tako, tako, malo miješa podatke od jučer s kraja dana, dok se malo zagrije biti će sve ok
Mozda je cistacica ustekala usisavac u UPS.. Ne bi bilo prvi put, revne cistacice vole ciste posluzitelje.
tako, tako, malo miješa podatke od jučer s kraja dana, dok se malo zagrije biti će sve ok
Mozda je cistacica ustekala usisavac u UPS.. Ne bi bilo prvi put, revne cistacice vole ciste posluzitelje.
Mi u suficitu, a Gojko vidi smak svijeta. Sva sreca da imamo APa koji je jaci od Gojka.
Smanjite malo doživljaj, počeo sam imat fobije da porezna kupuje da bi me natjerali da prodam i platim porez.
Ne brini, ima i gorih stvari..
kao da je već delistirano, sve zamrlo
Vacinski nam ubio volju za slatkim. Sada samo striktna dijeta za hrvatske gradjevine.
Nitko ne ruši cijenu nego sam ja platio svoju disleksiju....umjesto nalogića na 2,82 ja stavim na 2,28e
Nemojte me streljat
Nije to nista strasno, znam i ja zamijenit gumb kupi sa gumbom prodaj. Nema tu velike razlike.
Mene vise zanima zasto bas i486 procesor, ovaj komada, no mora da je to neka visa matematika koju ne bi razumio.
Meni se eto vidi da se namješta cijena.
Samo da nam je ne namjeste na 0€.
Nemam zaporke za ovaj CNBC club ali naslov članaka kaže sve.
Decki, smanjit malo drukeraj jer ce te navest nekoga i na prodaju..
QuoteMicrosoft (MSFT) CEO Satya Nadella said Tuesday that the technology giant’s profitable cloud-computing division, Azure, will help it monetize its burgeoning artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. While we maintain a healthy skepticism around the current AI buzz, we do agree on Azure’s potential to drive long-term growth at the Club holding. It remains uncertain exactly how AI “will reshape all software categories,” Nadella said in an interview with CNBC. “But the one good thing here is the business model side of this, because it builds on the cloud.” Nadella’s comments Tuesday came shortly after Microsoft unveiled its strategy to reshape its internet search engine , Bing, by incorporating generative AI capabilities. Those functions were developed alongside OpenAI, the research startup behind viral chatbot ChatGPT . Microsoft is a major investor in OpenAI , and built a supercomputer hosted on its Azure cloud platform that OpenAI uses to train its models. Equipped with generative AI capabilities, Bing will be able to respond to users’ queries with human-like written answers. For example, Microsoft said Tuesday, if a user were to ask Bing to plan a five-day vacation to Mexico, the search engine would provide a sample itinerary rather than links to websites. An initial preview version of AI-powered Bing search is available on desktops from Tuesday, followed by a broader rollout in the coming weeks, Microsoft said. “Beneath what OpenAI is putting out as large models, the heavy lifting was done by the Azure team to build the compute infrastructure, because these workloads are so different than anything that’s come before,” Nadella explained. Microsoft had previously announced plans to integrate OpenAI’s technology into a premium version of Microsoft Teams , its business messaging platform. The current excitement around AI started to crescendo in late 2022, when OpenAI rolled out ChatGPT. The chatbot has soared in popularity and put Microsoft’s years of work on AI firmly in the spotlight. On Monday, competitor Alphabet (GOOGL) announced its response to the ChatGPT craze , a generative AI service called Bard. The company plans to make it available first to “trusted testers,” before offering it more widely to members of the public in the coming weeks, according to a blog post. Meanwhile, Nadella on Tuesday also defended Microsoft’s pending $69 billion acquisition of company Activision Blizzard, which is facing antitrust scrutiny i n the U.S., the UK and the EU. Regulators have expressed concerns about competition if Microsoft, the maker of Xbox consoles, were to own a leading video-game publisher such as Activision. The Club take The rivalry between Microsoft and Google has now spilled into generative AI, which is still in its early days. As Nadella mentioned, it’s hard to know exactly how the technology will be applied in the coming years and even decades. Right now, what we’re getting is a lot of hype. What we know for sure, though, is that Microsoft’s Azure is proving to be a beneficiary of this trend. Azure delivers the computing power needed to handle large AI workloads, whether that’s for Bing or scores of other enterprises who are Microsoft customers. And beyond that, fellow Club holding Nvidia (NVDA) is another clear winner in the intensifying AI arms race. That’s because Nvidia designs the advanced semiconductors that are integral to supercomputers like the one hosted on Azure and used by OpenAI. On the gaming front, there is a high chance that the Activision deal won’t go through — but our investment case isn’t predicated its completion. Gaming is only one piece of the puzzle at Microsoft. The primary long-term growth driver remains Azure. (Jim Cramer’s Charitable Trust is long MSFT and GOOGL. See here for a full list of the stocks.) As a subscriber to the CNBC Investing Club with Jim Cramer, you will receive a trade alert before Jim makes a trade. Jim waits 45 minutes after sending a trade alert before buying or selling a stock in his charitable trust’s portfolio. If Jim has talked about a stock on CNBC TV, he waits 72 hours after issuing the trade alert before executing the trade. THE ABOVE INVESTING CLUB INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND PRIVACY POLICY , TOGETHER WITH OUR DISCLAIMER . NO FIDUCIARY OBLIGATION OR DUTY EXISTS, OR IS CREATED, BY VIRTUE OF YOUR RECEIPT OF ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH THE INVESTING CLUB. NO SPECIFIC OUTCOME OR PROFIT IS GUARANTEED.
koliko vidimo brigu za radnike su iskazali, samo još da se i za dioničare pobrinu
Briga za male dionicare je uvijek bila stvar vrlo visokog prioriteta svih vecinskih vlasnika na ZSEu (Zimbabwe Stock Exchange). Tu nas i nasa draga Hanka mazi i pazi svaki dan. Kao sto i AP odabirom pravih ljudi na pravo mjesto osigurava stabilnost trzista.
Satya Nadella je novi Steve Jobs.
9100 izlozeno na 12.30. To je jedino mogao biti Akcionar.
Po mojoj procijeni bez knjige ponude ovaj što je trenutno sa 500 kom koje drži više dana od prošlog tjedna, nešto ispod najviše ponuđene. Prošli tjedan je uspio nešto i kupiti ali danas mu ne ide. Možete Vi pojasniti ako imate točnije podatke.
to je market maker, mislim da im interkapital to odraduje
Pomelo me na Viru
Tih tvojih 3000 kom je sigurno kvart99 pokupio!
Netko pece kolace danas?
Nigdje ne pise ime glavnih investitora, no tvrtka koja je zakupila nekretnine je Log Expert Five, prosle godine registrirana na trgovackom sudu u Zagrebu. Osnivaci su 3 tvrtke iz Rumunjske. Primjetite i adresu novo registrirane firme kao i djelatnost.
LOG EXPERT FIVE d.o.o. Zagreb – prihod, dobit, blokada, bonitet i vlasnici te uprava
Ovi su dobri :
- Bad cafeteria food landed all the sysadmins in the hospital
- secretary plugged hairdryer into UPS
- You must've hit the wrong any key
- solar flares
Ima ih dosta dobrih. Nazalost, u stvarnosti je vrlo vjerojatno samo ovaj:
- Of course it doesn't work. We've performed a software upgrade.
Zadnjih godina je to stvarna greska u 99% slucajeva. No nekad davno rad sistem administratora je bio osjetno jednostavnji uz ovakav automatski generator problema. Tako i tako nitko od korisnika ne bi shvatio pravi razlog.
Ponedjeljak, ne radi od ranog jutra. Netko se preko vikenda igrao nadogradnjama na necemu sto uopce ne razumije. Niti kako to radi niti zasto to radi tako kako radi.
Baš me zanima kakva će "oficijelna" isprika biti
Jel mogu ja probat?
S obzirom na udio trzista koji oni drze u ovoj drzavi, predlozio sam im da zatraze prekid trgovanja kod ZB
jer ovo otvara mogucnost za kojekakve manipulacije, a mi smo tu u nezavidnoj poziciji gdje su naruseni trzisni uvjeti na nasu stetu.
Pa to bi tek onda bila manipulacija trzistem!
Znaci, srusim posluzitelje jednog brokera i time zaustavljam trgovanje na citavom trzistu. Jedan dan Zabu (to je barem lagano), drugi dan Agram - i eto nema trgovanja dva dana. Igranje za malu djecu.
Ako vam Agram ide na zivce prebaciti se na drugog brokera. Meni svi govore da je to lagano ali vidim nikome se to ne da odraditi.
Dajte ljudi prestanite piti, radno je vrijeme a toliko alkohola nije dobro za zdravlje.
Ovi iz "Uber Alles" imaju obicaj u zadnje vrijeme ispaliti po koju signalnu raketu prije svakog pada. Bumo vidjeli kako ce ovaj tjedan biti.