Baltic Dry Index Rises 1.83% to 1,169
Capesize +1.04% to $12,021
Panamax +2.58% to $11,120
Supramax 58k tons +2.42% to $10,473
Handysize +0.8% to $8,943
ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)
Baltic Dry Index Rises 1.83% to 1,169
Capesize +1.04% to $12,021
Panamax +2.58% to $11,120
Supramax 58k tons +2.42% to $10,473
Handysize +0.8% to $8,943Baltic Dry Index Rises 1.83% to 1,169
Capesize +1.04% to $12,021
Panamax +2.58% to $11,120
Supramax 58k tons +2.42% to $10,473
Handysize +0.8% to $8,943nice
FFA Tone: Capes traded a touch better early doors with 13500 printing Dec but few sellers post index leaving us unchanged to slightly weaker on light volume. Panamax and smax both trading better with good buying at last done across the curve
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Shipping Weekly 47/2020
Dry Bulk: Despite Capesize average earnings shedding another 5% w/w to $12k/d, an apparent floor was found mid-week as Australian miners re-entered the market, driving Eastern rates up going into the weekend. In smaller tonnage, Panamaxes posted a 15% w/w gain to $11k/d, on the back of increased activity in both the North Atlantic and the North Pacific, with Supramax +5% w/w to $10k/d.…bf84e4d9599.pdf
nice & slowly....samo polako i bez panike, jer ovdje imamo za odraditi barem još jedan rast do kraja buid it-up.
Kinezi ubacili u višu brzinu
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The supramax fleet has seen the most “drastic transformation” in the past two years, the analysts noted, with the proportion of ships below the age of five falling from 34% to 22%. The number of ships aged 5-9 is unchanged as a percentage of the fleet but 15-19 year old ships now make up 20% of the fleet versus 12% two years’ ago. The sector has a relatively low number of vessels above 15 years but a notable 125 ships, or nearly 6m dwt, of 25 years and over.…in-age-profile/
Baltic Dry Index Rises 0.77% to 1,178
Capesize -0.21% to $11,996
Panamax +1.14% to $11,247
Supramax 58k tons +2.16% to $10,699
Handysize +1.34% to $9,063 -
FFA Tone: Capes again sold off mainly on nearby Dec through q1 with little to report on physical and long list of ballasters putting pressure on spot. Panamax trading flat but well bid at last done while smax better with good support on Dec and q1.
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Znam cemu bi trebale sluzit sve ove objave Cape- Panamax- Baltic itd al gledajuc unazad ATPL se nije ni pomakao ni na jednu od objava koje su ovdje postavljene...
ATPL vozi nekim drugim morima(barama)...
iako su spot cijene bile i preko 35.000$ za capove, svejedno su u prosjeku gubili lovu, i to 2200$ po danu. To vam samo govori koliko je vazno da svaki dan objavljujete BDI. Gotovo isto kao i supramaxi
Biggest losses have come for Capesize ships which, despite jumps of up to USD 35,000 per day, have so far this year averaged USD 2,204 per day. Timing here has proven crucial, and decisions as to when – and for how long – to fix a ship on charter has made all the difference to profit and loss. In the first five months of the year, average earnings for a Capesize averaged USD 5,094 per day – around a third of what is needed to break even. On the other hand, between 1 June and mid-November earnings averaged USD 20,247 per day.
A second ship size losing more than USD 1,000 per day is the Supramax, which averaged daily losses of USD 1,537. In contrast to the Capesize market, there have been no large swings in Supramax earnings, rather a gradual increase from mid-May to September, since when they have flattened at around USD 10,000 a day.
I za kupoprodaja da nema novih brodova:
Deliveries of dry bulk ships have, by mid-November, already reached a four-year high, totalling 42.2 million DWT. BIMCO expects that, by the end of 2020, deliveries will have reached their highest level since 2016, despite the disruption to shipyards at the start of the year. Some 12.5m DWT of ships have been scrapped this year, bringing growth so far to 3.4%. BIMCO expects full-year growth to reach 3.8%, with another 1.5m DWT set to go.
I za kraj ono sta sam i ja govorio prije mjesec dana (ovo je tekst od jucer): All forecasts now point to a slow recovery in 2021, which even a 20-year low in fleet growth will not be able to make up for, leaving dry bulk shipping to face another trying year.
Jucer je kupoprodaj govorio kako je zelena energija na dugom štapu i da ce ugljen jos dugo biti tražen. Evo iz najnovije analize trzista IEA za obnovljive izvore energije:
Solar projects now offer some of the lowest-cost electricity in history. Overall, renewables are set to
account for 95% of the net increase in global power capacity through 2025.
Total installed wind and solar PV capacity is on course to surpass natural gas in 2023
and coal in 2024. Solar PV alone accounts for 60% of all renewable capacity additions
through 2025, and wind provides another 30%.
Jucer je kupoprodaj govorio kako je zelena energija na dugom štapu i da ce ugljen jos dugo biti tražen. Evo iz najnovije analize trzista IEA za obnovljive izvore energije:
Dvije stvari, zapravo tri.
Prvo, bilo bi lijepo kad bi se znalo sto je tvoj tekst iznad a sto je iz vanjskog izvora. Sa poveznicom koja sadrzava naslov kao i web adresu.
Drugo, vjetar i sunce mogu biti i sto puta veceg kapaciteta od ugljena i nuklearki, no to nikakvu veliku razliku nece napraviti dok nemamo "grid energy storage". Od toga smo jos miljama daleko. Velika je razlika izmedju "base load" i "peak load". Tolika da prvomarsirajuci nijemci i dalje kupuju negativnu struju.
Trece, ova diskusija nema veze sa ATPL.
Jucer je kupoprodaj govorio kako je zelena energija na dugom štapu i da ce ugljen jos dugo biti tražen. Evo iz najnovije analize trzista IEA za obnovljive izvore energije:
Solar projects now offer some of the lowest-cost electricity in history. Overall, renewables are set to
account for 95% of the net increase in global power capacity through 2025.
Total installed wind and solar PV capacity is on course to surpass natural gas in 2023
and coal in 2024. Solar PV alone accounts for 60% of all renewable capacity additions
through 2025, and wind provides another 30%.
Samo voditi raçuna da se govori o instaliranoj snazi, ne o iskoristivoj. Nijemci imaju 110 GW instalirane vjetro i solarne energije, a 90 GW fosilne za dobivanje elektr. energije. Solar im je na 11% iskoristivosti, vjetar oko 25%. Nijemci imaju najskuplju električnu energiju u Europi.
Tko će proizvoditi el. energiju kad vjetar ne puše i kad je oblačno? Nuklearke su ugasili ...
A Indija i njihov plan elektrifikacije na ugljen? Njima treba el. energija sada... Kinu uopće ne spominjem, ima puno članaka na tu temu ....
1. Zaokruzi recenicu s copy/paste, stavi u google pretrazivac i dobijes link. Cudo tehnologije.
2. Naravno da zelena energija nema veze s Kinom, čiji se gradovi guše od smoga iz elektrana pokretanih na ugljen.
3. Vjetar je cijeli dan, i peak i base. Za solarce se izmišljaju jeftinije baterije i tu ce biti lova tko izmisli najjeftinije skladistenje.
Ako mislis da uvoz manje ugljena nema veze sa ATPL-om, OK. I to velikog smanjivanja uvoza ugljena u godinama koje slijede. Ali u jednom si mozda u pravu. Nema veze s ATPL-om, jer do onda nece nit postojati
Đaba i sa zelenim, i sa strujom i sa ugljenom kad su vozarine u banani........nema nekih naznaka za promjenom na drastično bolje a to je upravo ono što atpl treba.......podaci o nekim dvoznamenkastim rastovima ovog ili onog uvoza u Kinu su đaba i trla baba lan.......vozarine, vozarine, vozarine......krediti, krediti, krediti.....vozarine,vozarine, vozarine. .....dvije ključne riječi.......
AP Dubrava (38,716-dwt, 2015) fixed Tuzla to US
Gulf at $11,500 basis dop with Lighthouse.…vember-2020.pdf -
Chinese end-users were allocated up to 20 million mt import quotas for seaborne coal in 2020 by the Chinese authorities, in order to meet near-term coal demand amid the shortage of Chinese domestic coal.…n-2020-sources/
Zanimljiv je cijeli tekst:
The AP Dubrava (38,716-dwt, 2015) fixed Tuzla to US
Gulf at $11,500 basis dop with Lighthouse.The Continent softened as
the Woodgate (28,219-dwt 2011) fixed delivery Skaw for a trip to Egypt
with timber at $12,000.A 30k-dwt fixed a trip basis dop ARAG loading
Hamburg to Algeria at close to $13,000.The US Gulf continued to pick
up, while the Caribbean stayed firm the Nord Yilan (28,191-dwt, 2010)
fixed San Juan for a trip via North coast South America to United
States East coast $10,500 with Pioneer.Meanwhile the market firmed in
East coast South America as it was rumoured that the Lord Wellington
(31,921-dwt, 2005) fixed for a trip delivery Fazendinha to the Continent
at $14,000Odvojio sam zarade po brodovima. Dakle, ATPL ima najmladi brod s najvise nosivosti, a zarađuje najmanje od ekipe. Zanimljivo
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