Je, vozarine su porasle od najbližeg dna, no mene zanima zašto stockovi preko bare ne reagiraju na taj rast?
ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)
Baltic Dry Index Falls 5.01% to 1,594
Capesize -7.5% to $22,635
Panamax -3.81% to $11,400
Supramax 58k tons +0.98% to $10,222
Handysize +0.93% to $6,380 -
uf....paljba neka je na 210,00.....borbe, reklo bi se......nekome je ta razina bitna ili je pak pretakanje s računa na račun....iz šuplljeg u prazno reklo bi se......čudo jedno
uf....paljba neka je na 210,00.....borbe, reklo bi se......nekome je ta razina bitna ili je pak pretakanje s računa na račun....iz šuplljeg u prazno reklo bi se......čudo jedno
Ovo već dugo nije viđeno, skoro 4000 komada već prošlo....skriveni nalog na kupnji na 210....
Stavio 5000 na branu sad..
Šta je ovo, na kupnji 5000 dionica na 210, a danas prošlo već 5745 dionica...Respect!!
Mislim da netko želi shortati dionicu, pa rasprodaje poziciju prije objave izvješća...viđeno već par puta...
Pa neka shorta. Mislim da si je stavio strik oko vrata.
Pa neka shorta. Mislim da si je stavio strik oko vrata.
Kao sto rekoh, poton vozarina ide do neke razine, 1500, 1300, ne znam, ali kad sezonski zakrene prema gore ide izuvanje iz cipela. Naprosto se ravnoteza preselila negdje drugdje. Kome je bila dobra na 400... Pa bit ce opet.
Eto i mene na palubi...mirno more nam zelim...
uf....paljba neka je na 210,00.....borbe, reklo bi se......nekome je ta razina bitna ili je pak pretakanje s računa na račun....iz šuplljeg u prazno reklo bi se......čudo jedno
Ovo već dugo nije viđeno, skoro 4000 komada već prošlo....skriveni nalog na kupnji na 210....
Netko u tisini skuplja fine kolicine 😎
Vrlo vjerovatan skori zaokret BDI up.
Vrlo vjerovatan skori zaokret BDI up.
samo neka zaokrene slobodno što se mene tiče i vrijeme je, čini mi se da ćemo ipak ovdje sačekati izvješće i ako ne bude "strašno" zaokrenuti prema boljim vremenima
Bdi -7.6% 1473
Ono što je još bitnije od samog skoka vozarina je da se vozarine zadrže
neko dulje vrijeme na profitabilnim razinama, a ne da ovako stalno skaču
gore dolje po 50%, jer tako je jako teško poslovati i planirati prihode i rashode
BDI -7.6% to 1,473 points
Capesize -11.1%
Panamax -6.4%
Handysize +1.4%
Supramax +0.3%
Volatility jumps as Capesize spot rates correct – As is always the case, every rally is followed by a correction,
something that is currently taking place in the dry bulk sector following one of the strongest rallies in recent memory.
As major miners pull back from the spot market in an attempt to cool things down (additionally, a majorAustralian miner as well as part of Vale’s network are currently performing scheduled maintenance) owners are
being forced to accept lower rates, mainly in the Atlantic, which was the driving force behind June’s impressive ascent.
Timing of turnarounds in freight rates are impossible to predict or time well.
We remain optimistic for dry bulk rates for the rest of the year – We continue to believe dry bulk will experience
quite a positive second half driven by the same assumptions that we have identified earlier in the year and have so
far been the main forces behind the dry bulk market strength. On the demand side, the Chinese infrastructure
market is benefiting from the significant economic stimulus currently unravelling which should last till yearend at
least. That is happening at a time of relatively low iron ore inventories and high iron ore prices, both pointing to
continuing strong iron ore imports into China.Vessel supply is tightening in a surprising way – For the first time in many years one can say that supply of dry bulk
ships looks tight. The dry bulk market has spent the last decade absorbing a sizable newbuilding program placed
early in the past decade as a result of an extraordinary commodity market back then and sky-high freight rates. The
balance of supply and demand is gradually tilting, as scrapping has been healthy and new ordering has remained
low. In the near term, however, another unexpected factor is further tightening the market balance, namely port
congestion. With COVID-19 related delays and disruptions, vessels are waiting longer in ports and that translates to
lower effective supply. In the core Capesize sector, an estimated 7% of the global fleet is currently stuck in ports, a
number that is double the level compared to a few years ago. All of the above is effectively tightening themarket and as a result rate volatility has increased, representing one of the earlier signs of a firmer
overall dry bulk market that can potentially lead to considerable spikes in spot freight rates as we
head into the end of the year and beyond.…12020Report.pdf
Baltic Dry Index Falls 5.77% to 1,388
Capesize -7.84% to $18,542
Panamax -6.08% to $10,027
Supramax 58k tons -0.74% to $10,174
Handysize +0.45% to $6,499 -
Baltic Dry Index Falls 5.12% to 1,317
Capesize -6.78% to $17,284
Panamax -5.75% to $9,450
Supramax 58k tons -1.02% to $10,070
Handysize +0.12% to $6,507 -
Sjednica Upravnog odbora Atlantske plovidbe d.d. održat će se 28. srpnja 2020. godine. Na sjednici
će se razmatrati i utvrđivati nerevidirani konsolidirani i nekonsolidirani polugodišnji izvještaji za
prvu polovicu 2020. godine. -
The Baltic Capesize index is down 1.6 percent to $ 17,014 per day, according to The Baltic Exchange on Monday.
Jesmo blizu dna ovog pada vozarina?
Freight futures am update
Capesize up ~3%
Panamax up ~2%…rgo-volume-last
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