi "fond menadzeri". :))
"Tržište također privlači i podršku fond menadžera koji traže imovinu koja će profitirati od ubrzanja oporavka globalnog gospodarstva, a može ujedno poslužiti i kao štit od inflacije."
Cini se da su neki ipak procitali. :)) A i mene opet malo povuklo. :)) Di je ona zlocesti? Uopce me ne cuva. :)) Ajde nacrtaj. :))
Kakvo razbijanje... Idemo dalje.
cape up 5.8%
Capesize index +6% to $43k/d
Ukrcaj na raketu sa perona broj 8
Zovi netko brzo Elon Muska, da vidi kako ovo polijeće.
Možda to može iskoristiti za SpaceX
Freight futures am update Capesize up ~7%
Panamax up ~5% -
BCI timecharter 5 T/C routes 180000 42959 2351
BPI timecharter 5 T/C routes 82500 24515 470
BSI timecharter 10 T/C routes 58328 23433 -148
BHSI timecharter 7 T/C routes 38200 20809 202
BDI 3157 +104
BCI timecharter 5 T/C routes 180000 42959 2351
BPI timecharter 5 T/C routes 82500 24515 470
BSI timecharter 10 T/C routes 58328 23433 -148
BHSI timecharter 7 T/C routes 38200 20809 202
BDI 3157 +104
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