evo ima i rad na temu efekata poreza na kapitalnu dobit na promete
The negative effects are significant in both the short and the longer term, as our difference-in-differences estimations suggest that the average trading volume in the three post-tax years decreased by 23% vis-à-vis the pre-tax period.
I di se sugerira da bi trebalo napraviti sve da se poveća likvidnost ionako nelikvidnog tržišta.. a ne potencijalni nekretninski balon??
One of the main policy recommendations of this study is that countries with underdeveloped and poorly liquid stock markets should avoid introducing taxes that can further discourage the interest of the public in participating in the market. This can incentivize individuals and companies to invest their money into other types of assets with a more preferential tax treatment (e.g. the real estate market), increasing the possibilities for dangerous asset price bubbles. Our study suggests that fiscal (tax) policy in these countries should be used in the opposite direction – to encourage investment and attract as many new investors as possible, resulting in higher liquidity and facilitating faster development of the stock market.
Ovi glu.. na vlasti sve krivo rade