Ovo su već brutalni plusevi i najave. Ponovo smo konja uzjahali.
Route Description Size Value ($) Change
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 20632 787
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 27582 642
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 27593 329
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 24166 110
BDI INDEX 2481 +61
Evo malo u boji....
Dobro to sve izgleda, ali nam zasad ne pomaže....
Dobro to sve izgleda, ali nam zasad ne pomaže....
Zasad je dovoljno da se nateže praćka. A što se više nateže, više će i odletiti.
Route Description Size Value ($) Change
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 20632 787
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 27582 642
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 27593 329
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 24166 110
BDI INDEX 2481 +61
Panamax 4 T/C + 2,51% 26246
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Dobro to sve izgleda, ali nam zasad ne pomaže....
Nema za zagrebackom berzanu ni za biber.
Supramax Jul 21 29625
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Supramax Jul 21 29625
The content cannot be displayed because you do not have authorisation to view this content. Još će na kraju i danas probit 30 000 usd.
The World Bank raises growth forecast for world economy
It is the strongest upturn after a crisis in 80 years, writes the World Bank in its new prognosis. https://shippingwatch.com/carriers/article13042743.ece
An active day for Supramax paper with rates pushing across
the curve following the larger sizes. Chasing a thin offerside
the front of the curve pushed $1500 average, with July and Q3
trading to respective highs $29900 and $28750. We finally saw decent movement on the deferred periods, with Cal22 and Cal23 trading to $16950 and $13750.
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Panamax: Roofer alert! Opened up with buyers out of Asia and this continued throughout the morning with any sharp offers picked off. Q3 opened printing $27250,
Q4 at $24000 and Cal22 at $17200. A combination of capes pushing and short covering on pmx meant we pushed chasing offers, June traded upto a days high of
$27500, July to $29750, Q3 to $29500, Q4 to $25250 and cal22 to $18000. Good volume changing hands throughout the day with around 7000 lots trading. We
did witness sellers at the close of play at the days highs but no suprises there after such an intraday move. Whether the same momentum can carry into the end of
the week we shall see tomorrow.
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Mi sutra ronjamo!!
Takva smo burza.
Ako imate 15ak min vremena, pogledajte prezentaciju jucer objavljenu.
A Golden Age for Dry Bulk Shipping
Pregled malog dijela navedenog:
The content cannot be displayed because you do not have authorisation to view this content. The content cannot be displayed because you do not have authorisation to view this content. The content cannot be displayed because you do not have authorisation to view this content. U prezentaciji se navode i eventualni rizici. Jedan od rizika, koje navode, su i anti-inflacijske mjere. Cini se da inflacija, koja se najavljuje, ce dodatno pogodovati ovom segmentu.
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BDRY Review Sent To Dry Dock For Overhaul https://seekingalpha.com/article/443346…ck-for-overhaul
Po jutru se dan poznaje.......
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Totalno ubijanje.
Ako nece biti 150 mil dobiti ove godine nece nikad.
Ehhhh kao u dobre stare dane..prije misec dana.
Baltic Capesize-indeks + 16,5 % 24.039 ( + 3407 )
Baltic Capesize-indeks + 16,5 % 24.039 dollar
Ćuuu, ćuuuu....
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