La Nina slabi............. Vrijeme je za preokret...........
Iz izvješća GOGL-a za q4:
Global tonne-mile demand is forecast to increase by 3.8% in each of 2023 and 2024, according to Maritime
Analytics. This compares favorably to a 0.9% decrease in tonne-mile demand in 2022. Market conditions are
expected to gradually improve over the course of 2023 as China’s re-opening takes hold. It is expected that a
global rebound will begin to take shape in the second half of 2023 and carry into 2024 and beyond. There is of
course uncertainty about near-term outcomes, and the pace of post-COVID normalization of Chinese demand
is a primary factor we are monitoring closely.
There is far more certainty with respect to the outlook for fleet supply, which is decidedly positive. An
orderbook at a 30-year low as a percentage of the operating fleet is highly supportive of expectations for an
improving freight market. After growing by 2.8% in 2022 and by approximately 4.2% per year on average over
the last decade, the global dry bulk fleet is forecast to grow by 3.0% in 2023 and just 1.9% in 2024, well below
organic replacement levels. -
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 2280 -350
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 7358 -115
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 7258 220
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 7805 42
BDI INDEX 530 -11
Tržište za Capeove i Panamaxe još djeluje depresivno. Vidjeti ćemo je li promjena na vidiku.
Kineska burza kaže
cape -7.6%
supre +3.5%
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 2246 -34
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 7302 -56
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 7641 383
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 7875 70
BDI INDEX 538 +8
Evo i Star Bulk, 71% flote na $15123/day za Q1.
cape +11.3%
supre +6.5%
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 2354 108
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 7277 -25
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 8000 359
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 8059 184
BDI INDEX 552 +14
The content cannot be displayed because you do not have authorisation to view this content. Uz proljetno zelenilo
u Kini supre +16%
BCI +6,7 %
A kako smo i ocekivali, Q1 ce bit za niš, ali kompletna godina sve u svemu bi trebala biti 👌, jos malo strpljenja da se sve stabilizira 😎
Danas FFA vozarine u plusu, Gogl u Oslo-u također u plusu
bdi +7.6%
supre +11%
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 2513 159
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 7585 308
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 8878 878
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 8325 266
BDI INDEX +594 (+42)
Ajd jos ovih par dana da zavrsi veljaca da ne gledamo ovu bijedu od vozarina.. 🤣
Jer druge mjesece cemo opet morati fino zarađivat ako bog da 😎, e sad da vidimo tko ce trcat za brodom, kome je pobiga trajekt 🤣🤣
Ajd jos ovih par dana da zavrsi veljaca da ne gledamo ovu bijedu od vozarina.. 🤣
Jer druge mjesece cemo opet morati fino zarađivat ako bog da 😎, e sad da vidimo tko ce trcat za brodom, kome je pobiga trajekt 🤣🤣
Izgleda da smo ubrzo opet svi dobri prijatelji 😅
U Kini sve raste. Supre +1328$ na 8312$, a pmax +500$ na 8306$
Stavio sam samo naprofitabilnije rute da izgleda kao bolji rast
Kina danas
cape +17.7%
pmx +7%
supre +16%
Prices for iron ore cargoes with a 63.5% iron ore content for delivery into Tianjin jumped to $133 per tonne, the highest in eight months, amid signs of stronger demand for Chinese construction coupled with supply concerns. Data from ANZ Research showed property prices steadied in January following 16 straight months of contraction, supporting expectations of increased demand after the country's reopening and introduction of aggressive stimulus to property developers from the government. Meanwhile, low inventories in Chinese steel mills spurred higher bidding from metallurgists, compounding already high prices on weaker supplies from top producers Brazil and Australia. On top of that, mining giants in South Africa cut production outlooks for the coming years due to the lack of capacity for the country’s freight rail system.
Iron Ore | 2007-2021 Data | 2022-2023 Forecast | Price | Quote | Chart | HistoricalPrices for iron ore cargoes with a 63.5% iron content for delivery into Tianjin extended losses to $180.5 a tonne, the lowest since April 19th on weak seasonal… -
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