Scrapping market wk 8
Scrapping market wk 8
Joakim Hannisdahl@JHannisdahlStrong sentiment amongst both crude & product tankers, but while PTs are being fixed ever higher, CT spot rates appear to be lacking real substance. Always challenging to predict near term, but wouldn't be surprised if this is a dead cat bounce🐈⬛
Momak pere te panika jer nisi navikao trgovati sa zivom lovom.
U strahu su velike oci i zanemarujes vrlo snazan rast oil demanda i neefikasnosti povezane sa ratom vrlo nizak orderbook i jos neke stvari.
Ako mi gugl ovo kvalitetno prevede zaljepim mu na twitter? 🤭
Stara drukercina mozda je sada prodala bulkere pa bi se jeftino ukrcao na tankerase😂
Vidio momak da je "vlak" krenuo?
jos novih 400k
Idemo dalje... 🌛😁
U 2022. sa 02.03.
Tankerasi +24%
Produktasice +31%
Sto cemo sa nasom sestrom trnoruzicom? Uspavanom ljepoticom na koju su zle sile magije bacile uroke?
Tpng - 5% u 2022.
Kada je budenje
Hoce li opet biti 20-30% skuplja kupovina bolja od 20-30% jeftinije?
Tpng "beats"... 🤣
Sa cijenom dionice koja je minus 35% u odnosu na sestre produktasice
The initial rate will be $16,000 per day from early this month, with the optional period at $19,000.👍
Tpng "beats"... 🤣
Sa cijenom dionice koja je minus 35% u odnosu na sestre produktasice…-mr/2-1-1177631
The initial rate will be $16,000 per day from early this month, with the optional period at $19,000.👍
Podcrtala si tih 19000 kao nesto bitno koje mogu dobit tek nakon 4 godine ako produze.
Tpng "beats"... 🤣
Sa cijenom dionice koja je minus 35% u odnosu na sestre produktasice…-mr/2-1-1177631
The initial rate will be $16,000 per day from early this month, with the optional period at $19,000.👍
Podcrtala si tih 19000 kao nesto bitno koje mogu dobit tek nakon 4 godine ako produze.
Ma sta je 4 godine za jednog dugorocnog investitora?
Tpng "beats"... 🤣
Sa cijenom dionice koja je minus 35% u odnosu na sestre produktasice…-mr/2-1-1177631
The initial rate will be $16,000 per day from early this month, with the optional period at $19,000.👍
Podcrtala si tih 19000 kao nesto bitno koje mogu dobit tek nakon 4 godine ako produze.
Podcrtano je smjer i trend u kojem se ide.
Biti ce to i puno vise od tih 19k.
Koji su tocni uvjeti ugovora sa svim podklauzulama neznam kao ni vi pa nema potrebe za zakljucke dali je i u kojoj mjeri i od koje godine vezano na spot, dali postoji opcija povecanja.
Ako vi to znate napisite ili dajte izvor da analiziramo.
U protivnom samo nagadate.
Baltic Clean Tanker | 991.00 | 56.00 | 5.99% | |||||
Baltic Dirty Tanker | 1497.00 | 31.00 | 2.11% |
Vozarine Idu dalje...
BCTI 991
To the moon🌛😁
Evercore ISI transportation analyst Jon Chappell told American Shipper: “Russian producers are still making money because the [crude] price is so high, and shipping costs are irrelevant because there’s a massive discount on [Russian] Urals crude right now, so for whoever’s buying it, who cares what you’re paying for shipping? You could pay $200,000 per day, $300,000 per day, and it wouldn’t matter.”
Six-figure-per-day rates are only being earned now by a small number of tankers loading in Northern Europe. Yet the upward rate momentum that began with shipowners’ reluctance to load Russian oil cargoes is spreading globally.
Clarksons estimated on Tuesday that rates for very large crude carriers (VLCCs; tankers that carry 2 million barrels) built in 2015 or later are $27,500 per day, up 591% week on week. It put rates for newer Suezmaxes (capacity: 1 million barrels) at $28,000 per day, up 285% week on week, and rates for newer Aframaxes at $41,800 per day, up 157% week on week. Product tanker rates are up double digits from last week.
According to Chappell: “The midsized crude carriers that operate in these regions — the Baltic, Black Sea, the Med — will see an outsized impact, but it will be a rising tide, as we’ve seen with V’s [VLCC tankers]. The TD3 [the Middle East-to-Japan index that tracks VLCC rates] jumped last week despite the fact that there’s no change in anything out of the Middle East to the Far East.”
Chappell believes broader pricing action shows that the tanker market “was a little bit tighter than people thought, in two regards. One, there’s probably not as much oversupply of tonnage as people thought, and two, the inventory situation we’ve been talking about for nine months is coming a bit more to the fore.
“You can’t really have [inventory] days of demand cover this low and have a geopolitical conflict involving one of the world’s biggest producers of oil and think that it’s not going to have a meaningful impact on commodity prices and the freight market.”
Brent crude oil jumps above $118/barrel for first time since 2013
U 2020. u prvih 60 dana
Nafta +55%🚀
"nafta i tankerasi odlican izbor u 2022."
Tko je reko jos u studenom 🐰
Nije trebalo cekati 4 godine
A nece ni na Trnoruzici(tpng)
Jos malo ce se veseliti oni koji su nedavno javno objavili prodaju pa krece plivanje za brodovima koji su otplovili🏊♂️🏊♀️
Najbrzi plivaci plivaju max do 4 knots i to na kratke pruge
Black magic i uroci popustaju
Diktator Putin s ovim nije rucao.
NO BUYERS: Russian flagship Urals crude plunges to a fresh record large discount of **minus $22.7-a-barrel** to benchmark Dated Brent. Even at such a huge discount, oil trader Trafigura found no bidders
Diktator Putin s ovim nije rucao.
NO BUYERS: Russian flagship Urals crude plunges to a fresh record large discount of **minus $22.7-a-barrel** to benchmark Dated Brent. Even at such a huge discount, oil trader Trafigura found no bidders
Koji je tek trosak cijele te pogone odrzavat ako se ne prodaje
A koji je trosak ako derivate ili naftu ukrcas a nemas ih gdje iskrcati?
Hoce li rusi kroz floating storage isusiti i zadnji slobodan tanker suplly i lansirati vozarine na mjesec🌛🔥💣
Demand zavrsetkom kovida i sam po sebi ce to uciniti.
Trnoruzica Tpng i dalje u 2022. U minusu🤣
Dok su sestre produktasice +30% u 2022.
Promatrajmo do kada ova nebuloza, parodija i tko ce zadnji plivati ili veslati za brodovima koji su otplovili 🏊♀️🏊♂️🚣♂️🏄♀️🤭
Suncor, chartered a Russian tanker to move its refined products from New York to Montreal. But guess what after loading in NY, neither Montreal nor NY now accepting it!
Evo kolegice i Musk je na vašoj strani...
Evo kolegice i Musk je na vašoj strani...
Iskreno nemam neko pozitivno misljenje o doticnom gospodinu.
Nebi da me se povezuje s njegovim imenom u istoj recenici ako je moguce
mislim da ce dionicare tsla zaviti u crno.
Uspio je svojim bajkama privuci puni vise kapitala od shippinga koji isplacuje puni vece dividende od tsla.
Ulagacki mazohizam na djelu ali ima znakova da po najavama ulagacima dolazi iz GuG.
Ruska agresija rusi sve markete i sektore ali ne rusi tankerase i bulkerase.
Kada rat stane sljedi veliki rast.
Evo sta analiticari kazu za tankerase i Trnoruzice
Kasne par mjeseci,da im posaljemo ponudu da se pretplate na nas thread?dok traje promocija i dok je jos gratis? 🤣
Idemo dalje... 🏔️🚀🌛😁
BCTI 1071
BDTI 1517
Studeni 2021.
"nafta i tankerasi odlican izbor u 2022."
Ko je reko? 🐰🤭
U 2022. u 70 dana
Nafta +85%🚀🚀
The Brent crude oil market, since the launch of futures in June 1988 to today (nominal prices). The high today was $139.13 a barrel, still below the all-time high of $147.50 a barrel set in July 2008
Idemo dalje... 🏔️🚀🌛😁
BCTI 1071
BDTI 1517
BCTI porasto 120 posto u pola godine, red bi bija i da TPNG poraste barem 50%....