Baltic Capesize index +6% to $10,951 Capesize FFAs rallying this morning, with Jan +13% vs yesterday's close to $10,900/d
ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)
Australia’s Fortescue Metals Group Ltd expects iron ore demand to be strong next year thanks to a solid Chinese steel market and post-pandemic recoveries in other countries, a senior company executive said.
Iron ore prices soared this month towards $150 a tonne.....…teel-next-year/
Balanced supply and demand in seaborne thermal coal market driving prices up…atts-analytics/
Baltic Capesize index +6% to $10,951 Capesize FFAs rallying this morning, with Jan +13% vs yesterday's close to $10,900/d
To je to. Očekivano.
Freight futures am update Capesize up ~8%
Panamax up ~1% -
Freight as a % of the iron ore price is at its lowest level ever, at only ~8%. The historical average has been 19%, which, if applied to 150/ton iron ore, would make Capesize rates around $40,000 versus current spot prices of ~11,000.
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Sto veca cijena to ce biti veci incentive da se Brazilci ukljuce. A to znaci vise tona milja.
Iduce godine imat cemo oporavak svega, cesto nelinearan, neravnomjeran, ali svakako oporavak. A gore od ovog ne moze.
Zato se i veselimo 2021.
Jučer su se vani brodari zelenili prosječno cca 3%. Ajde da vidimo hoće li se to prenjeti i na naše lađare😆.
FFA Tone: Capes seeing firmer levels again this morning powered by much better than expected index. Panamax flat
with few sellers at last done while smax well supported on nearby Jan and q1….good volume throughoutThe content cannot be displayed because you do not have authorisation to view this content. -
Freight futures am update Capesize up ~8%
Panamax up ~1%friški update: Freight futures Capesize up ~3%
Panamax flat -
Kina ne prestaje saugati zeljezo, nagurali su rudacu iznad 150 USD. A svijet jos stoji. Gdje ce tek otici kad su ostali ukljuce... Sukladno rastu cijene zeljeza raste i cijena scrapa i povecava se volumen. Nastat ce savrsena oluja povecane potraznje tona milja, povecanog scrapa, tankog orderbook-a i povratka Brazila s jacim izvozom, naprosto ce dobra cijena uraditi svoje.
Kad se sve skupa zbroji, Atpl bi u 2021 mogla biti ono sto su bile Opte u 2019te Dlkv i Ingr u 2020. Stecajuse, niskoristi, ali povoljam trenutak i niska baza najcesce odrade svoje.
BDI + 2% 1235
Freight futures am update Capesize up ~6%
Panamax up ~4% -
FFA Tone: Capes once again leading the way firmer to start the week bid up early Asian and continued stronger European open…seeing good buying not only on nearby but deferred this morning. Panamax and smax both stronger as well.
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BDI + 3,1% 1273
Sretan im rodjendan.
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