Skupljanje u padu.
Racunam zaokruziti prosjek na nekih 200-205 s najnizom cijenom oko 190, a onda strahovit odbijanac.
Skupljanje u padu.
Racunam zaokruziti prosjek na nekih 200-205 s najnizom cijenom oko 190, a onda strahovit odbijanac.
BDI -2.1% to 1,810
Capesize -5.2%
Panamax +2.9%
Handysize +2%
Supramax +4.7%
potraznja za panamaxom raste a dionica pada. Fino
Shanghai shipping index Cape / Pmax / Supra -4.03 / +1.15 / +0.30%
BDI nepromijenjen 1810
BDI 0% 1,810 points
Capesize -1.6%
Panamax +2.2%
Handysize +2.7%
Supramax +3.2%
TC i dalje u porastu
Dry orderbook as a % of the current fleet is now down to 7%, the lowest since the late 80s.
Dry bulk shipping is “very close” to seeing a supply and demand balance and an improved outlook is expected in the second half of this year and into 2021.
“One way or the other in 2020, you are going to have a supply side dividend either through slow steaming of the entire fleet or a combination of recycling some of the older ships and slow steaming by the balance fleet”
With demand virtually disappearing due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, owners have reacted swiftly by rushing to recycle older ships due to the costs of operating them.
The recycling of bulk vessels has gone from 2.45m dwt in the first quarter of 2019 to 4.77m dwt in the first quarter this year, though the figures were suppressed by the lockdowns in March as recycling yards of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan came to a halt from April.
“If our conservative reading of both the demand growth rates and the supply side turns out as per our predictions, then second half of 2020 and 2021 should be reasonable compared to the disaster that is shaping the first half of 2020”
BDI -1.0% to 1,792
Capesize -2.5% to $ 26,964
Panamax +0.7% to $ 13,040 --- Onaj gore Pana82k (14286$) je valjda neki drugi indeks
Supramax +2.6% to $ 9,420
Handysize +1.15 to $ 5,922
On the Oslo Stock Exchange:
Golden Ocean is up +1.5%
Star Bulk Carriers are jumping +8.1%
Belships is up +0.8%
Jako lijepo.
Cak nam niti ne odgovara prebrzi rast vozarina jer odgadja scrap i daje poticaj narucivanju. Idealno bi bilo lagani rast uz sezonske korekcije uz supresirani orderbook zbog korone, sto je sve izgledno.
A na to kad se superponiraju infrastrukturni projekti za zakurblavanje ekonomija...
Vidjet cemo u kolovozu kakav nam se Q3 sprema, s tim da je Q2 vec prozvakan kao negativan. Ako Q3 bude pozitivan idemo na 400, sto je standardno za breakeven na ovoj dionici.
Kako god bilo nisu mi jasni strani brodari...
Dsx opet na dnu 1.4 USD.
Tripple bottom.
ne znam sto ti tu nije jasno. Bulkeri su kratkorocno, srednjerocno i dugorocno mrtvi. Ali kako bi jedan mudrijas rekao njima nije bitan profit nego vodjenje biznisa.
Pa stoga vec vise od desetljeća posluju s gubitkom a kockari se klade na oporavak kojeg nece biti
Kolega Neo, to se zove bottoming out.
Pa vi kao trejder to znate, ne?
Nesto slicno imate i na Atpl, samo na bas na samom dnu nego blizu njega. Zbog nelikvidnosti mi vise propadnemo.
Kakve su vozarine danas?
Jel to drzavna tajna?
Preveo sam ih na razumljivi jezik
BDI -2.8% to 1,742 points
Capesize -2.8% to $ 25,562
Panamax 0% $ to 13,039
Supramax +2.1% to $ 9,622
Handysize +1.3% to $ 5,997
The U.S. Agriculture Department said that private exporters reported that China bought 1.762 million tonnes of corn for shipment in the 2020/21 marketing year that begins on Sept 1.
China also booked deals to buy 129,000 tonnes of soybeans in the 2020/21 marketing year.
In the Phase 1 trade deal signed with the United States in January, Beijing agreed to buy $80 billion of U.S. agricultural products over the next two years.
Oboren kineski rekord iz 1994. godine.