Route Description Size Value ($) Change
BCI timecharter 5 T/C routes 180000 32702 -1840
BPI timecharter 5 T/C routes 82500 26179 -473
BSI timecharter 10 T/C routes 58328 25412 148
BHSI timecharter 7 T/C routes 38200 23011 172
BDI 2856 -83
Route Description Size Value ($) Change
BCI timecharter 5 T/C routes 180000 32702 -1840
BPI timecharter 5 T/C routes 82500 26179 -473
BSI timecharter 10 T/C routes 58328 25412 148
BHSI timecharter 7 T/C routes 38200 23011 172
BDI 2856 -83
BSI timecharter 10 T/C routes 58328 25412 148
BHSI timecharter 7 T/C routes 38200 23011 172
...opet rast za ove brojke prosjek bi im trebao biti iznad 18 000 usd ako uzmemo da su PNMX na TC od 12 000 usd.
Oho...jel ovo znači da se pad zaustavlja...bilo bi to odlično...
Freight futures am update
Capesize down ~2%
Panamax down ~2%
Data released today shows China's industrial production in April rose year-on-year by 9.8%. Crude steel production totaled 97.9 million tons. This is an all-time high and is up year-on-year by 15%. Also of note is that China's coal-derived electricity generation growth has
continued to exceed domestic coal production growth. This remains very helpful for the seaborne coal market and global dry bulk shipping market. China's coal production totaled 322.2 million tons in April.
This is flat from a year ago. Coal-derived electricity generation in April totaled 451.7 billion kilowatt hours. This is up year-on-year by 14%. Total electricity production came in at 623 billion kilowatt hours. This is up year-on-year by 12%. In addition, hydropower production totaled 77.6 billion kilowatt hours last month. This is up year-on-year by only 3%.
Further Decline in China's Coastal Power Plant Coal Stockpiles
Display MoreBulk Spring Aeolian 2012 83.478 DWT 83.478 Sanoyas Shipbuilding
2021-svi-14 USD 21,30
Bulk Tangerine Island 2012 82.265 DWT 82.265 Tsuneishi Zosen
2021-svi-14 USD 21,00
Scrubber fitted $22.0 & $22.5
COUNTESS I 79,235 2013 Jiangsu Man B&W 7/7 ICE 1C $18.85 China
Display MoreBulk Spring Aeolian 2012 83.478 DWT 83.478 Sanoyas Shipbuilding
2021-svi-14 USD 21,30
Bulk Tangerine Island 2012 82.265 DWT 82.265 Tsuneishi Zosen
2021-svi-14 USD 21,00
Scrubber fitted $22.0 & $22.5
COUNTESS I 79,235 2013 Jiangsu Man B&W 7/7 ICE 1C $18.85 China
We continue to see a large number of S&P transactions for bulk carriers of all ages. Last week our market commentary focused on dry cargo charter rates to give perspective to how the incredibly h igh rates (that have been sustained over the past 34 months) have kept bulk carrier prices at such strong levels
Bulk Pacific Hero 2012 58.677 DWT 58.677 Kawasaki HI Kobe 2021-svi-14 USD 18,00
Century Tokyo Clients of Taylor Maritime
Even Larger Chinese Purchase of US Corn Today…nd-coal-markets
Kao sto rekoh, trzisne silnice su ipak malo drukcije od onog sto bi htjela KP Kine. Sto prije shvate jeftinije ce proci.
Zanimljivo indexi su u minusima, a brodari vecinom u plusu…_medium=twitter
Clanak za procitat malo.
Prosli tjedan je bio i praznik neke drzave su cijeli tjedan slavile Ramazanski bajram tako da je i to utjecalo tamo tipa Singapur... tako kazu izvori…nd-coal-markets
Kao sto rekoh, trzisne silnice su ipak malo drukcije od onog sto bi htjela KP Kine. Sto prije shvate jeftinije ce proci.
ma pusti vraga, kolega! ima taj KP još uvijek itekako debelog utjecaja.…4onzv496l56gstx
Malo lektire za procitati.…nd-coal-markets
Kao sto rekoh, trzisne silnice su ipak malo drukcije od onog sto bi htjela KP Kine. Sto prije shvate jeftinije ce proci.
ma pusti vraga, kolega! ima taj KP još uvijek itekako debelog utjecaja.
Kolega, ne precjenjujte ih.
Ima jedna stvar: ti mozes raditi sto god hoces, ali ce rezultati i posljedice tvog rada biti sukladni logici onome sto ti postupci cine, a ne sukladni tvojim zeljama.
Prevedeno, ako postoji rastuca potraznja, a dobava je ogranicena, cijene rastu. I nema Boga, nikakav KP Kine to ne moze sprijeciti. Mogu pokusati, ograniciti proizvodnju celika, uvoz rudace, sve 5, ali rezultat ce biti jos jaci rast cijene celika. Ako pak budu htjeli iskontrolirati cijenu celika, nastat ce nestasica, jer ce otici tamo gdje se vise placa, ili se nece proizvoditi jer se ne isplati. A onda ce im pasti GDP, sto je zadnje sto zele. Drzavna privreda je svugdje propala. Uspjeli su jer su ju napustili. Nema natrag.
Stifel analyst Ben Nolan explained the max-rate calculation for Capesizes (dry bulk ships with a capacity of around 180,000 deadweight tons) in a research note titled “How High Can You Go?” published last week.
“Turns out, at current commodity prices … the dry bulk market is nowhere close to its theoretical ceiling,” he wrote. “If demand exceeds supply, the primary upward constraint of ship freight cost is the point at which it absorbs the profit of the producer or shipper.”
He noted that the landed price of thermal coal in China last week was about $125 per ton and the producer breakeven was $60 per ton, meaning the transport costs could be as much as $65 per ton. Capesize rates were then around $13 per ton (the equivalent of $40,000 per day), meaning “freight rates would need to rise seven times or to around $300,000 per day before the economics are completely destroyed by freight costs.”…ket-even-higher
Safe Bulkers, Inc. (the Company) (NYSE: SB), an international provider of marine drybulk transportation services, announced today that in relation to its fleet renewal strategy, it has entered into agreements: i)for the acquisition of two Japanese-built, dry-bulk, Post-Panamax class, 87,000 dwt, newbuild vessels at attractive prices with scheduled delivery dates within the first and the second quarter of 2023 respectively;
ii)for the sale of two Chinese 2012 built, Kamsarmax class, 82,000 dwt vessels at gross sale prices of $22.5 and $22.0 million with scheduled delivery dates within the second and third quarter of 2021 respectively.
Znaci japan trenutno moze isporucit u 2023 prve brodove, dok zanimljivo je koju su cijenu ova dva Kamsarmax postigla godiste 2012 iz kine 22 mil, znaci da oni Panamax (Kamsarmax) ATPL vrijede daleko vise nego procjene prije koji mjesec od cleavesa od 17,5 mil, a vjerovatno i ostali brodovi zajedno s njima
Škicnite malo ovdje:
Safe Bulkers, Inc. (the Company) (NYSE: SB), an international provider of marine drybulk transportation services, announced today that in relation to its fleet renewal strategy, it has entered into agreements: i)for the acquisition of two Japanese-built, dry-bulk, Post-Panamax class, 87,000 dwt, newbuild vessels at attractive prices with scheduled delivery dates within the first and the second quarter of 2023 respectively;
ii)for the sale of two Chinese 2012 built, Kamsarmax class, 82,000 dwt vessels at gross sale prices of $22.5 and $22.0 million with scheduled delivery dates within the second and third quarter of 2021 respectively.
Znaci japan trenutno moze isporucit u 2023 prve brodove, dok zanimljivo je koju su cijenu ova dva Kamsarmax postigla godiste 2012 iz kine 22 mil, znaci da oni Panamax (Kamsarmax) ATPL vrijede daleko vise nego procjene prije koji mjesec od cleavesa od 17,5 mil, a vjerovatno i ostali brodovi zajedno s njima
ma nemoguće te kineske željezne grdosije ne vrijede ni 13,5,je,je...
nisi pratio pa sve nam je bilo nacrtano
Chinese crude #steel output for the Jan-Apr period rose 15.8% year-on-year to 374.56 million tonnes, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.
kada su zarade na steelu velike tko šljivi zagađenje šta ne?
China: Crude steel output hits an all-time high in Apr '21
trgovinski rat popušta
EU, #US announce temporary #tariff truce in #metals dispute
European Commission: will not raise further duties in the dispute over U.S. metals tariffs.
Temporary tariff truce in metals dispute is announced by #EU, #US.
bulkeri i dalje najtraženija,najpoželjnija roba
zadnjih dan je padalo a sada kreće novi zalet čini se.
evo kamilice za laku noć il dobro jutro ovisno o ritmu
Iron ore up US$7.65 a tonne or 3.7% to US$217.00 a tonne (CFR Tianjin port).
da uskoro pada novi rekord nije teško izvući iz stanja zaliha
baš kako se već duže vrijeme ovdje najavljuje
DA,ljeto bez klime i frizidera sigurno donosi puno frustracije pa je bitno izgledniji scenarij da će se poduzeti potrebno.
možda i griješim,nebi bilo....
• Thermal coal: supply shortage brings price to Rmb1,000/t again.