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Posts by stipe_Cro
Malo long term bearisha.
The world has slashed a pipeline of plans to build coal-fired power plants by 76% since 2015, avoiding a fleet of new capacity roughly equal to China’s, said a report on Tuesday.
Climate think tank E3G tallied cancellations amounting to 1,175 GW of coal capacity since the world agreed to try to limit climate change to 1.5C this century under the Paris agreement.The world was still on track to develop 482 GW of new coal capacity, including 185 GW of plants already under construction. Roughly 80% of this pipeline was concentrated in China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Turkey and Bangladesh.
Abandoned capacity
China alone was responsible for more than half of both new capacity under construction and pre-construction plans. Yet China had also seen a 74% reduction in the scale of its own project pipeline since Paris, amounting to 484 GW of abandoned capacity, the report found.
Within the OECD club of developed economies and the EU, 56% of operating coal capacity had either been closed since 2010 or was scheduled to do so by 2030.
E3G counted 44 governments to have already committed to no new coal plants ahead of this year’s climate talks in Glasgow.
“We find that a further 40 countries are without any projects in the pre-construction pipeline and are in a position where they could readily commit to ‘no new coal’.”
Ne može se uspoređivati s korona godinom kada je i njemačka potrošnja el. energije isto bila rekordno niska. Naravno da sada ugljen puni rupu, pogotovo zbog cijene el. enerije, ali prvenstveno zbog normaliziranja potrošnje.
Nitko sretniji od mene ako vozarine porastu, ali europska potrošnja ugljena neće na to imati značajan utjecaj, pa tako ni ova elektrana u UK, gdje je ugljen ima udio manji od 3 % u ukupnoj proizvodnji električne energije. Čisto da ne bi svaka vijest bila bullish
Kolilo je ovo bullish vidjet cemo ove zime mozda i ove jeseni😁.
A koliko bi bio rast vozarina ako bi utilizacija rasla jos 3%? 🙄😅
Vidjet ćemo, ali teško da će se zaustaviti phase-out ugljena u UK gdje se grade nuklearke i obnovljivci
Puno je zanimljivije je promatrati istok i povijesno niske zalihe u Kini i Indiji.
Nitko sretniji od mene ako vozarine porastu, ali europska potrošnja ugljena neće na to imati značajan utjecaj, pa tako ni ova elektrana u UK, gdje je ugljen ima udio manji od 3 % u ukupnoj proizvodnji električne energije. Čisto da ne bi svaka vijest bila bullish
Aleksandr Plehanov, EBRD: Brodski prijevoz još će poskupjeti
U novom normalnom troškovi brodskog prijevoza dobara mogli bi ostati visoki u usporedbi s pretpandemijskim razdobljem zbog novih epidemioloških standarda, Osim toga, trošak brodskog prijevoza trebao bi dodatno i osjetno rasti zbog novih ekoloških standarda
Je, samo tko će snositi te troškove. Nešto će spasti i na same brodare.
Kako točno plin utječe na potražnju za ugljenom?
Bit će posla za ATPL.
India’s power ministry has told the country’s coal importers to “take necessary action” amid dwindling stocks ahead of the winter demand season, potentially further driving up seaborne prices.
“In view of increased power demand… the requirement for coal has also increased. Hence, the coal stock available with power plants is depleting fast,” the ministry said in a note late on Monday.India is the world’s second largest importer of thermal coal after China, with fluctuations in import demand a key driver for global prices.
According to Central Electricity Authority data, stocks at India’s plants were seen last at just above 13m tonnes, down from nearly 40m tonnes at the same time last year.
The ministry said there were less than 10 days’ worth of stocks at approximately 90 power plants.
Crisis situation
“It has [therefore] been decided that [plants] which may import coal for blending may explore to enhance the import of coal to tide over the current crisis,” it said.
“Power plants which may import coal for blending purposes [with domestic production] are requested to take necessary action.
BDI raste iz dana u dan mahnito, a tebi je dokap JDPL-a jedino što može poticati rast?
Dosadan si looserst. Nadimak ti puno govori o pogledima na stvari
Sve u daljnjem padu.
BDI sa 3.224 na 3.179 - 1,39 %
BCI sa 3.349 na 3.293 - 1,67 %
BPI sa 4.241 na 4.160 - 1,91 %
BSI sa 2.935 na 2.920 - 0,51 %
To nije vic, nego narodna pripovijest, ali dobro
Makni to. I'm scared