UG radi iste distribucijske kerefeke u susjedstvu kao i kod nas. Biti ce zanimljivo vidjeti jel ce im to na kraju biti dobar ili los potez. U medjuvremenu, DT je pred prodajom nizozemskih operacija.
Watchdog clears way for Telenor to enter fixed broadband market
QuoteTelenor noted in a statement, however, that United Group has rejected proposals for further cooperation on media distribution: ‘Telenor has not yet received the rights and permission to distribute the content produced or owned by the United Group, such as H1, Nova S, Sport Club and others, a total of 22 channels. We are sorry that United Group made such a decision, and we remain open to further negotiations on channel distribution, convinced that they will recognise the importance of this cooperation for all – citizens of Serbia, companies operating in the same segment and society as a whole.’
a kad će naše "operacije" napokon doći na red?