GNK u 2022.+46%
Tih 46% bi impliciralo ATPL na 543 ili GNK sa 23,5 nazad na 19$
GNK ima i kejpove pa je trebao rasti manje od atpl samo gnk isplacuje postenu divku
GNK u 2022.+46%
Tih 46% bi impliciralo ATPL na 543 ili GNK sa 23,5 nazad na 19$
GNK ima i kejpove pa je trebao rasti manje od atpl samo gnk isplacuje postenu divku
GNK u 2022.+46%
Tih 46% bi impliciralo ATPL na 543 ili GNK sa 23,5 nazad na 19$
GNK ima i kejpove pa je trebao rasti manje od atpl samo gnk isplacuje postenu divku
Odlicno, do jucer je dija bila etalon koliko treba atpl kostat a sad je genko
A proslo je cijelih tjedan dana od kad je bio na 19. Implicirajmo dalje...
Tih 46% bi impliciralo ATPL na 543 ili GNK sa 23,5 nazad na 19$
GNK ima i kejpove pa je trebao rasti manje od atpl samo gnk isplacuje postenu divku
Odlicno, do jucer je dija bila etalon koliko treba atpl kostat a sad je genko
A proslo je cijelih tjedan dana od kad je bio na 19. Implicirajmo dalje...
Tipujem da sutra pratimo vikinge, a Dija je ponovo na redu u ponedjeljak... Egle je rezerva, drzimo ga na oku, pa tko vec prije potegne.
Sve je dobro dok se ne počnu crtati rakete 😱😁📈
Od početka rata ATPL je poskočila 15-tak posto (mislim 24.2.). Valjda od straha?
Ok, zašto je taj rast poslije stao, po vašem mišljenju, zbog vozarina, neizvjesnosti ili zbog nečeg trećeg?
Nemojmo zaboraviti da je ATPL bila na 570kn prošle godine, a sada je na 440kn, što je pad od 20-tak%
Stao je jer čekamo još jednu potvrdu da je to TO. Barem dobit 500 kn p/s i dividenda 100 kn. Bez toga ovo je na klimavim nogama, pardon olujnom vremenu.
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 15648 -685
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 30713 300
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 33217 -149
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 32082 232
BDI INDEX 2544 -23
GNK u 2022.+46%
Tih 46% bi impliciralo ATPL na 543 ili GNK sa 23,5 nazad na 19$
GNK ima i kejpove pa je trebao rasti manje od atpl samo gnk isplacuje postenu divku
Gnk novi vrh
Vikinzi novi vrh sa ukljucenom dividendom
Black magic i uroci drze kraljicu pri dnu
Koja nema kejpove
The need for Russian coal could be halved in “the coming weeks,” he said. And he estimated that Germany could be free of Russian gas by the middle of 2024, if all goes well.
Speaking in Berlin at a news conference after presenting a progress report on German energy security, Mr. Habeck said the shift away from Russian gas was happening at an “insane pace.”
Germany gets about half its coal from Russia but lately has been buying more supplies from other countries. The need for Russian coal could be phased out by the fall, he said.
BIMCO Shipping number of the week: Indonesian coal exports jump 11.5% to second-highest level on record
Due to supply concerns at domestic power plants, Indonesian authorities banned coal exports during January 2022, removing around 30% of global coal volumes from the bulk market as a result. This caused Newcastle coal futures to increase by more than a third and added strain on coal inventories across Asia. The ban was lifted in February.
“From week five to 11 this year Indonesia exported 62,9 million tonnes of coal, an 11.5% rise compared to the same period last year and only exceeded by 2019 for the highest volumes on record shipped during those weeks,” says Niels Rasmussen, Chief Shipping Analyst at BIMCO
Indonesia’s coal exports have been growing at an average annual rate of 3.1% from 2017 to 2021, with China and India as key takers at respectively 45% and 16% of 2021 volumes.
“Since Australia fell out of favour, China has increasingly relied on Indonesian coal. In fact, 65% of all Chinese coal imports in 2021 came from Indonesia,” says Rasmussen.
India, on the other hand, turned to Australia for more coal in 2021, but Indonesia’s coal still made up 35% of the country’s coal imports despite this.
S obzirom da Ukrajina izvozi 25% svjetske pšenice, moglo bi doći do toga da se ta količina ne uspije proizvesti drugdje, zbog čega će pasti potražnja za dry bulkom, čitali smo u analizama.
Ali nije baš tako, kaže Sarah Taber
Podijeljena mišljenja oko kineskog uvoza ugljena do 2024.
Benchmark prices in China, the world’s biggest coal consumer, rose 7% on the week. The contract for May delivery on the Zhengzhou exchange last settled at CNY 869.40/t (USD 136.47/t).
“We see China remaining active in the international coal market despite efforts to boost domestic supply,” ANZ bank analysts said in a recent note.
They expect China’s imports to rise a further 100m tonnes – or roughly 31% above last year’s level – as the country struggles to meet demand growth domestically.
China import reliance waning
China’s central planner is targeting a 300m tonne per annum expansion in production as well as reserves of 620m tonnes to avert shortages that prompted fears of winter blackouts last year. China produced just short of 4.1bn tonnes of coal last year, more than half the world’s total.
By contrast, Hassall saw Chinese import dependence waning.
“To me this is almost the biggest story in the coal market since I’ve been in coal,” said Hassall. “China may no longer be a net importer of coal by 2024.”
Chinese authorities were targeting a rise in average daily production to 12.6m tonnes, Hassall said. This was slightly above a December record of 12.4m tonnes and well above an average rate of just over 11m tonnes last year.
Such output could swiftly outpace demand growth of likely 5% and depress import demand, depending upon how quickly China attains it and how swiftly the country restocks inventories, Hassall said. “It suggests significant downside risk.”
Ovaj pad cejpova je već zabrinjavajuci, mislim da 7 dana već padaju brutalno . Ima li netko pametno objašnjenje stq se desava ?
Covid restrikcije u Kini!?
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 14380 -1268
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 30746 33
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 32897 -320
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 32166 84
BDI INDEX 2484 -60
Vecina brodara vani i danas u porastu
DSX na 5,35$
Dok se capeovi nećkaju, svi ostali su upečatljivo bolje nego lani.
Kejpovi su ispod ocekivanja nekih "analiticara" jer je kineski property u financijskim problemima. CCP nece dozvoliti da je najvazniji sektor koji moze isporuciti rast GDP-a van funkcije.
I to u godini reizbora velikog vode? Za to bi se trazile glave na pladnju. 😬😥
Visoke peci ce biti na full utilizacije ali sada covid to malo odgada,sve ce se morati nadoknaditi.
Krenuli poticaji pa dok se to zarola proci ce nesto vremena.
Ako rastu bulkerasi koji imaju kejpove, oni koji nemaju trebali bi vise?
Fifteen Chinese property developers hit limit-up
Molim obrisati post
India leans toward continued import of Russian coking coal