BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 61683 1968
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 35947 300
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 36838 121
BHS 7 T/C routes 38200 34486 271
BDI INDEX 4651 +91
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 61683 1968
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 35947 300
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 36838 121
BHS 7 T/C routes 38200 34486 271
BDI INDEX 4651 +91
izašao neki članak na SA
usporedba cijele grupe NAvios Maritime
ispada da je bolje kupiti (trenutno!) NM nego NMM, nešto oko mogućih poslovnih kombinacija (tko koga stječe i/li se s kime spaja)
kažu da je lako moguće da se dioničari NMM razvodne, a NM-u zbog ponovnog pokretanja ciklusa u dry bulkerima više ne prijeti opasnost od stečaja
može li netko ovo potvrditi da sam razumio članak? Aliasa više nema, a one je pratio NMM
sorry kaj gnjavim ali zadnje vrijeme se dosta bavim bulkerima, kažu da će razdoblje viših vozarina trajati godinama...
Jel poceo superciklus zna li se sta, ili da jos cekamo?
Superciklus je počeo, al mnogi još to ne kuže. Kad će se počet naveliko pisat o tome, tada će se već odigravati posljednji čin, jer mi koji smo to već sad skužili, morat ćemo se nekome istovarit.
Predlažem stoga da još čekate.
Nemojte mi zahvaljivati. Molim.
Dry bulk fleet growth: This seems to be staying tight for a while...
Source: Jefferies
Rebar inventories fell for a seventh week. According to the latest data by Mysteel, total rebar inventories currently stood at 9.83 mil tonnes, down 5.2% from a week ago. Production also fell sharply this week by 11.78% due to ongoing curbs on steel output
Shipping rates may be rising, but they are “not super yet,”
Dry bulk shipping rates surged this year as the global economy bounced back and commodity demand recovered.
“Is it a supercycle? Well, I would say not yet, but it has the potential to become one,” said Mark Williams, managing director of Shipping Strategy, a maritime consultancy.
A so-called supercycle refers to a sustained period of high and increasing prices, typically driven by strong demand and low supply.
Izgleda da je potražnja zaista velika, a slobodni slotovi duboko u 2024. Što to znaći za resale?
Secondhand panamaxes and kamsarmaxes sell like hot cakes https://www.tradewindsnews.com/bulkers/second…kes/2-1-1071122
Secondhand panamaxes and kamsarmaxes sell like hot cakes https://www.tradewindsnews.com/bulkers/second…kes/2-1-1071122
Jako dobre cijene SH se vrte
Angeliki Frangou company Navios Maritime Partners is on the same page as Alios, though on a much bigger scale.
The US-listed company, which has completed more than 20 sale-and-purchase deals this year to replace old vessels, is now said to have divested the 74,500-dwt Navios Altair I (built 2006) for $13.9m.
The 81,800-dwt Peak Liberty (built 2015) is said to have been committed to US-listed Globus Maritime for about $29m. Privately-held Newport SA reportedly agreed to acquire the older sistership Peak Pegasus (built 2013) for about $27.5m.
Sources close to the Greek companies have told TradeWinds, however, that no such deals have been finalised.
The $29m price tag for the Peak Liberty offers an interesting contrast to the $32m reportedly fetched by Cobelfret in a sale of its 82,000-dwt Lowlands Nello (built 2015).
Safe Bulkers sold a pair of sisterships in May to Greek peer Costamare for $22.25m each. The company confirmed on Wednesday that it sold a third ship, the 81,600-dwt Pedhoulas Fighter (built 2012), for $23.7m.
China-Japan/Pacific Round Voyage | 180000DWT | Capesize | $/day | 69760 | -593 |
Capes dial the clock back to 2008, ships being fixed for $70,000 a day https://splash247.com/capes-dial-the…or-70000-a-day/
Cashflow na cape dnevno 55- 60k pacific
Na pmax i smax 25-30k dnevno.
Bulkeri su top. Skontat ce svjetska ekipa u nekom trenutku.
A i nasa domaca😁
Pao dnevni cashflow na cape za 374$
Pacific na samo 54500-59500$😰🤧🤑
BCI 5TC 61309 -374
Bulker congestion off China boosts dry bulk rates https://lloydslist.maritimeintelligence.informa.com/LL1138288/Bulk…-dry-bulk-rates
Today: 61,309 -374
MTD avg 50,769
YTD avg 29,464 vs 2020 YTD 11,558
FFA '21 balance 41,783
At these levels a stand off is not an unexpected result. Tonnage is tight, time will show who has to cave in.
2020bulkers index vessels making +83K/day
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 61309 -374
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 36104 157
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 36948 110
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 34650 164
BDI INDEX 4644 -7
Bome da je početkom godine netko ponudio 50% ovih vozarina, mislim da bi svi rekli može
Neznam jel vec neko postao ali evo malo i dobrih vijesti iz kine nakon svih pi..rija koje su nam nedavno priustili:
On Wednesday, the Chinese cabinet accordingly approved the 2021-25 plan for infrastructure investments, which seeks to stimulate domestic demand, promote economic transformation, and increase the growth potential. According to an estimate from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the spending on infrastructure could reach 10 trillion yuan, 1.5 trillion US dollars, over the next five years