645 +6%
Palo MA5,10,20,120
Nedostaju 4 boda da padne i MA60
🏔️? 😅
645 +6%
Palo MA5,10,20,120
Nedostaju 4 boda da padne i MA60
🏔️? 😅
4k iznad Breakevena
Idemo dalje promatrati ...😁
Dalmacija MR 50000 SPP 2015 Hartree Partners LP 4 yrs USD 16000
To je koliko uprihode ova ostala dva broda pod ugovorom šta imaju...jel ovo znači da su Dalmaciju stavili pod 4 godišnji ugovor Brajkice??
4k iznad Breakevena
Idemo dalje promatrati ...😁
Dalmacija MR 50000 SPP 2015 Hartree Partners LP 4 yrs USD 16000
To je koliko uprihode ova ostala dva broda pod ugovorom šta imaju...jel ovo znači da su Dalmaciju stavili pod 4 godišnji ugovor Brajkice??
Marine cekamo jos sluzbenu potvrdu prije ispaljivanja raketa😁
Ove zime su svi bili zateceni extremno visokom cijenama plina.
Za sljedecu zimu ce biti puno veca potraznja za heating oil jer razlika u cijeni je 🤪
Uskoro stizu racuni i obracuni plina od kojih se pada u nesvijest.
"Nafta i tankerasi "su odlican hedge izbor.
Vec vidim ovo ljeto ljude koji po tavanima i podrumima traze stare uljne peci, ciste ih i isprobavaju, neki ce cistiti uljne rezervare za centralno,isprobavati uljne plamenike i kupovati novo.
Bit ce trazene i lopate za uljen, pile za drva.
Neki ce ljetovanje provesti u sumi spremajuci drva umjesto na moru.
Ako nece nafta biti zamjena za plin biti ce ugljen i drva.
Znaci da su i bulkerasi odlican hedge izbor
Kada smo kod tankerasa bolje izabrati cleanase/produktase jer ce prije i vise rasti od prljavaca.
Imam jednog na piku jer pada dok njegove sestre rastu i po 30% u mjesec i pol a svi voze po istim vozarinama??? 🤪 . Neki vodeci zse shipping strucnjaci bacili kletvu i uroke jer su prodali.
promatrajmo do kada ce ta magija drzati vodu
Marine cekamo jos sluzbenu potvrdu prije ispaljivanja raketa😁
I očekivao sam da maknu makar jedan brod sa SPOT-a u prosincu...RE: TPNG (tankerska plovidba next generation)
još sam krajem prosinca u jedno privatnoj konverzaciji prognozirao:
Lako moguće da su u 4Q poslovali sa ok dobiti, još ako bi nekim čudnom napravili novu procjenu vridnosti tankera, bude to lijepa dobit...
Još je dolar ojačao u razdoblju od 30.9 do 31.12 za 3.1%, tako da povrh neto dobiti imat ćemo sveobuhvatnu dobit ,koja iznosi 3.1% aktive firme, a to je dodatnih 31 milijun kuna, povrh neto dobiti.
Sad zamisli, nema onih 5 milja jednokratnog kamatnog troška iz 3Q, BCTI je eksplodirao 40% u 4Q naspram 3Q, neto dobit bi lako mogla biti 10-15 milijuna i to konzervativno, još ako naprave novu procjenu brodova nekih 30-40 milja, plus zbog rasta vrijednosti dolara ide još 31 milja kuna u sveobuhvatnu dobit.
Dakle, mogao bi biti izvaredan 4Q kvartal, potencijalno 50 do 100 milja sveobuhvatne dobiti u jednom kvartalu, treba ovo čuvati do kraja 2 miseca. Glupo je izlazit bez lipe dobiti.
EDIT: samo ova tri broda što imaju sad pod ugovorom će im godišnje donit cca trideset mila kuna čiste dobiti i nema više gubitaka dana prihoda na beskonačne remonte
Eno počeo prodavat netko sa ZABA skrbničkog....
eto, opet te napadam i to zato kaj držim tpng i ostale na oku!
nema nikakvog smisla revalorizacijsku "dobit" zbrajati sa dobiti iz poslovanja. to su potpuno različite stavke u bilanci.
a da bi mogli u q4 do nekakvog plusića, moguće. a kaj budu napisali u godišnjem? ono kaj im bude pasalo.
Ako ne ostvare dobit u 4Q, kada je BCTI iznad prosječne razine od osnivanja TPNG onda nikad ni neće ostvarit više dobit....uz to su vidiš mora biti i Dalmaciju ugovorili na 16k dolara....tako da bi na samo ova 3 broda pod ugovorom ovako odokativno na godinu trebali zaradili 25-30 milijuna kuna...
namam ništa protiv da bude tako!
Demand je jak ali tek treba ubrzati njegov rast u postkorona vremenu.
Proizvodnja nafte ce rasti a tankere nece nitko proizvesti jos godinama jer je orderbook 30y low a slotovi su popunjeni.
Sapienti sat
Demand je jak ali tek treba ubrzati njegov rast u postkorona vremenu.
Proizvodnja nafte ce rasti a tankere nece nitko proizvesti jos godinama jer je orderbook 30y low a slotovi su popunjeni.
Sapienti sat
Around 40 VLCCs are to be delivered in 2022, on top of 35 this year, according to estimates of the brokers who expect higher freight only towards the end of 2022 due to seasonal winter demand.
Only four LR1s were delivered this year and three were demolished, according to Bancosta's estimates. However, supply of MRs has increased significantly with 82 deliveries and 30 demolitions, the estimates showed. The corresponding number for LR2s is 33 and 10, respectively.
Nema tankera ni za lijek
bla bla bla
Proizvodnja nafte raste.
u drugoj polovici 2022 se najavljuje ubrzanje trenda.
Iran moze kratkorocno dosta dodati na supply stranu.
US oil rigs and frac spread (Baker Hughes/Primary Vision)
Cijena nafte raste,Biden zeli to sprijeciti radi inflacije a sada ima motiv vise jer rusi tom cijenom nafte financiraju agresiju na ukrajinu.
EU zeli niz cijenu i da se sprijeci iran u izradi nuklearnog oruzja.
Svi jako zele iransku naftu na trzistu.
Iran je financijski na koljenima.
JCPOA participants (without #Iran) and the #US met this afternoon to assess the situation at the #ViennaTalks on JCPOA. All assessments were positive. Significant progress has been made in the course of negotiations.
Very intensive consultations continue on Sunday in the course of the ViennaTalks on JCPOA. In particular I had a productive meeting with the chief Iranian negotiator Dr. A. Bagheri Kani on the remaining outstanding issues.
Iran vec trosi $$$ racunajuci da ce sporazum biti postignut?
Tko ili sto je uljez i najbolji izbor (hedge)
2.energetski sektor
STNG ASX PXS u 2022 +20%
Zasto raste cijena MR-ova??? 🤪
Demand je jak ali tek treba ubrzati njegov rast u postkorona vremenu.
Proizvodnja nafte ce rasti a tankere nece nitko proizvesti jos godinama jer je orderbook 30y low a slotovi su popunjeni.
Sapienti sat
U 2022.ce biti oko +3% supply produktasa.
koliko ce vise rasti demand?
Razlika=povecanje vozarina
U prosincu BCTI 850 kao potvrda da se blizi inflection point.
Promatrajmo rat izmedu madijanja,uroka i novog uzleta vozarina,rasta stranih produktasa koji su na +20%
"Slotovi popunjeni"
Sve isto vrijedi i za bulkere, tankerase, kontejnerase
LNG fleet seriously exposed to CII impact.
The world fleet of LNG carriers is expanding fast. A record 85 newbuilding contracts agreed at substantially higher prices in 2021 will boost today’s 610 deep sea trade LNG ships and we expect another year of record contracting in 2022. Ten more LNG carriers were ordered in the first few days of January, taking the orderbook up to more than 130 ships, close to 20% of existing fleet capacity. With projects lined up however this number could easily triple soon.
In these conditions, concerns are raised about regulatory compliance. We are likely to have a shortage of ships that comply with the IMO’s carbon intensity indicator (CII) from 2025 onwards. This could limit charterers’ options, propel rates for compliant ships to new highs, and ultimately put a brake on the world’s decarbonisation process to the extent that this is driven from the coal to gas shift.
The supply squeeze is inevitable despite the arrival of several newcomers in LNG construction. The handful of specialist builders, including South Korea’s Daewoo, Hyundai, Samsung and China’s Hudong, have been joined recently by Dalian Shipbuilding and Jiangnan Shipbuilding. Despite the newcomers, LNG builders are full until 2025 for a sector which historically presented a capacity of approximately 30 units a year.
Meanwhile LNG trade is predicted to grow by 250 million tonnes per annum, until 2030, according to MSI and IGU forecasts putting even more pressure on the shipbuilding sector.
Older technology steamers
Here are the challenges to today’s existing fleet. There are about 250 elderly steam turbine vessels which typically have a daily boil-off rate (BOR) of about 0.15% of cargo. These ships were designed to use ‘Boil-Off’ for propulsion. In this manner their propulsion arrangements did not look on efficiency but to the productive consumption of liquid turning into gas. For this reason, boilers coupled with steam turbines seemed like a good match despite its efficiency being marginally over 30%, or even lower when away from the optimum operating point like in ‘slow steaming’ conditions.
The next stage of LNG ship design moved from steamers to four-stroke, dual- or tri-fuel diesel-electric propulsion systems, using types of marine fuels or LNG. These vessels, with lower BORs of around 0.1%, have smaller engines and better efficiency of more than 40%. There are about 150 of these ships in the fleet today.
The latest generation of two-stroke LNG vessels have BORs as low as 0.07%. Their efficiency is almost or marginally below 50% and these vessels are equipped with reliquefaction plants on board to convert any excess boil-off back into liquid cargo.
So, during a slow canal transit, for example, or port operations when propulsion power is not required, operators of such vessels can conserve cargo and its value. There are about 210 of these ships in operation today, making up the balance of the fleet.
CII fleet impact
The first two ship categories, well over half of the existing fleet, are unlikely to achieve CII ratings of A, B, or C when they are gauged next year. This means that ships rated E will have to undergo carbon-efficiency improvements immediately (a subject which I will cover in my next blog) and owners of D-rated vessels will have to ensure that ships become more fuel efficient within the three following years.
However, since CII assessments will become progressively stricter from 2027 until the end of the decade, ships which are adapted to meet CII requirements by 2024/5 may subsequently fall into categories D and E later in the decade. Owners of these older vessels will then be faced with the decision over whether to invest in expensive sustainability measures, sell them for conversion to floating LNG plants, or dispose of them for recycling.
So, on one hand, there is limited scope to raise supply to meet the growing demand for seaborne LNG because shipbuilders have no extra capacity. On the other, you have a majority of ships in the fleet which are unlikely to meet CII requirements from 2025 onwards, in what could resemble to a perfect storm!
Decarbonisation delay
Ultimately, in a macro context, this has serious implications. The most important aspect of global decarbonisation is to stop the use of coal in power generation. Key economies such as China and India still rely heavily on this worst type of carbon-generating energy source.
LNG offers the best available energy source to replace coal and achieve a carbon reduction of about 50% in the process. But if there is insufficient shipping capacity, or the price is too high, consumers will not switch from coal to gas and ultimately the global decarbonisation process will be set back.
Clearly, no-one wants this to happen. However, this means that the decision on managing the application of CII to the existing LNG fleet needs to be addressed in a sensitive and substantiated manner, radical changes could have the exact opposite effect.
645 +6%
Palo MA5,10,20,120
Nedostaju 4 boda da padne i MA60
🏔️? 😅
Pao i MA 60🏔️
Idemo dalje promatrati magijanje jer do usa produktasa jos nisu dosle vijesti da je poceo WW3🤭
Gubitak ali earnings surprise +8%
Scorpio Tankers (STNG) came out with a quarterly loss of $0.79 per share versus the Zacks Consensus Estimate of a loss of $0.86. This compares to loss of $1.04 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.
This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 8.14%