222222.0222.222022.02.2021 22.2.2021
8. | ![]() | 49.427 +300 |
222222.0222.222022.02.2021 22.2.2021
8. | ![]() | 49.427 +300 |
8. | ![]() | 49.127 | +1431 dokupio |
10. Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.25.5650,43%UKUPNO5.494.67592,28% + 165
03.02.2021 18:18 | Autor: Hina
Upravo na HTV2 na regionalnom dnevniku bili su hoteli Sunce....ocito je prodaja definirana al cijena se još ne zna
sutra bi moglo bit zanimljivo
Sutra nece dobit ništa .....a sta ako je prodao koliko je mislio?
Hladnoća u Kini diže brodarse indexe za suhe terete potražnja je vrelika za energentima
Glavni indeks pomorskog teretnog prometa Baltičke burze popeo se na najviši od listopada prošle godine, dok su se stope kapeza nastavile učvršćivati. Baltički indeks suhoće, koji prati stope za brodove capesize, panamax i supramax, porastao je za 88 bodova, ili 5%, na 1.849, najviši od 9. listopada 2020. Indeks capesize porastao je za 231 bod, ili oko 7,8%, na 3.186, tromjesečna visina. Indeks je zabilježio snažne dobitke u protekla tri zasjedanja, povećavajući ukupno 1.064 boda na rekordnom hladnom vremenu u Kini, povećavajući potražnju za energijom. Prosječna dnevna zarada ...
13/01/2021 Comments Offon Stronger rates lift Baltic index to three-month peak
The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index rose to its highest since October last year as capesize rates continued to firm. The Baltic dry index, which tracks rates for capesize, panamax and supramax vessels, was up 88 points, or 5%, to 1,849, its highest since Oct. 9, 2020. The capesize index rose 231 points, or about 7.8%, to 3,186, a three-month high. The index has registered strong gains for the past three sessions, rising 1,064 points overall on record cold weather in China driving up power demand. Average daily earnings ...
12/01/2021 Comments Offon Baltic index extends rally on surging Chinese coal shipments
The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index climbed about 10% to its highest level in three months on Monday as soaring coal demand from China continued to power capesize rates higher. The Baltic dry index, which tracks rates for capesize, panamax and supramax vessels, jumped 155 points, or about 9.7%, to 1,761, its highest since mid-October last year. The capesize index gained 407 points, or about 16%, to 2,955, its highest since Oct. 13, 2020. Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 150,000-tonne cargoes such as iron ore and ...
11/01/2021 Comments Offon Dry Bulk Market: Capesizes Start the New Year With Renewed Optimism
Capesize The market has surely surprised many this week after sparking into life and quickly surpassing levels seen in November and December 2020. The Capesize 5TC ended 2020 at $16,633 and now closes out its opening week of 2021 at a resounding $21,131. Activity heated up from the middle of the week before exploding higher on Friday off the back of a heated Brazilian market. While major charterer Vale was said to be absent, rates have climbed quickly on prompter requirements scrambling to cover. Brazil to China C3 settled at ...
hoce li ispod 5kn ili preko 6kn danas?
i tako brzo i vraceno na 6-icu
a gdje ima vatre ima i dima ....vrijeme ce pokazat koje su igrice upitanju
nek stave na 100kn i da se riješe tih dionica
AZ OMF kat. B ako oni prodavaju ode na 5kn ako ne i niže
PBZ +367 dokupljuje skrbnicki