Inace skladista su im slabo popunjena.…ntinue-to-rise/
Inace skladista su im slabo popunjena.
Zanimljiv clanak na temu kontejnerasa. Ima puno slicnosti sa bulkerima pa je zanimljivo za procitati.
Mounting evidence that container crunch will persist until 2022
Retail inventory-to-sales levels still historically low despite higher spending on services
Osnovna teorija koja pojasnjava jaki rast vozarina kontejnerasa je da su kupci zbog nemogucnosti trosenja na usluge uslijed zatvaranja gospodarstava zbog Covida poceli vise trositi na raznu robu. Kako je korona poremetila i opskrbne lance roba, skladista su se ubrzano praznila, a sto se moralo brzo nadoknaditi jednom kada su se granice opet otvorile pa je potraznja za kontejnerskim prijevozom eksplodirala. Sada podaci ukazuju na to da ce trebati vise vremena nego sto se ranije ocekivalo da se ponuda i potraznja opet izbalansiraju, te da ce se ove visoke vozarine vjerojatno preliti i na 2022.
Poruka onima koji vide, a "NE čuju"
Global Steel Production Has Set Another Record; Production Outside of China Up Year-On-Year by 33%
Grain brokers expect ECSA front haul rates to move to US$ 24,000 daily plus US$ 1,400,000 BB and anticipate for August a rate of US$ 26,000 daily plus US$ 1,600,000 BB. And what to do, when the owners want the equivalent of US$ 55,000 for August shipment for 30,000mt of grains from the Black Sea to West Africa, which today should be in the low US$ 30,000s. Can one really expect the market to move for this type of tonnage beyond US$ 50,000 daily for this trade within a period of six weeks? There have been rumours of two Supramaxes having been fixed at US$ 39-40,000 daily for a front haul trip, which isn’t surprising at all, seeing numbers from Red Sea for this size of tonnage risen to beyond US$ 50,000 daily for a trip to India. Furthermore, the Handysize owners of 36-38,000 dwt are said to be talking US$ 37-38,000 daily for a trip to the East.…hipping-profits
Opcenito jako zanimljivo.
Sve je stvar ravnoteze.
Evo kako to treba biti SBLK dokap, privatna edicija fond i to kakav koji prepoznaje trend, priču i dodanu vrijednost cca 2,3mil dionica po 22,00$,na pocetku godine dionica je bila 8,80$.
Evo kako to treba biti SBLK dokap, privatna edicija fond i to kakav koji prepoznaje trend, priču i dodanu vrijednost cca 2,3mil dionica po 22,00$,na pocetku godine dionica je bila 8,80$.
Samo mali ispravaj je SPO, ali Oaktree prodaje svoj kontrolni pqket 25,42%, ali znaći nije dokap
Following the offering, funds affiliated with Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. are expected to beneficially own approximately 25.42% of the Company’s common shares. The Company is not selling any common shares and will not receive any proceeds from the sale of the Company’s common shares by the Selling Shareholder.
Nisam pratio situaciju preko produženog vikenda, sad vidim da je trend ne promjenjen.
Futuresi u plusu, kineski uzorpatori tržišta su anulirani.
Kad već žele upravljati tržištem... nek šalju lavove, a ne pudlice sa protezama.
cape up 2.2%
znači bdi opet up
cape up 2.2%
znači bdi opet up
BCI 5TC 32079 +703
Up, "sada " jedan smjer, ali oprez sa mjerom.…t-june-22-2021/
Freight futures am update
Capesize up ~2%
Panamax up ~5%
BCI and FFA returns to green on the back of strong N. Atlantic activity and tight tonnage.
Kina ce ovo Kina ce ono. 2 dana kolebanje trajalo.
Vojko V bi rekao na ovo: reka san NE MOŽE!
Freight futures am update
Capesize up ~2%
Panamax up ~5%
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 32079 703
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 30760 -129
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 31374 131
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 26198 363
BDI Index 3147 +28
Concerns of Winter Coal Shortages Now Also Being Voiced in China
SMAX AMAMI K 58,613 2012 KAWASAKI, Japan MAN-B&W Feb-22 4 X 30,5t CRANES $19.6m Greek BWTS fitted
SMAX BULK TITAN 58,090 2009 TSUNEISHI CEBU, Philippines MAN-B&W Nov-24 4 X 30t CRANES excess $16.0m Greek BWTS fitted
Evo malo expertnog osvrta iz hrvatskog rakursa i fotelje…5edbe1-66570233
The sharp rise in the BDI index also reflected positively on the share prices of Croatian Dry-Bulkers. When compared to their prices at the beginning of 2020, Jadroplov is up 254.6%, while Alpha Adriatic is up 183.1%. Meanwhile, despite being up 192% since the beginning of the year, Atlantska Plovidba’s share price is up only 15.2% when compared to price at the beginning of 2020.