BDI 2404 (+48)
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 17991 1382
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 26273 -430
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 29858 173
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 28147 464
BDI INDEX 2404 +48
Kad će Pmaxi prestati padati?
Ovaj momak zna koja je muzika za moje usi
If you’ve been following me recently, you know our best strategy right now is to remain invested in stocks that are great inflation hedges. We need to focus our attention on companies that are profiting from rising prices and rates in a few strategic corners of the market, including food staples, marine shipping, semiconductors and oil and natural gas.
A “Divergence” in Marine Shipping Stocks Could Spell Big ProfitsShipping stocks are great near-term buys. So, if you’re invested in fundamentally superior shipping stocks, here's what you should -
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 17991 1382
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 26273 -430
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 29858 173
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 28147 464
BDI INDEX 2404 +48
Kad će Pmaxi prestati padati?
Kada cijena ugljena poraste
Ovaj momak zna koja je muzika za moje usi
If you’ve been following me recently, you know our best strategy right now is to remain invested in stocks that are great inflation hedges. We need to focus our attention on companies that are profiting from rising prices and rates in a few strategic corners of the market, including food staples, marine shipping, semiconductors and oil and natural gas.
Da, svaka bi ga majka za zeta poželjela...samo šteta šta piše o kontejnerima i to samo sa godinu dana zakašnjenja ali koga briga, jel tako?
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 17991 1382
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 26273 -430
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 29858 173
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 28147 464
BDI INDEX 2404 +48
Kad će Pmaxi prestati padati?
Kada cijena ugljena poraste
Ima veze sa ugljenom ali nije toliko cijena problem vec nedostatne kolicine i kejpovi koji nemaju dovoljno iron ore tereta, to se mijenja,nesto sporije kao posljedica china lockdowna ali idemo dalje prema odbrojavanju. 😅
Idemo kao🐌🐌 puzevi ali idemo i proci cemo kroz cilj.🏅🏆 😅🥇🥈🥉 ili drvena medalja Who cares?
Bilo bi cak bolje za bulkerase da je cijena niza za coal i IO.
Iron ore pad sa 150 na 135$, zanimljivo da je cijena steela otpornija iz nekog razloga.
Prvo slovo D
CEO gogla Urlik je bas full bull.
Neka nastavi sa ovakvim divkama i sve mu je dozvoljeno.
Golden Ocean sees longer distances persisting for commodities on Russia fallout.
BMG396372051 - STOCK
NOK 111.20
27/04/2022 - 09:05 CETSince Open
+2.70 (+2.49%)
Since Previous Close
+4.50 (+4.22%)pisao sam u prijašnjim postovima da smo imali bezrazložnu rasprodaju i da se ništa nije promijenilo...po meni do kraja tjedna vikinzi opet na 120 nok.
Contango in the Smx market as a tight US Gulf and volatile bunkers continue to support the index. With SMX May trading around 31k and Jun 31.5k, SMX front months are currently the highest value contracts on the curves.
Golden Ocean Group Limited (GOGL)
NasdaqGS - NasdaqGS Real Time Price. Currency in USD
Add to watchlist
11.72+0.06 (+0.51%)At close: April 26 04:00PM EDT
12.09 +0.37 (+3.16%)
Pre-Market: 04:10AM EDT
I preko bare u pre marketu GOGL u zelenom.
Probijemo li 3000 odosmo ohohooooo.........
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Kina krece takodjer:
China's Xi announces another infrastructure push to boost growth as Covid drags onChina has relied on infrastructure to boost growth on the past, and analysts said the approach can be effective near-term, but adds to long-term -
Outlook still very positive. Small changes to supply/demand could lead to a super-cycle...
BMG396372051 - STOCK
NOK 114.60
27/04/2022 - 11:14 CETSince Open
+6.10 (+5.62%)
Since Previous Close
+7.90 (+7.40%)Hoće li danas biti dvocifreni rast?
ULPL 11:15:47 140,00 103 ULPL 11:15:39 140,00 65 ULPL 11:14:58 140,00 100 ULPL 11:14:11 140,00 200 ATPL 11:12:19 518,00 20 ATPL 11:11:12 518,00 80 ULPL 11:09:15 140,00 165 ULPL 11:09:15 139,00 35 ATPL 11:06:53 518,00 2 JDPL 10:53:48 64,00 227 JDPL 10:52:23 63,00 10 JDPL 10:51:37 63,00 79 JDPL 10:47:43 63,00 101 ATPL 10:44:53 518,00 84 Jel to i kod nas počelo dolaziti iz GuG kako kaže kolegica.
Substitute supplies for European commodity imports from Russia need to sail a longer way
C3 Tubarao to Qingdao 26.375 $/ton -0.06
C5 West Australia to Qingdao 12.245 $/ton 0.359
C7 Bolivar to Rotterdam 12.755 $/ton 0.04 C17 19.895 $/ton 0.23
BCI 5TC 18460 469 -
ULPL 11:15:47 140,00 103 ULPL 11:15:39 140,00 65 ULPL 11:14:58 140,00 100 ULPL 11:14:11 140,00 200 ATPL 11:12:19 518,00 20 ATPL 11:11:12 518,00 80 ULPL 11:09:15 140,00 165 ULPL 11:09:15 139,00 35 ATPL 11:06:53 518,00 2 JDPL 10:53:48 64,00 227 JDPL 10:52:23 63,00 10 JDPL 10:51:37 63,00 79 JDPL 10:47:43 63,00 101 ATPL 10:44:53 518,00 84 Jel to i kod nas počelo dolaziti iz GuG kako kaže kolegica.
Biti će da je glagolska imenica GuGlanje, nastala od ove Kolegičine kratice, a ne kako smo svi do sada mislili!
Exclusive - India tells its states to step up coal imports for three years -
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India has urged its states to step up coal imports for the next three years to build up inventories and satisfy demand, four sources told Reuters, a move set to benefit global prices of the fuel, already running high because of war in Ukraine.
Freight futures am update
Capesize up ~2%
Panamax up ~2%
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 18460 469
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 26139 -134
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 30095 237
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 28337 190BDI INDEX 2425 +21