To je los potez i losa poruka za fjucerse.
Sad je vrijeme za 100% spot, i kraj price, za tri godine tko ziv tko mrtav. Sad se u godinu dana na spotu moze uzeti profita vise nego za 10 godina mrcvarenja s time charterima. Uzasna odluka, jako lose.
Svakako primjer kako se NE treba raditi.
Sad nije vrijeme za dugorocna filozofiranja nego za berbu dok ide ide.
Da li SB porucuje fjucrsima ili fjucrsi SB-u? Mislim da je jedan od razloga za ovaj potez SB upravo spread na ffa cape, tj BACKWARDATION. Ista pojava je djelomicni razlog za los rast, pad ili stagnaciju cape brodara (kako kojega) u zadnje vrijeme. Ukratko nema vjere da ce trenutne spot vrijednosti ostati takve. Da li je SB napravio mudar ili los potez...vrijeme ce reci ali malo headgea ne skodi
Evo malo beletristike na tu temu za weekend. Ima tu i puno vjerovanja i nade, ali svakako je za razmisliti sto ce se desavati sa BDI-em u slijedecim mjesecima
"Our view remains that we are at or close to an inflection point and although spot Capesize rates always might have more room to rally, the risk of focusing on such incremental gains (especially given the diminishing nature of percentage gains) outweighs any return potential.
We expect that by December spot rates would have been halved, and although futures are already at a significant discount to spot, it is unlikely that the market will recognize such value until the spot index bottoms. Which of course is also the good news: the forward curve has so far failed to rally to the same degree that spot Capesize rates have, opening the potential for incremental gains down the road on a highly backwardated 2022 curve (more on the mechanics of that later)."
"The backwardation in futures (meaning futures prices are lower than spot and the further out you go, the cheaper it becomes) is an opportunity, but not necessarily just because of relative pricing. As explained above, there is a valid reason why the first quarter of the year is currently priced at a ~70% discount to the spot market."