stigo polugodišnji report
Posts by Tibro
ako i dođe do većeg kolapsa, najgore će proć oni koji prevoze iron..a ATPL je to samo 10% tereta
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“While the Evergrande story is a big risk, there is a chance that the factors keeping the market high right now, such as congestion, quarantines, and coal trade, may be enough to insulate things. After all, we’ve just simultaneously had the best capesize rates in a decade, and the worst steel output drop ever,” Ristic pointed out.
He also noted that, while China sets the tone for the whole dry market, the sectors which have done the best in relative terms – handies and supras – are the least exposed to China currently.
očito je navala, tko zna kakva će alokacija biti
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pa mislim, ono, jel bi bio takav problem da je atpl o tome poslala obavijest na zse a ne da fantastični jasko "po svijetu" mora tražiti te informacije.......uglavnom, to je u skladu sa onim nedavnim najavama da do kraja godine idu u nova refinanciranja.....
bravo @jasko....hvala
pa objavili su vijest o tome na ZSE početkom kolovoza
“We believe a perfect storm of underlying supply and demand fundamentals is shaping up in the dry bulk segment, which could boost charter rates and asset values in the coming years,”
The dry bulk market is expected to post additional gains in the weeks to come, thanks to a growing list of positive fundamentals.
“It is extremely rare for the Chinese government to make statements on building up coal reserves, and this adds to our bullishness for the dry bulk shipping market and seaborne coal market,” commented Jefferey Landsberg, managing director of Commodore Research & Consultancy.
“This is very reminiscent of the structural upswing we saw in shipping between 2003 and 2008,” Trøim told Oslo-based newspaper Finansavisen, discussing the current supply and demand situation in dry cargo .
Nastavak trgovanja Dražba otvaranja započet će u 10:30, a u 11:00 počinje kontinuirana trgovina. -
Trgovanje na Zagrebačkoj burzi privremeno je obustavljeno zbog poteškoća na strani pružatelja usluga trgovinskog sustava.
Intenzivno se radi na izoliranju i rješavanju problema, vodeći računa o interesu i zaštiti ulagatelja. Zagrebačka burza pravodobno će izvijestiti o nastavku trgovanja.