Svi brodovi plove, a trenutno se ovako ugovara:
MEGHNA FREEDOM 56K OPEN KENDARI ,INDO 12 OCT - fixed on subs at low $40k for china.
Kad se dalje izračunaju brojke za Jadroplov, teško je za vjerovati.
Svi brodovi plove, a trenutno se ovako ugovara:
MEGHNA FREEDOM 56K OPEN KENDARI ,INDO 12 OCT - fixed on subs at low $40k for china.
Kad se dalje izračunaju brojke za Jadroplov, teško je za vjerovati.
I prije 2 godine je bilo nesto na dubravi čini mi se.
Uf, kruh sa 7 kora.
Trogir...1 mjesec karantena, drugi milijun dolara
Despite the weakening Chinese iron ore and coal imports, global export volumes have kept up rather well. Both iron ore and coal export shipments during the third quarter are broadly in line with the same quarter in 2019 before the pandemic hit. However, iron ore shipments are two per cent below last year's blockbuster third quarter when the Chinese recovery was in full swing. Coal exports during the third quarter, on the other hand, rose by seventeen per cent compared to the previous year.
New economic stimulus programmes and a newfound ambition to rebuild dwindling energy inventories look set to fuel Chinese imports of coal and commodities. However, as global seaborne volumes for many raw materials have remained stable despite the slowdown in Chinese imports, any increase in Chinese activities will add to the already tight tonnage supply situation in the dry bulk sector and support current freight rates.
Coca-Cola is going to great lengths to transport materials by using bulk shipping vessels amid the ongoing shipping crisis.
The carriers, which are normally used for loose goods such as grain, coal, and other raw materials, were chosen because the beverage company could not get the shipping containers and cargo space needed for transportation, Alan Smith, the procurement director of global logistics at Coca-Cola wrote in a post on LinkedIn. The company is currently using three of these ships to transport manufacturing materials.
Coca-Cola is attempting to avoid major ports to further prevent delays, according to comments on Smith's post.
"For these we are heading to some non-congested ports so we are hoping for a smooth discharge," Smith wrote. "Good coordination is vital on both the planning and the operations side for loading and discharge."
Predsjednik Pavlović se jučer kratko oglasio na radiju. Među ostalim spominje veliki dokap od par 100 mil kn, izgradnju 3-4 broda u RH.
Snimka na sljedećem linku, od 6:35.
Samo nek on provede dokapitalizaciju, a on hvala bogu neće odlučivati o novogradnjama u hrvatskoj, a ako ih i bude naručio, novi vlasnik/uprava će ocijeniti jel to ok ili ne, pa će ih otkazati kao sto je on napravio.
Najbitnije što je rekao da će firma nakon 8-10 mjeseci imati 20-30 milijuna dolara na računu.
"Dry Bulk Super-Cycle Early Formation"…arly-formation/
Full article
Bancosta weekly 38
Diana Shipping Announces Time Charter Contracts for mv Atalandi and mmv Leto with Aquavita
Ice Class Panamax dry bulk vessels, the m/v Atalandi.
The gross charter rate is US$24,500 per day, minus a 4.75% commission paid to third parties, for a period until minimum February 15, 2023 up to maximum April 30, 2023. The charter is expected to commence on October 3, 2021. The m/v Atalandi is currently chartered, as previously announced, to Uniper Global Commodities SE, Düsseldorf, at a gross charter rate of US$9,300 per day, minus a 5% commission paid to third parties.
5 direktora govori o drybulku.!/hegnarmedia/20210922_1
Another firm week for the capsize period thanks to strong iron ore exports from Brazil to China, port congestion in China has also lent support to this sector and the average rate for four to six months is currently estimated as $44,250/pdpr.
Plenty of period activity reported in the kamsarmax/panamax sector reported over the past week and short term rates for this sector have firmed as exports from the Atlantic resumed following some weeks of disruption in the wake of the Hurricanes earlier this month.
Rates for the smaller sizes remained firm thanks to continued support from the Indonesia to China coal trade and grain trades from the Black Sea.
Display MoreTesko je biti precizan jer ne znam koliko su novih ugovora uspjeli sklopiti.
Takodjer, ne znam sto je sa svih 6 panamaxa.
Minimum bi bio 1Q + 2Q, ali moze biti i puno vise.
5 panamaxa, 5 supri i 2 je flota....panamaxi na TC ostali na SPOTU....prema zadnjem izvješću.
4 Panamaxa su na TC sigurno, pitanje je da li je i 5i, ili je to jedna supra.
TC za Revelin je na 30.06. navodno pao ispod 1g. i prema tome ga vode kao kratkoročni najam iako je on unutar staroga ugovora.
Uglavnom, ako nije značajna poslovna činjenica da ti brod u ovo vrijeme vozi za 12k ili za 35k, ne znam što jest.
Odlicna vijest, prepostavljam da se radi o Kamsarmax(80 000-85 000 dwt) brodovima . Zanimljivo da je Domijan nedavno rekao kako ne misle prosirivati flotu, pa bi me zanimalo koliko je vec proslo od dogovora do objave, a to bi ti mittko mogao najbolje odrediti jer najvise pratis cijene. Mislim, dali su nam malo podataka, ali kad definiraju to bi bilo zanimljivo znati.
Takoder, uvijek mogu prodati ove slotove i gotovo sigurno zaraditi.
Mislim da ce se sutra lansirati cijena ako ne bude nesigurnosti oko Kine, i objave FED-a. Zasigurno je tako razmisljao( a i znao) kupac tisucice u petak.
Te cijene su bile u 6om mjesecu.
Ako su u 5om mjesecu revidirali one 5-godisnje ugovore, mozda im je to bio okidač za narudzbu.
DWT of dryships ordered.
The gross charter rate is US$26,000 per day, minus a 5% commission paid to third parties, for a period until minimum October 1, 2022 up to maximum December 15, 2022. The charter commenced on September 18, 2021. The m/v Maera was chartered, as previously announced, to Ausca Shipping Limited, Hong Kong, at a gross charter rate of US$8,600 per day, minus a 5% commission paid to third parties.