Da su normalna vremena,na ovim fundamentima, bila bi atpl na cca 2200-2300.
Da su normalna vremena,na ovim fundamentima, bila bi atpl na cca 2200-2300.
Ako bi bila na tom nivou, bila bi precijenjena. Brodari su uvijek negdje oko NAVa.
(ANSA-AFP) - BERLIN, JUN 19 - Germany will take emergency measures to ensure it meets its energy needs after the drop in supply of Russian gas, including increased use of coal, the government said Sunday. "To reduce gas consumption, less gas must be used to generate electricity. Coal-fired power plants will have to be used more instead," the economy ministry said in a statement Germany, emergency measures to meet energy needs - News - Nuova Europa - ANSA.it
Malo detalnije o tome
In order to reduce gas consumption, less gas is to be used to produce electricity. Instead, coal-fired power plants will have to be used more. The corresponding law on the availability of replacement power plants, which makes this possible, is currently in the parliamentary process and is to be dealt with in the Bundesrat on July 8th and then come into force quickly.
BCI 25138 +362
Cleaves Shipping Fund forecast through 2025
drybulk (light brown) expected to remain strong
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BC 5 T/C routes 180000 25138 362
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 25846 89
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 27167 28
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 24051 -118
BDI INDEX 2596 +18
⛏️Lozi misko🌚🔥
A tek kada dode zima? 🤪
Prije zime dolazi jesen kada se moraju u zadnjem roku napuniti zalihe cumura.
Two years ago, Austria became the only 2nd country in Europe to completely eliminate coal from its electricity grid.
On Sunday evening, the government ordered a state-owned power company to prepare a mothballed coal power station for operation again.Austria Returns to Coal Era in Hedge Against Russian Power PlayAustria is returning to the coal age, reviving use of the dirtiest fossil fuel to generate power as Russia curbs flows of natural gas to Europe.www.bloomberg.com -
⛏️Lozi misko🌚🔥
A tek kada dode zima? 🤪
Prije zime dolazi jesen kada se moraju u zadnjem roku napuniti zalihe cumura.
Two years ago, Austria became the only 2nd country in Europe to completely eliminate coal from its electricity grid.
On Sunday evening, the government ordered a state-owned power company to prepare a mothballed coal power station for operation again.A Atpl gle čuda prevozi najviše ugljena.
indonezija kao najveći svjetski izvoznik uglja je obustavila izvoz istog tako da brodovi više tamo ne plove. što ne znači da neće biti posla preko glave. neke države (tipa njemačka) je pod krinkom zelene agende zapravo htjela da zašteka svoje rezerve uglja za neizvjesnu budućnost. sad su ih prije plana istjerali na čistac. dobre rezerve ima i poljska (gle čuda i tamo se nešto zvecka sa oružjem) što će reći da na energetskom polju sve ide po planu i programu.
Indonezija je zabranila ali nije Australija i Juzno Africka Republika ciji ugalj ima znatno vecu kalorijsku vrijednost pogotovo Australijiskikoji je i najkvalitetniji.Ima Europa uglja ali ne te kvalitete a i tko ce ga kopati nije to samo tako meni treba uglja pa ajmo kopati nema europa radne snage za veci kapacitet otkopavanja uglja uvoz je puno laksi i da u ovom trenu kratkorocno struja nema alternative ili ugalj ili shut down
svaka tona će se čuvati. dobro ne baš tona ali nad svime budne oči bdiju. ne kopa se to više lopatom pa da treba masa ljudi. australija vjerojatno neće zaustaviti izvoz ali za JAR ne znam. strpimo se malo. velika većina kineskog ekonomskog čuda je zasnovana na ugljenu.
Indonezija je bila zabranila početkom godine. Jesam ja nešto propustio pa su opet ?
to je to ali niko nije pisao o tome jer te odma zeleni izudaraju solarnim panelima po glavi. čekamo tko će sledeći nešto zabraniti.
Indonezija je, ako me sjećanje ne vara, samo rekla da se prvo moraju osigurati domaći kupci, a šta ostane, ide u eksport.
Kod Mintzmyera otvoren opet probni rok besplatni od 14 dana, svega ima. Samo pripazite ako ste već bili na trialu da ne koristite isti mail kao prije.
Hoće li danas ameri u zeleno???
Golden Ocean Group Limited (GOGL)
NasdaqGS - NasdaqGS Real Time Price. Currency in USD
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12.70+0.23 (+1.84%)At close: June 17 04:00PM EDT
13.06 +0.36 (+2.83%)
Pre-Market: 04:24AM EDT
Evo malo za proučavanje, CEO Eglea intervju o midsize bulkerima, a onda i o ukrajinskom žitu.
GV: Sorry, no, maybe just to that point. I mean, there's a few things, right. Capesize vessels, primarily carry iron ore, coal, and then bauxite. We carry major bulk, but we derive two-thirds of our demand from minor bulk cargoes. So we have incredible number, both of the types of commodities we carry, as well as the geography. I mean, last year, as an example China was responsible for 47% of major bulk demand, and just 22% of minor bulk. Now 22% is not an insignificant number. But it pales in comparison to the 47%.
And so because we carry so many cargoes and diverse geography as well, that's really what drives the less volatility. And so when you look at the rates, for whatever reason, your capesize vessels get all the headlines. And when they run up to $30,000 people often talk about the capesize market on the move, because these swings are quite large. But if you look at it capesize vessels and 10 year old vessels cost about 1.7 times as much. And so our ships have been earning significantly more overall so far this year. And that's without even putting in the fact that those ships cost, as I mentioned, 1.7 times more, and then you overlay that volatility. So the midsize has been a really good place to be for all of those reasons.
GV: Yeah, so I mean, first and foremost is of course, the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. And then secondarily, a lack of volumes is likely going to impact certain destinations and likely more developing nations than otherwise. I mean, the grain was approximately 15%. There's almost nothing moving out of Ukraine right now. And there's very little -- there is the potential, Turkey trying to negotiate and export opportunities for grain. But so far that hasn't materialized.
So our expectation is that grain volumes overall will be negative this year, by around 3.5% to 4% year-over-year. Having said that, I've talked about it before that offset is the ton mile, as an example, about 60% of the exports from Black Sea are relatively short trade, short haul, I should say, excuse me. About one-third go to ports in the Mediterranean or the Black Sea. And then about another 25% go to Northern Europe, Middle East and Africa. And so those -- a lot of those are now getting replaced with longer haul trade. And just as an example we're moving grain from Brazil to North Africa, which clearly would have been a trade done from the Black Sea.
And so that ties up more days on a ship. That's the ton mile, the product of tons times the distance moved that we talk about. More impactful is we've actually are moving coal cargoes from Indonesia to the Continent. That's actually a trade we at Eagle have never done before in almost seven years since I've been here. And that's an incredibly long duration voyage. Typically the coal that Eagle moves is from Indonesia to either China, Vietnam or India. So moving coal to the Continent is much, much longer. And in addition, it's historically a backhaul rate for us, which is at a discount to the index. At the moment voyages from the Pacific to the Atlantic are trading at a premium to the index because of this increased demand.
Kini fali ćumura, redukcije diljem države
https://www.reuters.com/world/china/ch…ook-2021-09-27/ -