The big question is, what happens if the seasonal pattern is maintained? To which the answer is, the BDI will go through 4,000 and keep going. Moreover, given the market fundamentals, it could well keep going into 2022. This in fact is what our model currently predicts – and has been predicting since Q1 2020. https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/baltic-dry-ind…gh-4000-points/
The big question is, what happens if the seasonal pattern is maintained? To which the answer is, the BDI will go through 4,000 and keep going. Moreover, given the market fundamentals, it could well keep going into 2022. This in fact is what our model currently predicts – and has been predicting since Q1 2020. https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/baltic-dry-ind…gh-4000-points/
Prije 4k možda ipak malo zaronimo
China's commodity sell-off continues. The most actively traded #IronOre futures contract in Dalian, is sliding 5.6% to drop below 1,000 yuan per tonne.
Steel rebar slides more than 5% and hot-rolled coil is down more than 4%.
U.S. #corn looks very bearish now. After yesterdays sell-off through a huge support level, the next target is 500 ct/bu.
By the looks of the historical development of BCI, there are reasons to suspect an imminent inflection point towards a subsequent upcoming hike.
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By the looks of the historical development of BCI, there are reasons to suspect an imminent inflection point towards a subsequent upcoming hike.
The content cannot be displayed because you do not have authorisation to view this content. Znači novi vrh taman prije izvješća za Q2.
Grains: Prices Taking A Breather https://www.breakwaveadvisors.com/insights/2021/…king-a-breather
ORDERBOOK/SUPPLY - The publicly quoted order book for the
Supra/Ultramax segment is below 5 per cent – historically very low. In relative terms, we
are heading towards the lowest rate of supply growth in 30 years. The average sailing
speed has increased, showing that the market has been able to absorb this inherent
fleet supply during a sharp increase in spot rates. This is an important indicator of a
stronger market sentiment.
STIMULUS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH – Continued credit growth and economic
stimulus is expected to support the dry bulk market in 2021-23 as the effects of
fiscal stimulus usually lags about 12-24 months. Seaborne iron ore is predominantly
driven by Chinese demand whereas minor bulks tend to correlate closer with
GDP. Forecasts for GDP growth in 2021 have been continuously revised upwards.
General consensus points towards healthy levels of economic activity for 2022.
MARKET PROSPECTS – The market outlook has turned very bullish. With the rate of
growth on the supply side diminishing and post-COVID-19 normalisation now occuring
in tandem with a wider commodity rally it appears that the stars are aligning for the dry
bulk market in 2021-22. Even though ship values have started to increase, there is
significant potential for upside should the market for ships reflect rates and values
according to historical correlations https://ml-eu.globenewswire.com/Resource/Downl…63-81cf25291ad0 -
Next big shipping boom?
2021 has so far been a great year for the dry bulk market with Supramaxes, Panamaxes and Capesizes all experiencing decade-high earnings. We asked Carlos if this is the beginning of a boom period for shipping? After a very positive first quarter, he is “optimistic because we see growth in the world, people are coming back to hospitality, events, construction etc” in Q1 on the Supramaxes we had “97% utilization which is huge” and “cargoes are flowing from everywhere all the time with no difficulty”. In general, life is returning with governments and businesses around the world looking to recover from 2020 and he can’t see any reason not to be optimistic about the future going forward. He urged shipowners to learn from the experience of the past few years and not go crazy and order too many new vessels. Instead, he encouraged them to take advantage of the second-hand market — a message that our CEO, Mr Radziwill, has said countless times. https://ctmmc.medium.com/ctm-podcast-ep…na-d0777722bfd6
Dobar članak, zanimljivo.
BCI 5TC 29620 -1434
BCI 5TC 29620 -1434
Baš me zanima hoće li handy i supre i danas biti u plusu....
Singapore via Indonesia to southern China 57000DWT Supramax $/day 30627 +27 -
Singapore via Indonesia to southern China 57000DWT Supramax $/day 30627 +27 E sad još i da dobijemo info za neku supru ATPL po sličnoj cijeni to bi bilo lijepo....uglavnom o tome opetovano govorim ....cijelo vrijeme korekcije BDI supre i handy su rasle.
In the Atlantic, the Grande Island (58,110-
dwt, 2009) was fixed for a trip with a delivery to the Mississippi River to
redeliver Japan at $31,000. Another was Bulk Uruguay (57,937-dwt, 2011) which
has been fixed for a coal run with a delivery to Mobile to China at $30,000. In
the Indian Ocean, Aliki Perrotis (60897-dwt, 2015) was fixed for a prompt iron ore
trip to deliver at Visakhapatnam to North China via East Coast India at $39,500.
The Clipper Kalavryta (63,325-dwt, 2015) has been fixed for a delivery passing
Jeddah to redeliver Paradip via the Red Sea at $32,000
In the Pacific, the Europa Bay (58,606-dwt, 2013) was fixed for a nickel ore run
with a delivery from Taichung to Philippines at $32,000. Pavo Bright (61,281-dwt
2017) has been fixed for a delivery to Samarinda to China with an option to
redeliver to Vietnam at $30,000 with a ballast bonus of $275,000 by China Coal
Future prospects
With vessel order books at record low levels, this is the first time for a long time that dry cargo shipping looks to be in a good place. If we look at publicly listed dry cargo companies, their share prices have languished and declined consistently over the last 10 years. However, in recent months most have at least doubled. Optimism is high! https://tradeviews.net/do-you-follow-commodity-prices/
BDI 2754 supre i handy UP
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 29620 -1434
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 24903 -382
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 27413 468
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 24037 152
BDI INDEX 2754 -55
BCI 5 T/C routes 180000 29620 -1434
BPI 5 T/C routes 82500 24903 -382
BSI 10 T/C routes 58328 27413 468
BHSI 7 T/C routes 38200 24037 152
BDI INDEX 2754 -55
BPI 4 T/C routes 23567
ako će brazil a puno toga upučuje da hoće,jedan je senarij bitno izgledniji.
brazil se diže iznad 5g prosjeka i sve upučuje da sljedi isporuka.
a po marfiju i posljedice naravno idu neizbježno u paketu.
DA,ništa danas,ništa sutra ali najkasnije za koji mjesec jako izgledno.
znam,znam taj "neki mjesec" je jaaaako daleka budućnost gledano očima avg ZSE "investitora"
evo podsjetim opet za koji mjesec da to jaaako brzo prođe,ili neka me netko cimne...
dokaz dabrzo prođe je i da smo i prije "koji mjesec" mogli kupovati,da kupovati,trpati u ogromnim količinama.
prinos od 100% se gurao pod nos,rukama,nogama,jambo plakatima koji bi mogli pokriti pročelje nebodera od 10 katova ali...
bila je tu i nepremostiva prepreka za Večinu"investitora" a to je "koji mjesec" čekanja....
danas avg 352,min 347 pa da rezimiramo nekad po investitorski.
neće nas valjda natjerati kao ovih dana da moramo opet i po trejderski
na temu trg rata kina austr mogu i dalje ponoviti izrečeno još poč- godine.
ne očekujem smirivanje jer:
dva velika naroda,dva velika ega dvije bogate države od kojih jedna pati za priznanjem statusa u svijetu,želi poslati poruku svima da će stradati ako se suprostave močnoj kini + postaje svakim danom agresivnija prema susjedima,stvara umjetne otoke kako bi zauzela ocean,svako malo prijeti amerima da oni nisu rusi,biti će tu još svega,u nekoj dalekoj budućnosti nebi bilo iznenađenje s jedne strane kine s druge strane ameri a ostali bi morali izabrati stranu po principu ako nisi saveznik tada si neprijatelj.
ne očekujem da će se to smiriti jer kinezi imaju alternativu(afriku),činjenica ne preko noći provedivo ALI kada para imaš "na bacanje" + imaš tehnologiju projekti se brzo realiziraju.
Da u africi treba napraviti par stotina km željezničke infr.ima li netko da sumnja u kinesku sposobnost i znanje gradnju željezničke infrastrukture?
zaboravite na "5-10 godina".
oni već voze od tamo a rast količina će biti za mnoge veliko iznenađenje.
nebi bio u koži onih koji se klade da neće biti tako,jer taj rast tonmilja će biti zapisan velikim slovima u povijesti dry bulka.
proces je već počeo,i opet će biti "a to tako smije?"
evo prozovite me nekad po investitorski da sam pogriješio
President of Kingho Energy Group, Colin Ding has said he is very happy to come to Sierra Leone and will do more to invest in the country. Mr Ding made this statement in the early hours of Tuesday 18th May 2021 on his arrival at the Freetown International Airport. He is leading a group of investors from the People’s Republic of China to review the progress of the current Kingho projects across the country.
In addition, the President of Kingho Energy Group said that he is also very happy to see the massive progress being achieved by Kingho projects in Sierra Leone
The mines, railway and port all started official operation in early March 2021.
mitkko@ ostaje da pratimo trend rasta,moja očekivanja su da će biti nadmašena očekivanja svih nas i da ćemo se opet potvrditi kao kategorija konzerva prognozeri ,a to nije loše,šta ne?
afrika je naša stvarnost i budućnost i veeeeliki bonus na putu,po meni jedan od onih koji će biti upisan zlatnim slovima u povijest dry bulka.
možda i griješim,nebi bilo....
da iskoristimo prostor i objedinimo materiju svježim dodatkom:
Mining production of high-grade hematite has commenced at the Tombador mine site and ore is being crushed and lump and fines products are being stockpiled. The products will soon be trucked to the Port, building a stockpile for the first shipment. Tombador is working with its trading partner Trafigura, to schedule the first shipments expected to be in the third quarter of 2021.