Koliko je to porast u postotku?
A gdje je raketa .
Eh, kad bih još znao smanjiti tu raketu..
Evo kolega posudit ću Vam ja koju raketu, bulkeri časte! 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Tnx kolega .
BCI $ 52908 up +14.6%
Evo dvije raketice u boji, nemojte mi što zamjeriti
Koliko je to porast u postotku?
A gdje je raketa .
Eh, kad bih još znao smanjiti tu raketu..
Evo kolega posudit ću Vam ja koju raketu, bulkeri časte! 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Tnx kolega .
BCI $ 52908 up +14.6%
Evo dvije raketice u boji, nemojte mi što zamjeriti
rmr 17 done for C5.
Rmr 35 paid for c3.
Idemo dalje... 😁
Korea i japan typhoon kiku ce povecati congestion.
The key Australia-China Capesize route jumped the most on record today, an increase of over 12,000 to almost 55k, as Super Typhoon Chanthu (kiku) is wreaking havoc on the East China Sea, causing vessel delays in an already very tight shipping market.
Idemo dalje.... 😁
The risk of an energy crunch in Europe this winter continues to rise. Stocks and supplies remain low ahead of the winter heating season starting in about a month from now.
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 52908 6736
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 33249 893
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 34982 115
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 32581 4
BDI Index 4163 +299
Raketa za mjesec na ugljen🤔😁
UK day-ahead baseload electricity prices jump to a fresh all-time high of £354 per MWh on N2EX. Intraday prices for peak demand are much, much higher.
To put into perspective, that's 700% higher than the ~£45 average 2010-2020 price
Natgas UP
Idemo dalje...😁
Nije besplatno napominjem...
Pomislio sam da ce do kraja dana ovo malo u povrat ali nastavili su jos jace medjutim ono sta je zanimljivo da se na nekim dionicama radi o poprilicno velikim prometima i to ove dvije koje se najvise narasle, npr danasnji rekorder s rastom SB 37 mil prometa to je vise od 6% kapitalizacije, SHIP 35 mil 15% kapitalizacije, ali zanimljivo je i da kontenjerasi danas nesto slabo rastu ima li to veze s padanjem retail salesa u zadnje vrijeme ?
Mozda je odgovor da sutra sljedi nastavak?
Thurlestone on Capesize:”As the week progresses we are expecting to see a significant drop off in the amount of tonnage passing Singapore as the delays caused by Typhoon Chanthu begin to bite.”
gdje nam je kapetan @migra?....pardon, zapravo general @migra.....nek se javi malo, makar i sa rezimeom da je prerano za rezime.......a bilo bi dobro da "baci" i neku pametnu.......
nije valjda da se sprijeteljio sa najdražim kolegom na forumu pa zajedno krstare cijelo ljeto?....mislim, nebi bilo fer da sami plove jel mislio sam da vrijedi moj prijedlog s početka ove godine da početkom 2022 unajmimo supru od atpl na koji dan i napravimo party na palubi........
migra i kvarkice vračajte se na forum jel dosadno je rasti bez vas........imate drugačije stilove pisanja i analiza ali trebate nam da obogatite ovaj forum jel kako sam več i rekao: dooooosadno je......samo rast a zabave i dobrih postova malo.....
naravno , hvala i kolegama koji ovdje svaki dan prenose up to date informacije......
We are enjoying the best run in bulk carrier earnings in over ten years and yet so
many people are looking for any reason to announce an imminent correction. The
lack of conviction is not so surprising as, like stock markets, we climb a wall of
worry. The extraordinary spike in bulk carrier earnings and ship values in 2007-08
was long enough ago that many young practitioners in our industry did not
experience it. Today’s excessive caution contrasts with the reckless animal spirits
that prevailed 13-14 years ago when market players pushed earnings and prices
into nosebleed territory. They happily played chicken with the market, in the full
knowledge that it would eventually come down just as fast as it had gone up.
These days, in a similarly unpredictable world, some degree of hesitancy is
understandable, and it may even help us make more sustainable gains. Last Friday,
we saw the reported the sale of a Chinese resale kamsarmax, an 85,000-dwt unit
delivering from Shanghaiguan in mid-2022, for $36m, about $2m above current
newbuilding prices. In fact, both newbuilding and resale prices are up by around
$2m since the start of Q3 as higher input costs, bumper earnings and strong
demand propel both nominal readings higher. However, in the context of the
heady days of 2007-08, these numbers are not at all remarkable. Taking a 76,000-
dwt resale panamax, nominal values peaked in November 2007 at $106m, easing
back to $87m in September 2008, the month in which Lehman collapsed, only to
crash to $46m in October. Prices hit a cyclical floor of $35m in April 2009, which
is right where we are now in price equivalent terms for a resale kamsarmax. This
provides some context and illustrates the upside potential.
Dry cargo rates remain strong led by the Cape market where benchmark voyages are excess $50,000/day and bulk carriers of all sizes are selling for higher prices.
Container vessels rates and S&P prices continue to amaze with each new reported sale. One of the most remarkable asset plays in recent
memory is the reported sale by a New York based investment firm who purchased 6 container vessels during the lows of 2017-2018 and
has flipped them for huge profits (if all 6 are indeed sold, the profits could be region $287 mill.)! It is also interesting to note that the
Seller named the ships for ex-New England Patriots football players (with the exception of the "MP THE BELICHICK" named for
Coach Belichick who is still with the Patriots)...
BHP adds 40 million tonnes to Port Hedland throughput
Since Sep 1, European gas prices are up ~20%.
another record as the global supply crunch in gas continues to add upward pressure on coal power and emissions
Britain’s last coal power stations to be paid huge sums to keep lights on