Baltic Dry indeks raste 1,86% na 549 u Londonu
• Capesize + 1,15% na 2.197 $
• Panamax + 2,71% na 7.083 $
• Supramax 58k tona + 1,96% na 6.961 $
• Handysize + 1,28% na 3965 $
ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)
Freight futures am update Capesize up~1%
Panamax up ~4% -
Freight futures am update
Capesize up~1%
Panamax up ~4% -
Ovaj ask na ATPL izgleda groteskno i namješteno i umjetno da se zaista veselim ovo proučiti.
Ovaj ask na ATPL izgleda groteskno i namješteno i umjetno da se zaista veselim ovo proučiti.
Evo malo postupanja i razmišljanja kolege na temu AP, nadam se da neće zamjeriti
Da me ne bi krivo shvatili, kolega je solidan profesionalac sa zadatkom. Ali kako mu baš ne ide pokazuje velike znakove nervoze i straha.
A u strahu su OČI velike.
Naime SVE te dionice prodane kao 1. na asku ili po potrebi prosipane po bidu, uskoro će morati biti vraćene. Ali kako ostaje za vidjeti i popratiti sa zanimanjem.
Dragi kolege e to je trenutak kada ćete Vi naplatiti SVOJE strpljenje i prepoznavanje vrijednosti, a ne prodavanje nečega pod nešto od strane kolege profesionalnog i umrezenog DRUKERA.
Evo malo i zelenila vani
Imamo kontinuirani rast od 10.02.2020. Je da to nije neki skok s obzirom na sve corona,kineska nova godina, ali cinjenica je da tek sad bi trebao biti pravi rast jer se stabiliziralo trziste kinezi se vracaju poslu. Ocekuje se rast BDI na razine iznad 1000 gdje mu je i mjesto. Bumo videli
Ja stvarno ne razumijem vaše interne obračune, ali u zadnje dvije i pol godine otkako se priča samo u superlativima o ATPL imamo situaciju da je cijena sa 700 kuna spala na ispod 300 kuna.
Dakle,kada će konačno Plovidba početi ostvarivati pozitivne rezultate i je li možda 1Q 2020 doba preokreta? Molim samo konkretne odgovore, ja baš i ne idem u detalje koje vi tu navodite, meni je samo bitno da ja platim dionice po manjoj cijeni nego što ju prodam.
E sad kad se vidi da gklemenc kupuje atpl onda je bas danas mislim rijesiti po 300kn. Da zaradim bar 1000kn za ulozeno vrijeme.
Gdje taj god udje imamo masivni ponor i pad.
Draga mi je Atpl jer na njoj se uvijek zaradi, al kad sam vidio preporuku gkljemenca odustajem.
Between 8,000 and 9,000 installations of ballast water treatment systems are expected this year, with over 11,000 anticipated in 2021…linkId=83469488
Shipyards are facing disruption to newbuilding, repair and conversion projects due to the impact of the virus on their labour force and the ability of their subcontractors to meet their commitments to supply materials and equipment necessary for the completion of such projects.…ding-contracts/
7 provinces launched 25 trillion investment project new infrastructure hype route exposed
According to the latest published Chinese manufacturing PMI and non-manufacturing business activity index in February of 35.7% and 29.6%, a record low, the short-term impact exceeded the 2008 international financial crisis. If it is not possible to resume work in the future, PMI will continue to grow negatively.
However, Ren Zeping believes that "the simplest and most effective way to hedge the epidemic and the economic downturn is actually infrastructure. The introduction of" new infrastructure "will help stabilize growth and employment, release China's economic growth potential, and enhance long-term competitiveness.
Stabilno i dalje.. Samo 4 novooboljela izvan epicentralne pokrajine Hubei. Od 115 novooboljelih u pokrajini Hubei, njih 114 u gradu Wuhanu.
9: 45 am Mar 4
Hubei Province reported 115 new cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia on Mar 3, with 37 new deaths and 2,389 cases of recovery. The total number of infections in the province climbed to 67,332 with 38,556 recovered and 2,871 dead.
119 new coronavirus infections, 38 new deaths were reported on Mar 3 in the Chinese mainland. The total infection number soared to 80,270 with 2,981 deaths.
Na Dalekom istoku očekivani nastavak rasta vozarina.
Na sjeverozapadu se pak zeleni Gogl.
Golden Ocean Group
GOGL +1.26%
What is fairly interesting even at this stage is the extent to which the shipping industry as well as global markets in general will recover once the epidemic is contained. We have seen in the past that after the spread of a virus, a strong rebound follows, which was also the case following the containment of the SARS and Zika viruses. Many believe that after the relaxation of the strict measures that coincided with the end of the Chinese New Year, we will see a fast rebound of the market. This would also explain why among others, Greek and Chinese owners are particularly active nowadays. Indeed, during February, which was an extremely bad month for the shipping market due to the above mentioned reasons, we saw more than 45 vessels (Handysize up to Capesize) changing hands.…Week-9-2020.pdf
China cargo flows rapidly return to pre-coronavirus levels…irus-levels/amp
Cape +1,5%, 2.230$
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