Propaganda u medijima da nam je odobreno 166 Mrd nečega ili u prevodu 22 i malo više EUR-a nije istna nego propaganda. Da li će i kada će biti to odobreno ovisi o EU-Parlamentu koji prijedlog mora tek odobriti! Da li će EU Parlament odobriti, i to svima a ne samo nama, ili odbiti prijedlog ćemo tek vidjeti i to tek možda u 9. mjesecu.
Ja se nadam da neće, a evo i dio razloga zašto, kojima treba dodati za nas i vladavinu prava a ne kumstava, lex ovoga ili onoga, diskriminacije, ...
“One of monetarism’s key insights was that sprawling macroeconomic management leads to infinite opportunities for politicians to play favourites. Already they are deciding which firms get tax breaks and which workers should be paid by the state to wait for their old jobs to reappear. Soon some loans to the private sector will turn sour, leaving governments to choose which firms fail. When money is free, why not rescue companies, protect obsolete jobs and save investors?
However, though that would provide a brief stimulus, it is a recipe for distorted markets, moral hazard and low growth. Fear of politicians’ myopia was why many countries delegated power to independent central banks, which wielded a single, simple tool—interest rates—to manage the economic cycle. Yet today interest rates, so close to zero, seem impotent and the monarchs who run the world’s central banks are becoming rather like servants working as the government’s debt-management arm.”