Baš ga je ono žestoko stao
Vozarine za Capesize i BDI bi uskoro mogli znacajnije porasti po FFA-ovima koji rastu vec drugi dan. Na Panamaxima i Supramaxima bi se uskoro mogao desiti novi preokret na gore, ako ce slijediti Capesize vozarine, ali vec su i sada oko 30k $ dnevno. Strani bulk brodari svi od reda imaju preporuku buy ili strong buy.
Peter Lindström
The annual report of Torvald Klaveness was published yesterday. A snapshot of the Drybulk outlook section (written by me a month ago) is attached below. Most is still relevant -
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 13655 59
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 29123 -906
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 31629 -772
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 31597 -336
BDI INDEX 2369 -48
Evo malo detaljnije o Šangaju. -
Last Price Change Chg % Currency Market Time Volume Shares Avg Vol (3m) Day Range 52-Wk Range Day Chart Market Cap 35.74 +0.74 +2.12% USD 9:42AM EDT 27,410 - 364,713 1.079B 3.7400 +0.0400 +1.08% USD 9:34AM EDT 5,237 - 280,052 85.214M 4.7200 +0.0800 +1.72% USD 9:42AM EDT 64,663 - 1.396M 574.183M 29.93 -0.07 -0.23% USD 9:42AM EDT 287,173 - 2.841M 3.062B 1.1750 +0.0350 +3.07% USD 9:42AM EDT 508,337 - 3.722M 203.383M 5.57 +0.22 +4.21% USD 9:42AM EDT 226,910 - 793,429 472.035M 67.12 +1.23 +1.87% USD 9:42AM EDT 24,443 - 331,837 915.067M 23.62 +0.38 +1.61% USD 9:42AM EDT 98,209 - 914,649 991.251M 12.73 +0.36 +2.90% USD 9:43AM EDT 1.066M - 3.527M 2.551B GOGL NOK 109.70 30/03/2022 - 15:43 CET Since Open +2.70 (+2.52%) Since Previous Close +7.10 (+6.92%)
Vani raspalili a kod nas na ATPL zakočili.
Last Price Change Chg % Currency Market Time Volume Shares Avg Vol (3m) Day Range 52-Wk Range Day Chart Market Cap 35.74 +0.74 +2.12% USD 9:42AM EDT 27,410 - 364,713 1.079B 3.7400 +0.0400 +1.08% USD 9:34AM EDT 5,237 - 280,052 85.214M 4.7200 +0.0800 +1.72% USD 9:42AM EDT 64,663 - 1.396M 574.183M 29.93 -0.07 -0.23% USD 9:42AM EDT 287,173 - 2.841M 3.062B 1.1750 +0.0350 +3.07% USD 9:42AM EDT 508,337 - 3.722M 203.383M 5.57 +0.22 +4.21% USD 9:42AM EDT 226,910 - 793,429 472.035M 67.12 +1.23 +1.87% USD 9:42AM EDT 24,443 - 331,837 915.067M 23.62 +0.38 +1.61% USD 9:42AM EDT 98,209 - 914,649 991.251M 12.73 +0.36 +2.90% USD 9:43AM EDT 1.066M - 3.527M 2.551B GOGL NOK 109.70 30/03/2022 - 15:43 CET Since Open +2.70 (+2.52%) Since Previous Close +7.10 (+6.92%)
Vani raspalili a kod nas na ATPL zakočili.
klasika .
Plima putuje i nezaustavljiva je, doci ce i do nasih barkica.
Shipping je IN u svijetu i to se nece promjeniti dok su ovakve vozarine.
Ima dosta psiholosko negativnih efekata, kad izadu iz glava investitora i fokusiraju se na ono bitno a to su fundamenti i najvece dividende
nastupit ce nestasica dionica i raketa.🤭
dio sezone sa najnizim vozarinama je iza nas ako nece ww3 2022 ce biti dosta bolja od 2021.
Ho_ocu postenu divkuuuu 🤧 😈
Signal Dry Bulk Weekly Report…k-weekly-report
Supramaxes to benefit from longer-haul steel trades
With Europe effectively shunning Russian steel amid the conflict in Ukraine, volumes will be sourced from further afield such as China or other countries in Asia, helping to support the supramax market, analysts say…ul-steel-trades
Sa vremenskim odmakom malo o mudrom i nemudrom investiranju?
GOGL je danas zavrsio 12.52(max12.83)dosta iznad cijene koja je ukljucivala nedavnu tromjesecnu dividendu od 8%.
Mozemo zakljuciti da nije bilo mudro podlijegati crnjacima i argumentima dobronamjernih stranih siritelja opreza?
i prodavati prije dividende
Nasi domaci su omogucili kupnju atpl na 340-350 i prodaju na 480.
Kupila jesam prodala nisam cekam divku za te atpl dionice i da se vrati na cijenu prije divke 🤑
Ovih dana ask atpl je cudnovata suma?
Promatrajmo dalje.... 😁
C3 Tubarao to Qingdao 25.565 $/ton 0.275
C5 West Australia to Qingdao 10.809 $/ton 0.132
C7 Bolivar to Rotterdam 12.360 $/ton 0.135
C17 18.945 $/ton 0.075BCI 5TC 14593 938
Rjesenje je pred nosom i ne trazi ulaganja i odmah primjenjivo.
Vrijedi i za tankere i ostale brodove
A 20% reduction in service speed would result immediately into a 50% drop in CO2 and GHG emissions
BRS boss reignites the slow steaming debate - Splash247François Cadiou, the chairman of French brokerage BRS, has reignited the slow steaming debate, arguing in his company’s just published annual review of the… -
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 14593 938
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 28273 -850
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 30883 -746
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 31236 -361
BDI INDEX 2358 -11
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 14593 938
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 28273 -850
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 30883 -746
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 31236 -361
BDI INDEX 2358 -11
Što manji brod to skuplji...handy trenutno najskuplji.
Poland adopts draft legislation to ban coal imports from RussiaThe Polish government has announced its decision to ban coal imports from Russia in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of
The Polish Government has announced its decision to ban coal imports from Russia in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, reported Reuters.
Draft legislation has been adopted by the government that imposes a ban on Russian coal imports.
Polish Cabinet spokesperson Piotr Muller was cited by Reuters as saying to reporters: “We don’t want these imports to be possible any longer, although we realise that there’s a risk related to the fact that the European Union has not approved such actions to date.”
Quoting Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Bloomberg said that the country would stop imports of coal from Russia by next month or May.
In 2020, Poland imported around 9.4 million tonnes of coal from Russia, accounting for 20% of Poland’s domestic use.
The country also imports more than 60% of the oil it refines and 50% of its gas from Russia.
Mueller was cited by Associated Press (AP) as saying that the government would impose financial penalties on private entities that import Russian coal, as part of the new policy.
Muller said that detailed plans to eliminate Russian energy supplies would be announced by Poland Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki later this week.
Last month, Poland reached an agreement to resolve a dispute with the Czech Republic over the expansion of the Turow mine on the Polish side of the border with the latter
Containerships orders jumped by more than 300% in 2021, BRS data shows with container carrier orders surpassing bulker and tanker orders for the first time in history. On top of that, there were 86 large LNG carriers ordered in 2021, an all-time record.
As a result of the ordering frenzy, BRS stated this week that most Chinese yards are now full for the next three years, with the situation similar in South Korea.…ing-supercycle/
King Coal Is Not Abdicating…-not-abdicating
Plima putuje i nezaustavljiva je, doci ce i do nasih barkica.
Shipping je IN u svijetu i to se nece promjeniti dok su ovakve vozarine.
Value grade of "A" (gogl)
Nema tu velikih razlika
Shipping je IN u svijetu.
S opravdanim razlogom ga se stavlja na postolje marketa svijeta.
Doslo je iz GuG onima koji su dokazani strucnjaci i cije se preporuke itekako uvazavaju jer imaju iza sebe dugu povijest brojnih odlicnih preporuka.
Domaci investitori uglavnom jos u nevjerici kaskaju u procesu iz GuG ali to i placaju propustanjem.
Kada jedan sektor kao shipping sada ude u fokus ne izlazi se brzo.
Tek trebaju doci jos vece od najvecih dividendi,to ce dodatno povecavati interes za shippingom u koji su sada upereni reflektori.
Rat je uteg ali cijene shipping dionica idu gore jer se percipiraju kao sigurnija luka od drugih dionica, kada rat stane rakete,moguce i prije toga