Kao da nije dovoljno nevolja...
CHENNAI, Oct 8 (Reuters) - North Indian states have suffered electricity cuts and face further outages because of a lack of coal, an analysis of government data and interviews with residents found, contradicting government assurances there is enough power.
EXCLUSIVE Indian states suffer power cuts as coal stocks shrinkNorth Indian states have suffered electricity cuts and face further outages because of a lack of coal, an analysis of government data and interviews with…www.reuters.comKao da nije dovoljno nevolja...
Tek pocimlje i kina podize proizvodnju ugljena u mongoliji, sve to vodi do dodatnog naprezanja procesa i smanjenja sigurnosti jer na brzinu pokusavaju rijesit problem.
A tišine na temi danas...
Lupa se F5 na https://www.braemarscreen.com/ valjda
Ili prati vikinge
Dajte malo raketa i ugljena, pa situacija je bolja nego jučer
Chinese buyers’ continued robust demand for imported grains and oilseeds will also increase the risk of global food prices drifting ever higher as demand keeps growing.
US farmers are facing different challenges. The lingering impact of Hurricane Ida in the Gulf of Mexico has kept disrupting port operations, with congestion remaining high and creating bottlenecks in the supply chain inland. In addition, the collapse of a crane in Grays Harbor, which handles approximately twenty per cent of the soybean meal shipments from the US West Coast, is adding to the global supply chain disruptions. The crane repairs are expected to take several months, with vessels initially diverted to a grain terminal in Longview, Washington. The late September incident also saw an increase in congestion on the US West Coast.
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C3 48.900 $/ton -1.09
C5 21.336 $/ton -1.555
C7 29.625 $/ton -0.225
BCI 5TC 83865 -3088 (as expected)
A tišine na temi danas...
Lupa se F5 na https://www.braemarscreen.com/ valjda
Ili prati vikinge
Dajte malo raketa i ugljena, pa situacija je bolja nego jučer
Nisam pratio. Kaj je bilo jučer?
Koliki je bdi danas?
BDI se objavljuje u 14:00
Uglavnom danas ce pasti 1-2 posto BDI.
BDI 5526 (-124)
10112 (-373)
3866 (-18)
3417 (+13)
2015 (+6)
Idemo dalje...., ako je netko sumnjao??
Significant Post Golden Week Strength in China
Special China Update
- We will have more about China's return from Golden Week in our next Weekly Dry Bulk Report and Weekly China Report, but wanted to publish an update this morning as various prices have seen significant strength today and as electricity generation has recently strengthened. Steel prices in China are up by approximately 1.5% from before the holiday. Domestic thermal coal prices are up by approximately 9% and have set another record. Coastal coal freight rates are up by approximately 29.5%. In addition, the Evergrande situation has still not had any tangible impact on spot commodity demand or the shipping market, and it remains clear in our view that the government does not want a sudden collapse in the housing market and will continue to work on fostering more moderate growth. Also of note is Chinese equity prices have risen by approxiamtely 1% and SHIBOR lending rates have been lowered. Finally, of note in the electricity market is that the State Grid has reported that from October 1- 6, average daily electricity generation increased year-on-year by approximately 16%. Sentiment in global equity markets and commodity markets remains jittery over China, but China is actually showing significant strength.
The Global Economy: Dark Clouds on the Horizon — Breakwave AdvisorsThe energy crisis isn't the only dark cloudwww.breakwaveadvisors.com
Ne samo da ce se voziti cumura u narednim mjesecima nego ocekujem i pojacanu voznju iduce godine da se ne ponovi ovakav crunch. Renewables su ionako jaaako dugorocna prica. I nestabilna.
Baltic Exchange Dry Index is expected to trade at 5426.77 points by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate it to trade at 4816.33 in 12 months time.
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Seli se lova u dry bulk...................... https://finansavisen.no/nyheter/shippi…om-til-shipping
Krenuli jaki... Čak njih 6 iz TOP 20 zadnja dva mjeseca dokupljuje i 1 novi u TOP 20 ....Evo šta kažu norvežani................ google prijevod ................ Haakon Morten Sæter je prvi put u jako dugo vremena u tvrtki na listi 20 najboljih, s 520.000 dionica! On je naš FLOKI.........
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Kažu Redditovci: Ajmo prestići BDI...........
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što, Jasko, na ove tri? ili inače?
meni bi pasalo da malo GOGL jače potegne
a i SB također!
Javite o kojima pisu na Redditu, da ih kupimo
Bas pratim i crvene se vani vec 2. dan, a i meni se portfelj smanjuje. Zna li tko zasto padaju?
NM - That 7.375% bond due 1/15/2022 keeps inching up toward par - a couple of trades today for a million each right around $97.75
It began the year around $52…Znam da cu se ureci ali nekim divnim cudom NM jedini odolijeva ovom crvenilu na brodarima. Par tisuca komada u njem je ocito dobra luka ovih dana.
Blagi minus na ZIMu. Ali ide to gore brzo.
NM - That 7.375% bond due 1/15/2022 keeps inching up toward par - a couple of trades today for a million each right around $97.75
It began the year around $52…Znam da cu se ureci ali nekim divnim cudom NM jedini odolijeva ovom crvenilu na brodarima. Par tisuca komada u njem je ocito dobra luka ovih dana.
Blagi minus na ZIMu. Ali ide to gore brzo.
Evo ja sam ZIM počeo grickati danas... Već je par puta napravila cijena rebound prema $46 i $47. Tako da vjerujem da je okret trenda u tijeku. Već sam malo u plusu...