Freight futures am update
Capesize flat
Panamax up ~4%
Baltic Dry-indeksen - 0,5 prosent til 1.960 poeng, ifølge The Baltic Exchange.
- Capesize - 3,5 prosent til 16.741 dollar pr. dag.
- Panamax + 1,2 prosent til 18.842 dollar pr. dag.
- Handysize + 2,1 prosent til 21.130 dollar pr. dag.
- Supramax + 1,3 prosent til 22.844 dollar pr. dag.
to su ta velika MALA braća koja drže front.
neće to veliki brat zaboraviti ,tko želi nek se sili preko svake mjere
praktično i kanibalizmu usprkos kota 2000 pred padom a što će tek biti kada veliki brat upali turbo drive
Freight futures am update
Capesize flat
Panamax up ~4%
#Capes trading up a touch but overall tone remains very bullish. #Panamax and #supramax heating up again with Grain guys once again on buy side... good volume throughout
šta će tek biti u nastavku godine ako je BDI 1960 pri:
Australia: Iron ore export shipments hit a one-year low in Feb'21 on seasonal factors
još se bidenov potpis na stimulus nije osušio a voda(vatra) je do grla?
a što će tek biti
US hot rolled coil steel
aha,ma nek te ne more mokri snovi...
U USA je hot, hot, hot. A kod nas rasprodaja brace Pivac😴
U USA je hot, hot, hot. A kod nas rasprodaja brace Pivac😴
rasprodaja,pretovar,štopanje radi štopanja ili što već za mudrog investitora je to once in a lifetime opportunity a ne eventualni razlog za depru,pesimizam....
koliko puta smo se uvjerili u onaj stari poučak o katapultu i zatezanju?
nek se špana što duže to bolje za investitore a oni drugi imaju slobodu izbora pa....
kada bi me ovakve situacije na ZSE zabrinjavale poslao bi sam sebe u investitorsku penziju.
ipak ima nešto što me "brine" jer nisam očekivao ovu za mene neviđenu razinu fin nepismenosti pa se nisam u skladu s time pripremio ali radim na tome pa nek potraje još neko vrijeme,ako neće opet WIN
Handysize: The week showed no sign of slowing down in both basins. As expected, both the overall index and time charter average climbed further with an increment of over 100 points and $2,000 respectively during the week...
Panamax 4 Time Charter Average
Spot 18842
MTD 18440
YTD. 15540
Supramax 10 Time Charter Average
Spot 22844
MTD 21462
YTD. 15112
Handysize 7 Time Charter Average
Spot 23096
MTD 20860
YTD. 14866
Nemate sto natezati pricu.
Kad dodje CnB izvjesce za q1 onda ce svijest biti drukcija. Kad dodje za q2 bit ce jos drukcija.
Pomalo... Nema zurbe.
Brazil's largest iron ore miner - Vale has started the commissioning process to ramp up the production capacity at Timbopeba mining site, a part of the Mariana Complex, by adding 7 mn t pa to its current capacity. After the commissioning, the mines' total capacity would reach 12 mn t pa. The commissioning process is expected to last 2 months. The resumption of Timbopeba capacity is another step in stabilizing iron ore production and on the way to resume 400 mn t pa production capacity by the end of CY '22.
advanced investing strategies lesson 9.2
kako dobiti unaprijed sebi zadan razultat "ništa posebno" ?
veliki rast SH na već veliki rast SH ?
siiinergijaaaa raaaasta SH?
koliko ono in our univers godina ima mjeseci,tjedana.hmmm....
Dry bulk’s year to date
Rates for Capesizes — bulkers with capacity of around 180,000 deadweight tons (DWT) — briefly shot up to 10-year highs in January. Since then, smaller bulker classes have outperformed. Clarksons reported Friday that Supramaxes (45,000- to 60,000-DWT bulkers) were earning an average of $22,600 per day. That’s the highest rate for Supramaxes since 2010.
According to Clarksons Platou Securities analyst Frode Mørkedal, “Dry bulk equities are the best-performing sector year-to-date, up 58% on average, and are pricing in 1.09 times NAV on average. Investors should not look too closely at the dry bulk NAVs, however, as vessel values are significantly lagging time-charter rates, which are at a 10-year high. Based on vessel values seen in prior periods when freight rates were at the same level, dry bulk NAVs could roughly double.”
Since Jan. 1, shares of Seanergy (NASDAQ: SHIP) are up 133%, Safe Bulkers (NYSE: SB) 120%, Eagle Bulk (NASDAQ: EGLE) 106%, Star Bulk (NASDAQ: SBLK) 81%, Genco (NYSE: GNK) 58% and Golden Ocean (NASDAQ: GOGL) 41%.…shipping-stocks
Brazil's largest iron ore miner - Vale has started the commissioning process to ramp up the production capacity at Timbopeba mining site, a part of the Mariana Complex, by adding 7 mn t pa to its current capacity. After the commissioning, the mines' total capacity would reach 12 mn t pa. The commissioning process is expected to last 2 months. The resumption of Timbopeba capacity is another step in stabilizing iron ore production and on the way to resume 400 mn t pa production capacity by the end of CY '22.
Vale ended 2020 with 322 Mt of production capacity and expects to achieve 350 Mt capacity by the end of 2021.
“Vale remains confident to achieve 400 Mtpy capacity by the end of 2022,”
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The Baltic Exchange Handysize Index (BHSI) was formally launched in 2007 and is a measure of the strength of spot freight earnings for smaller dry bulk vessels, currently based on a standard 38,000 dwt bulk carrier (since 2 Jan 2020). ............ With the beginning of 2020, the below mentioned routes and vessel sizes have been replaced.
evo malo o stahovima,kvazistrahovima,pretjeranim strahovima....
China plans to reduce output of steel, aluminum to achieve carbon neutrality.
to želi cijeli svijet pa i kina ali još 1o godina ići će se u smjeru:
China's goal to reach a carbon dioxide emissions peak by 2030.
China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has cited the plan to cut steel output no less than three times already in 2021
But this could hurt the profitability of steel end-users, or even drive up inflation.
Take China's plans for iron ore cuts....
'What the Chinese government says and what the Chinese government does are two different things
i za kraj najgori scenarij da kina i ostvari što nikad nije i ako bi ikad htjela osim na riječima,da smanji proizvodnju steela čime bi se izgubio profit,poluga moći u svjetskim ekonomskim odnosima,da u krajnjoj liniji uspori svoj ekonomski rast....
hoće li svijet stati?ako kina kaže dovoljno smo bogati da ne želimo više zarađivati na nečistoj industriji koja svakim danom postaje čišća,to je jedna posebna tema koja zahtjeva.....
uvjeren sam da svijet neće stati ako bi kojim slučajem kina...
nameće se više nego logičan odgovor,dogodit će se ono što se je dogodilo kada je i kina preuzela svjetsku proizvodnju čelika,netko drugi će reći "ne možemo si priuštiti da radi "nečiste" industrije propuštamo veliku zaradu"
zar već danas ne svjedočimo procesu tranzicije?
China steel imports surge 150% in 2020,Vietnam's steelmakers long suffered from an influx of cheap alternatives from China. But the trend reversed last year, when steel exports to China increased more than ninefold.....
Indian steel exports to China increased by a factor of 15 last year....
Japanese steelmakers also were quick to tap Chinese demand. Mini-mill producer Tokyo Steel Manufacturing resumed exports to China for the first time in a decade in July.
ukupe količine su male ali je trend više nego naglašen.
Strong MENA demand diverts high grade iron ore supply from China
znači ima onih koji bolje plačaju od kineza,koji čekaju u redu da kinezi odustanu od proizvodnje steela ali ne vjerujem da su oni baš tako....
bitno izglednije da su to iskusni glumci ,performeri....
koji nebi bili na putu da postanu gospodari svijeta da su baš tako....
vidim dva njihova primarna motiva za "svakodnevno" ponavljanje mantre smanjit ćemo proizvodnju steela...
1. da se dodvore svjetskoj zajednici kao najveći zagađivaći planete da bi oni ali....
2. direktno na trenutnoj bazi tim izjavama dižu cijene steela na svjetskom tržištu i time podižu zaradu svojih čeličana.
moj rezime:svijet ne može bez steela,treba ga više nego ikad,cijena neće biti prepreka jer alternativa je okretanje kotača u suprotnom smjeru.
ima li tko pri zdravoj pameti da to želi,da bi to dozvolio ako se može spriječiti?
neće kina odrediti koliko će se steela proizvoditi,to će odrediti DEMAND a sve upučuje da će biti jak kao nikad pa...
dry bulk će na jedinom prihvatljivom izboru profitirati u rasponu jako dobro do profitirati kao nikad u povijesti.
time will tell
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Everything you need to know about the EEXI
During MEPC 75 in November 2020, the IMO approved amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, introducing an Energy Efficiency Design Index for existing ships (EEXI). Subject to adoption at MEPC 76 in June 2021, the requirements will enter into force in 2023.
Bulk carriers
For bulk carriers over 200,000 DWT the reduction factor is 15, which increases to 20 for ships under 200,000 DWT.
In addition, corrections will be made for the Common Structure Rules, and a minimum propulsion power requirement will be set for operation in adverse weather conditions.
Bulkers will also have the strictest required EEXI curve of all ship types.
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evo malo o stahovima,kvazistrahovima,pretjeranim strahovima....
China plans to reduce output of steel, aluminum to achieve carbon neutrality.
to želi cijeli svijet pa i kina ali još 1o godina ići će se u smjeru:
China's goal to reach a carbon dioxide emissions peak by 2030.
China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has cited the plan to cut steel output no less than three times already in 2021
But this could hurt the profitability of steel end-users, or even drive up inflation.
Take China's plans for iron ore cuts....
'What the Chinese government says and what the Chinese government does are two different things
i za kraj najgori scenarij da kina i ostvari što nikad nije i ako bi ikad htjela osim na riječima,da smanji proizvodnju steela čime bi se izgubio profit,poluga moći u svjetskim ekonomskim odnosima,da u krajnjoj liniji uspori svoj ekonomski rast....
hoće li svijet stati?ako kina kaže dovoljno smo bogati da ne želimo više zarađivati na nečistoj industriji koja svakim danom postaje čišća,to je jedna posebna tema koja zahtjeva.....
uvjeren sam da svijet neće stati ako bi kojim slučajem kina...
nameće se više nego logičan odgovor,dogodit će se ono što se je dogodilo kada je i kina preuzela svjetsku proizvodnju čelika,netko drugi će reći "ne možemo si priuštiti da radi "nečiste" industrije propuštamo veliku zaradu"
zar već danas ne svjedočimo procesu tranzicije?
China steel imports surge 150% in 2020,Vietnam's steelmakers long suffered from an influx of cheap alternatives from China. But the trend reversed last year, when steel exports to China increased more than ninefold.....
Indian steel exports to China increased by a factor of 15 last year....
Japanese steelmakers also were quick to tap Chinese demand. Mini-mill producer Tokyo Steel Manufacturing resumed exports to China for the first time in a decade in July.
ukupe količine su male ali je trend više nego naglašen.
Strong MENA demand diverts high grade iron ore supply from China
znači ima onih koji bolje plačaju od kineza,koji čekaju u redu da kinezi odustanu od proizvodnje steela ali ne vjerujem da su oni baš tako....
bitno izglednije da su to iskusni glumci ,performeri....
koji nebi bili na putu da postanu gospodari svijeta da su baš tako....
vidim dva njihova primarna motiva za "svakodnevno" ponavljanje mantre smanjit ćemo proizvodnju steela...
1. da se dodvore svjetskoj zajednici kao najveći zagađivaći planete da bi oni ali....
2. direktno na trenutnoj bazi tim izjavama dižu cijene steela na svjetskom tržištu i time podižu zaradu svojih čeličana.
moj rezime:svijet ne može bez steela,treba ga više nego ikad,cijena neće biti prepreka jer alternativa je okretanje kotača u suprotnom smjeru.
ima li tko pri zdravoj pameti da to želi,da bi to dozvolio ako se može spriječiti?
neće kina odrediti koliko će se steela proizvoditi,to će odrediti DEMAND a sve upučuje da će biti jak kao nikad pa...
dry bulk će na jedinom prihvatljivom izboru profitirati u rasponu jako dobro do profitirati kao nikad u povijesti.
time will tell
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Soybeans continue to flood out of Brazil, most of which are en route to China.
This map shows snapshot of vessels compared with a week ago, along with the demarcation line of ships that have departed within the last week..... .
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Brazil kicks of soya been export season with a 40.1% drop
The slow start to this season is partly due to rain currently delaying harvesting, but also to dry weather having delayed planting it in the first place. These delays do not seem to have affected the size of the harvest, and exports are expected to pick up through March and April.
na sidru 70 brodova,prije desetak dana bilo je 100
a kad smo već kod sidrišta
Newcastle (coal)
o(zero) + o(zero) u dolasku
ma 100%,nek te ne more mokri snovi....
coal is dead,tko to još koristi šta ne?