While we are all talking about a strategic release of circa 60mb of crude from US SPR to control elevated energy prices, worthy of note that over last 15m, the US has released 44mb from SPR taking it to 18 year low while total crude inventory including SPR is at 6yr lows.
Tankerasi strani i domaci
Danas Scorpio izvješće....trebao bi biti lijepi gubitak u 3 kvartalu.
Danas Scorpio izvješće....trebao bi biti lijepi gubitak u 3 kvartalu.
- 73 mil. USD a dionica +10%... hmmm
Danas Scorpio izvješće....trebao bi biti lijepi gubitak u 3 kvartalu.
- 73 mil. USD a dionica +10%... hmmm
Popularniji su manji gubitci od konsenzusa nego veci dobitci. Samo grunf to moze objasniti
- 73 mil. USD a dionica +10%... hmmm
Popularniji su manji gubitci od konsenzusa nego veci dobitci. Samo grunf to moze objasniti
Gubitci su iza nas, a dobitci ispred. Zato cijena raste. Outlook se očito popravlja. Bit će da je bilo zanimljivih info na konferencijskom pozivu.
Bcti 607 a Bdti 835 pa možda i zato
Popularniji su manji gubitci od konsenzusa nego veci dobitci. Samo grunf to moze objasniti
Gubitci su iza nas, a dobitci ispred. Zato cijena raste. Outlook se očito popravlja. Bit će da je bilo zanimljivih info na konferencijskom pozivu.
I opet tromjesečna dividenda od 0.10 USD...ukupno 0.40 USD.
Imaju dividendi prinos 2.30% sa ovakvim gubitcima, strašni su..
Katastrofalni 3 kvartal je prošlost, okreće se trend izgeda.
Popularniji su manji gubitci od konsenzusa nego veci dobitci. Samo grunf to moze objasniti
Gubitci su iza nas, a dobitci ispred. Zato cijena raste. Outlook se očito popravlja. Bit će da je bilo zanimljivih info na konferencijskom pozivu.
Very interesting info😉
Izmedu ostalog CEO kaze:
“We are pleased with our current liquidity, and we are seeing a significant improvement in rates while the global energy markets are tightening.”
Idemo dalje... sa drugim interesantnim novim info/izjavama😁
Evercore ISI analyst Jon Chappell said of product-tanker fundamentals, “This notoriously volatile industry requires a sustainable proof of recovery before calling the end of the prolonged downturn, but with markets moving higher and all of the macro factors now trending favorably, we have even greater conviction that the bottom is in.”
Dno je tu, tko voli a tko ce biti prestrpljiv moci ce i skuplje kupovati vrlo uskoro🤔🤭
Ili su to moji mokri snovi😅
Jos jedan koji govori isto sa sa drugim rjecima.
As Stifel analyst Ben Nolan put it, “No one has ever accused Scorpio of being conservative, and that can certainly be said with respect to this quarter’s conference call. Despite one of the most challenging tanker markets in history, the company basically called their shot that [Q3 2021] marked the trough, with the back half of Q4 being sharply better and things only getting better from there.”
Evo u brojevima kako izgleda novi rast vozarinana mjesecnoj bazi:🤩😍
MR spot rates are currently at $13,500 per day, up 69% month on month.
Anthony Gurnee, CEO of product and chemical tanker owner Ardmore Shipping (NYSE: ASC), said on a conference call Wednesday that his company’s MRs were averaging $15,300 per day over the past two weeks and one of its MRs was just fixed out of the U.S. Gulf at $20,500 per day.
Ne rastu samo vozarine😉😁
Ovo je od jucer a tko zeli moze ubuduce sam pratiti
Svi su bulis da dolaze bolja vremena a rast vozarina to potvrduje.
Demand raste ubrzano, nafta je uvjerljivo najjeftiniji energent, krecu intercont letovi koji ce ubrzati rast demanda, jos su u zaostatku 3-4mil od predcovida.
Mudrom dosta🤔😁
Hugo De Stoop, CEO of Euronav said:
”We have every reason to be confident that we have now come through the trough of this particular cycle, after a third quarter that was among the most challenging for our market in recent memory. Alongside a seasonal uplift ahead of winter, several catalysts have driven a sustained upward movement in freight rates during the current quarter. The demand for oil transportation is recovering thanks to an improved crude demand as part of post-COVID global economic recovery, additional demand for fuel oil as energy producers are switching to a cheaper solution, and an OPEC+ production growth translating into exports. Whilst this has come from a low base level, we believe this trajectory will be maintained as oil demand continues to recover toward pre- COVID levels of consumption, and the robust medium term tanker market fundamentals gains traction going forward.”
Nafte ima, dostupna je i dalje puno jeftinija od plina i dosta jeftinija od ugljena.
Japanci duplaju narudbe u odnosu na 2020.
zima samo sto nije,sto ceka EU?
Ne zeli zagadivati zrak kurenjem nafte pa ce u zadnji cas kupovati i kuriti cumur koji je duplo prljaviji od nafte.
EU konkurira kini za izbor najgl. pljeg upravljanja energetskom krizom.
Tovaris Putin umire od smijeha i ne vjeruje kakvi ga debili pokusavaju nadmudriti.
GAS MARKET: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko threatened to shut down a key pipeline carrying Russia natural gas to the European Union. EU gas benchmark TTF rose 7%. UK gas NBP rose 8%
krenulo silovito jutros, sad se uspavalo opet. možda više sreće drugi tjedan.
krenulo silovito jutros, sad se uspavalo opet. možda više sreće drugi tjedan.
rast dionice je neizbjezan jednog dana kada su fundamenti kakvi se traze.
Imamo to ali su nasi ulagaci po obicaju pospanci😁
OTP indexni je ukrcao samo pola za sada, free float je vrlo mali.
Biti ce i ovdje 🚀 ili 🚀🚀🚀. Jednog dana😅
Nisu svi "debili" koji zele svojim gradanima dugu mracnu i hladnu zimu
"We are receiving a considerable volume of inquiries from power utilities for winter," Ota told a press conference, which he attributed to high LNG prices.
"We are considering prioritizing supply to power utilities which we have maintained a relationship with, although our relationships with power utilities have weakened on the back of reduced oil demand as a power generation fuel," he said.
"The inquiries are great," Ota added.
Winter fuel oil demand high from Japan's power utilities, says ENEOS presidentJapan's largest refiner ENEOS is receiving a high number of inquiries from power utilities for the supply of fuel oil for winter, company president Katsuyuki…www.spglobal.com -
Rosneft CEO warns of potential 'super cycle' in energy markets
Rosneft CEO warns of potential 'super cycle' in energy marketsRussia's Rosneft the world's second-biggest oil company by output after Saudi Aramco, warned on Friday of a potential "super cycle" in global energy markets,…www.reuters.com -
Puno zanimljivog sto ce donjeti dobre zarade u 2022. na tankerasima.😉😁
Emanuele Lauro CEO- STNG
We expect ton-mile demand to exceed 2019 levels over the next few months due to refinery closures and seaborne exports of refined products is expected to increase by over 5% in 2022
The asset values on a five-year old MR have increased by 8% year to date. Five-year old LR2s have increased by more than 20% year to date. And both newbuilding prices on MRs and LR2s are year to date up more than 20% .Fourth reason, scrapping has picked up and yards are full, meaning supply will remain constrained for several years.
Product tankers scrapped year to date, 32 MRs, which is the largest number of the MRs scrapped on record. In addition, there have been three LR1s and eight LR2s, which have also been scrapped so far this year.
A za one koji i dalje stoje iza svojih izjava na dry bulku:
"Rekao bih da brodare (odnosno unajmitelje) trenutno uopce nije briga kolika je cijena goriva"
The spread between the scrubber-suitable HSFO and the LSO is $150 per ton at present, and it is growing.
Because of our investment in scrubbers, this means that at this current $150 per ton spread, the company would generate an additional $70 million in TCE in 2022.
Do sada su FI 3Q na tankerasima uglavnom bolja od ocekivanja konsenzusa.
Strani ulagaci se okrecu prema onome sto ce u 2022 nositi zaradu jer se krece sa dna ciklusa za tankerase.
Prilicni gubitci se nagraduju rastom cijena dionica.
Tko zeli zaraditi na burzi mora vidjeti sto ce biti 6 mjeseci unaprijed.
Tankerasi ce biti hit po zaradama na burzama u 2022.
Smart money sada zauzima pozicije.
Dokaz je jos jedan dan rasta u nizu na "losa" izvjesca.
Kako stvari za sada stoje tpng ce imati 3Q izvjesce medu boljim u peer grupi.
A svi ukljucujuci i tpng su imali u 3Q dodatnu otezavajucu okolnost bez koje bi svi imali bolje rezultate.
Put simply, in October, refinery maintenance generated a decrease of 8.7 million barrels of refined product per day globally. For November, approximately four million barrels per day capacity comes back on stream and a further two million barrels per day in December.
It is evident from the data that the world is in recovery mode, and it is encouraging that global refinery runs have now exceeded 80 million barrels per day for the first time since pre-COVID.
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