Pripremimo kalkulatore za novi izracun NAVa i kupujmo dionice koje ce biti skuplje.
Trazite da vam serviram svoju glavu na pladnju ako nece tako biti.
Sto nam ovo govori?🤪 🤭
Dali je ovo samo pocetak visegodisnjeg rasta? 🔥🌀🌛
Pripremimo kalkulatore za novi izracun NAVa i kupujmo dionice koje ce biti skuplje.
Trazite da vam serviram svoju glavu na pladnju ako nece tako biti.
Sto nam ovo govori?🤪 🤭
Dali je ovo samo pocetak visegodisnjeg rasta? 🔥🌀🌛
Bullish za cijeli shipping.
Kinezima dolazi iz GuG da gube vrijeme, da rade dodatnu stetu i da nece uspjeti.
Sve to su mogli i ovdje procitati prije 2 mjeseca i vidjeti da nitko u svijetu nije uspio jer je nemoguce zaustaviti sirenje omikrona.kinezi kada krenu prvo moraju nadoknaditi zaostatke.trebati ce se vezati? 🤣
China's top Covid-19 expert Zhong Nanshan says "China needs to reopen so as to normalize socio-economic development and adapt to global reopening and prolonged dynamic zeroing cannot be pursued in the long run."
"We are currently developing smart mechanisms so that oil can also be included in the next sanctions step," says EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
U.S. Gulf Coast Diesel Exports Soar on Wartime Global Shortage
Exports are on track to hit record in data going back to 2016
U.S. stockpiles have drained to the lowest level since 2014
Most Gulf Coast waterborne diesel exports have gone to Latin America in recent years, and that has continued this month with South America heading into the dry winter season, where some of the demand for hydropower typically shifts to diesel-fueled power generation. Europe has also ramped up its intake of U.S. diesel in an effort to wean itself from Russia.
Jako bullish za "staru" tankersku flotu sa vrlo niskim orderbookom.
Kaze georg da se ne treba bojati inflacije ako smo u shippingu.
The issue of the declining lifetime of ships has been much discussed of late. Oil companies do not officially charter tankers older than 15-years-old. Likewise, most banks and financiers want to ensure that any financing does not extend beyond the 15th anniversary of the vessel, past the third special survey and dry dock. Financing is generally limited to seven to 10 years with the leasing houses who are now responsible for the lion’s share of financing in the maritime world.
Vessels delivering today are unlikely to have the full benefit of a full design life of 25 years when the industry still does not know many variables for future designs, such as a future fuel let alone the possible competitive benefits brought about by technology and automation.
Demand ne raste i nece rasti
Ameri kure i oil da bi imali vise
LNGa za prodaju europi.
US power load is close to 5% higher this year relative to last year at the same time. The avg power demand over the last 30 days was 408 GWh (compared to 389 GWH LY, and 371 GWH 2Yrs ago).
Demand ne raste i nece rasti
Ameri kure i oil da bi imali vise
LNGa za prodaju europi.
US power load is close to 5% higher this year relative to last year at the same time. The avg power demand over the last 30 days was 408 GWh (compared to 389 GWH LY, and 371 GWH 2Yrs ago).
Piksi raste, pusti sad detalje
Posteno volatilno
Poten clean tanker spot rate (VLSFO fuel, non scrubber) for Wed 4/20 (first update since 4/14), MR back to reality:
- LR1: 11,500(-500)
- LR2: 13,000 (+1300)
- MR 37: 10,200 (-1500)
- MR 38: 25,300 (-25000)
Poten dirty tanker spot rate (VLSFO fuel, non scrubber) for Wed 4/20 (as compared to 4/14), rates back down to earth for Suezmax:
- VLCC: 2,700 (-4700)
- Suezmax: 13,600(-37000)
- Aframax: 40,800 (-6000)
- Panamax: 32,400 (-4000)
Bcti 1048
U zadnja 34 dana bcti prosjecno 981,to nije videno 13g tko misli da mu je mudro neka ostane OUT i ignorira sve sto se ovdje posta, neka promatra kao sto i mi koji smo IN gustamo i promatramo
Za sada i ovaj demand nije po clarksonu i onima koji u njima vide nepogresive ("najvece") strucnjake
An interesting factoid to consider as demand destruction is the most popular expression now. French oil demand returned in March 2022 to pre-covid levels for 1st time, up 0.8% from March 2019 (despite the fact that jet-fuel demand was still down 26% vs March 2019)
Drugi najveci US izvoz ikad.
Od ovih 10 mb product je bio 6mb.
Bez ruske nafte europa ce trebati vise ovakvih akcija.
The U.S. exported a RECORD amount of crude and refined oil products last week, surging above 10 million b/d for the only 2nd time ever.
brajakica Ne znam koleginice forumasice dal vi to sami sebe pokusavate uvjerit u nesto al 3 posta jedan za drugim u 30 minuta je vec .
spamanje teme.
Zar Vi od svega iznesenog nemate nista za demantirati, za prokomentirati?za iznjeti nesto vlastito?
brajakica Ne znam koleginice forumasice dal vi to sami sebe pokusavate uvjerit u nesto al 3 posta jedan za drugim u 30 minuta je vec .
spamanje teme.
Zar Vi od svega iznesenog nemate nista za demantirati, za prokomentirati?za iznjeti nesto vlastito?
KAko nemam?
Pa iznio sam svoje misljenje o vasem uzurpiranju teme.
I to ne samo ove. Slicno je i na DRy BULK kao i na ATPL
Zar Vi od svega iznesenog nemate nista za demantirati, za prokomentirati?za iznjeti nesto vlastito?
KAko nemam?
Pa iznio sam svoje misljenje o vasem uzurpiranju teme.
I to ne samo ove. Slicno je i na DRy BULK kao i na ATPL
Mislila sam na neki komentar vezano uz tankerase.
znaci slazemo se oko velikog dijela iznesenog?
Prikljucite nam se u doprinosu za kvalitetnije pratiti tankerase.
Kako komentirate ovaj rast cijena tankera?
Dali je po vama ovo jednokratno ili pocetak novog trenda?
Tanker: MR Tankers have firmed.
VLCC Chelsea, Ghillie (300,000 DWT, Nov 2019 – Jan 2020, Daewoo) sold to Euronav for USD 181 mil, VV Value USD 176.01 mil – En Bloc.
MR2 Maersk Tangier (49,800 DWT, Feb 2016, Sungdong) sold to undisclosed buyers for USD 31.00 mil, VV Value USD 29.13 mil – BWTS Fitted.
MR2 Forres Park (47,100 DWT, Feb 2009, Hyundai Mipo) sold to undisclosed buyers for USD 16.50 mil, VV Value USD 15.41 mil – DD Passed.
MR2 High Priority (46,800 DWT, Mar 2005, Naikai Setoda) sold to undisclosed buyers for USD 9.20 mil, VV Value USD 8.83 mil – BWTS Fitted
Jednokratno ili novi trend?
From Poten: "MR time charter earnings hit 2-year high after spot spike." One-year eco vessel rate currently at $17,000/day
Sa liste u 2022.
Tankerasi +40%
Produktasi +45%
Tpng +11%
Bcti 1065
u zadnjih 50 kal dana
Bcti prosjecno 980.
Najveci prosjek u 13g.
Najstarija flota u zadnjih 20g
Najmanji orderbook u 30g
Najnizi ordering u 30g
Slotovi popunjeni do 2026.
Demand raste prema novom vrhu.
ako rat stane ostat ce sankcije rusiji,povecanje tonmilja.
Kako bi moglo biti bolje da bi nevjerne tome
Display MoreSa liste u 2022.
Tankerasi +40%
Produktasi +45%
Tpng +11%
Bcti 1065
u zadnjih 50 kal dana
Bcti prosjecno 980.
Najveci prosjek u 13g.
Najstarija flota u zadnjih 20g
Najmanji orderbook u 30g
Najnizi ordering u 30g
Slotovi popunjeni do 2026.
Demand raste prema novom vrhu.ako rat stane ostat ce sankcije rusiji,povecanje tonmilja.
Kako bi moglo biti bolje da bi nevjerne tome
Moze i vec je bolje😅
01.01.2023.EEXI i C II ce usporiti brodove i ubrzati rezanje.
Cijene scrapa na rekordnim visinama max poticajnim za rezanje.
U.S. airlines sound bullish as bookings roar back
the 3-2-1 crack spread is at an all-time high of around $44.74. The spread measures the difference between the purchase price of crude oil and the selling price of finished products and is an indicator of short-term refining profits.
Vise posla za ostale
Eight weeks into the invasion of Ukraine President Joe Biden has decided to join Canada, the UK and the European Union in banning all Russian-affiliated ships from calling at American ports.
“That means no ship, no ship that sails under the Russian flag or that is owned or operated by a Russian entity, will be allowed to dock in a United States port or access our shores. None,”
Bcti ne moze u kategoriju jednokratno?
↗️ 1076
51 dan prosjecno 985
Ako nije jednokratno tada je novi trend? Frend-trend